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Disrepectful member in my shotokan dojo


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well, this is karate class, and youre surely doing better than her and learning more.... i say kick her *!

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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In my belief, the instructor has the "ball", unless under contract

Over the course of this week I have learned more concerning this issue.


I'm new to the club, so I was unaware of the issues.


Apparently she is a problem child with many opther members.


Alot of other people don't like her.


She bad mouths the other senpais too.


She says "they hit to hard" "this is a club" Basically mc dojo stuff is what she expects.


We don't do that mc dojo stuff around here.




The problem of booting her comes here.


She is they type who would try to file a complaint complaing we discriminated her.


She knows she is not welcome, but keeps comming, she just has no shame or believes her constant attendance is a way to stick it to us. I don't know. I vote for no shame.


I just found out there is an issue of us having to balance student body and outside dojo members. due to school liability issues.


students MUST out number outside instructors 4-1.


We don't always have this ratio when students skip class.


so the fear comes in, that once we kick her out, she will have us audited and if any night we are not fulfilling a 4-1 ratio, we are screwed. Cause we can't MAKE students come, they come if they care, and as we all know, most beginners aren't serious and tend to flake.


So it is not cause my Sensei has no control over the class or lack of "balls".


It is because she potentially has the ability to destroy our club and dojo with one audit through the power of complaining to the school. He is being careful so she doesn't destroy everything.


I commend him for maintaining his cool.


He told part of our trainign now is to endure that annoying lady.


It is just another challenge we must all over come.

Well if the "sensei" can't tell her "what-to-do", then he shouldnt "instruct

Sensei doesn't instruct her.


It was one of her complaints.


"he doesn't teach anything, he never answers my questions!"


And I only replied with, well if you showed respect, you would get it.

Sometimes being nice and tolerant just don't work. Your instructor is not doing anything. its time for some of the female senior members of the dojo


to "work" with her. If the wheel squeeks too much it needs oil. Have a senior pair up with her for sparring class.


Either she gets the point real quick and learns or she will get frustrated and leave. I'm not talking about giving her a thrashing, just a little something to show her she has much to learn and has a long way to go before she has any bussiness opening her mouth.


A slice of humble pie....... yum... yum!!!

Unfortunately this already happened on it's own. They were paired up randomly and they did drills, not sparring.


I was not there., from what I heard ithe situation was CRAZY!


She apparenlty blasted at the female senpai, saying she hit too hard, and all that jive and then proceeded to insult her, saying she doesn't even belong in the "club" , she wasn't even a student.


It was jsut plain STUPID.


and sensei had to keep thse two apart after that cause I think they were ready to go at it.

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Ti, there is a code of conduct on all college campuses. It is clear, at least to me, that she is violating this code and thus can be expelled, or at the very least, restricted from participating in certain activities (your club, for example).


As to the ratio concern, i think you need to step back for a second and look at this with a level head. While this 'wench' may be a major problem for you guys, she may also be a major problem for the 'students.' Also, do consider that if she is a major problem in your club, she is very likely a major problem on campus as a whole. People like this 'bring' attention to themselves, and i don't doubt she has some 'comments' in her files. Indeed, if she were to make a complaint... or push for an audit, you could very well indicate that your student numbers are down precisely because of this woman's recent membership, and that your group is in the process of communicating to all previous 'student' members... that the problem child has been banned... and thus they can 'return' to the meetings.


Bring this up to your club president, your club advisor, the ASO president and the ASO advisor. A little brainstorming session could help you guys pull a few rabbits out of this ol' hat. And, remember, in situations like this, the ASO is actually on your side. The needs of the many outweigh the demands of the one. ;)


I.e., there's always a way. Oh, and i probably should mention, i served as the inter-club council president at one of the colleges i attended, so i do kinda know my ins and outs of how to circumvent the college system. :P


One more thing. Clubs in college campuses are always 'flakey' when it comes to participation, but in no uncertain terms... if an audit hits, just about every person who previously stated they were a member, will step up and state they are 'still' a member. Clubs on campuses are extracurricular activities. Something for them to do when they need a stress break, some social interaction, or just have some time to kill. Few college students become impassioned club members.... but they are still members, in a college campus sense of the word.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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I appreciate all the helpful advice warlock. I'll let you all know how things turn out as the situation progresses.


Oh and warlock, you mentioned the club constitution, our sensei is in the process of revising that right now, so we don't have any rules in writing to enforce as of the moment. Once it is all set, of course we will enforce the rules to the letter for this problem child.


BTW way warlock, since you have had experience creating and maintianing these kind of clubs, could I refer to you for advice? I know nothing about organizing a club, this is the 1st club I have ever been in. :o

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Quick, straight answer... In life we all come in contact with people that rub us the wrong way. Pray for them and just ride it out. What else can you do? Be rude to her? No, that makes you as arrogant as her.

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