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Do all these "stratergies and tactics" really work

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After reading through much of this part of the forum, i was thinking that a lot of the things that you guys talk about really would not help you at all in a real fight, i know this from expierience. I thought i was a good fighter because i beat a few kids up at school. And won a few fights out on the street at parties etc...


The last 2 weekend havent been to good for me. First i was at a underage night club, (being 16 and all) And i was jumped at 11:30, which is just before it closes, it closes at 12. And yeah i was jumped by a guy, he ran at me from the side i dident see him at all, untill he started hitting me, it took me totally by surprise and i dident know what was going on, i threw 2 punches back, but he was all over me, so i eventually went down and just protected my face untill the bouncers dragged him off and kicked him out.


Then at a party last saturday night i was approached by a kid my height, who said i was having a go at his mate (which i wasent) and i could tell he meant business, but i had already had a few drinks and i wasent up for a fight, so i said i dident do anything and if i did i dident mean it, and i walked around him and over to my friends, when i was walking past him i felt something hit me on the head, but i looked at him real quick and he had not hit me. Then when i was with my friends this girl pointed out i had blood coming down my face and yes i did, I had blood all down the left side of my face. Then my friend who saw me walk off from the guy told me he smashed a bottle over my head. I thought i was very lucky to still be standing. Was a bit wierd i dident feel it, i was not drunk at the time.


Yeah so after reading all these posts, i think much of it is useless in a real fight. A real fight does not have flashy moves, it starts real quick, and usually whoever throws the first punch wins the fight (have seen many exceptions though but this is usually the case). Then the fight will normally only last a few seconds, have not seen many that went for more than a minute.


So if people want real advice on real fighting situations by all mean ask me your questions and i will do my best to answer them. Just remember that the best thing to do is walk away as people say. But this may not always be the smartest thing to do and many times can get you into even more trouble.


- Dancin_Ash

Dont approach me, I wont approach u.

Dont insult me, I wont insult u.

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:D :D :D Nice post kid.

So if people want real advice on real fighting situations by all mean ask me your questions and i will do my best to answer them.


Im sure we are all going to be asking for you to share your many years of knowledge with us. :lol:

I was thinking that a lot of the things that you guys talk about really would not help you at all in a real fight


If you took some of the advice onboard you may have handled yourself better when you got jumped, or hit in the head with a bottle.

A real fight does not have flashy moves, it starts real quick, and usually whoever throws the first punch wins the fight (have seen many exceptions though but this is usually the case). Then the fight will normally only last a few seconds, have not seen many that went for more than a minute.


I doubt that many of us would disagree with this.

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Hm..Ash..you say your style is streets? meaning you just fight whenever a situation comes up.Well most of the members on this site are experienced fighters,they know how to think fast in situations from their training of the martial arts...you on the other hand not having the same amount of experience as them shouldnt really be telling us that this forum is basically useless.


People like me who get into a lot of fights worship this forum for its tips xP

''I know what your thinking.........did I shoot you 3 times? or did I shoot you 472 times?''

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Martial Artists aren't Supermen (although I look pretty good in my Superman jammies! :D ), and despite what you see in the movies, we don't have a super Spidey-sense that warns us of somebody jumping us from behind or hitting us over the head with a beer bottle (they have clubs down under for drinking teens? *tsk tsk*)


However, in the situations you describe above, I would imagine that these weren't incidents where you have had problems with these guys (blokes?) previously, and didn't have the training or experience to:


1. Stay sober in case you had to defend yourself.


2. Be aware of where these guys were at all times and their physical relationship to you.


3. Watch for danger signals.


4. Have enough sense to stay out of a place where these people would also be present.


The martial arts teaches your brain and body how to react to a given situation. An occasional street fight doesn't do that. A good analogy would be if I gave you a baseball bat and underhanded a few pitches to you now and then. OK, you can swing the bat and sometimes hit the ball. Are you ready for the World Series now? I don't think so. You have some fundamentals of how to hit a baseball, but you're really not very good at it in the sense that you can hit it consistently, accurately, and hard. Especially when it's tossed at 98mph.


Does that make sense? A few street fights doesn't really prepare you to fight. Sure, it helps because you are gaining experience with each one. That same experience is what the martial arts is all about. Our experiences are through rigorous training, constant (daily if possible) practice, sparring, self-defense techniques, etc. In other words, we are preparing to enter the "World Series" if we need to.


By the way...at 16 years of age, you might think you know it all, done it all (typical teen attitude), but trust me bud...you haven't hardly scratched the surface of what the real world is like, and what is possible. My suggestion is to find a good martial arts teacher and sign up for some classes and see what happens. I think within the first week or two, you would come back here with an entirely different attitude about the arts. Assuming of course, you have a good instructor and a good system that you are learning.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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cross: thanks for the compliment


Shorinryu Sensei: martial artist arnt supermen, yeah i agree with that. cause no one can beat superman!!


I was not drinking at the club where i got jumped, its a non-alchool event. I was fine.


You said i should learn to stay sober so i can defend myself amd tp stay out of places where people who dont like me will be.


I was out to have a good time with my mates i had a few drinks yeah that what you do when you are young. I did not even know the bloke that had a go at me and smashed a bottle on me head, so i had no knowledge to stay away from that certain party. I am sure if somebody wanted to bash me at a party i would either not go, or go with plenty of strong mates who can fight and which will back me up


You also mention me being 16, i think i know it all and i have done it all. This is totally wrong just because i am a teenager does not automatically make me think like this, i know that i havent done it all and i certainly dont know it all, i have a lot more living to do ahead of me.


I have learnt martial arts, I did karate for 2 years but the instructer wasent very good, he was really into me getting into competitons because they had not done very well in competitions and i was the best in my class so he usually did more with me and excluded the other people, i thought this was bad, so i left. I then started Tae Kwon Do and did this for 2 and a half years. Was good at the start i enjoyed it but it got boring after a while so i left, my friends have asked me to do boxing and kick boxing with them, but right now i try to teach myself and get people to show me how to do certain moves so that i know the proper way to do them. My dad has taught me plenty.

Dont approach me, I wont approach u.

Dont insult me, I wont insult u.

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Wait a second here...in your first post you said...

but i had already had a few drinks and i wasent up for a fight, - Dancin_Ash


From your statement, it sounds like you were drinking alcohol. Soda pop, fruit juice (nto counting wine of course) and water doesn't affect your fighting ability, so what else was I to gather from that statement except that you were drinking alcohol?


Now you say...

was not drinking at the club where i got jumped, its a non-alchool event. I was fine.


OK, so you weren't drinking...but then you said...

I was out to have a good time with my mates i had a few drinks yeah that what you do when you are young.


OK, maybe I'm confused here...but were you drinking alcohol...or weren't you? And that's not what I did when I was young. Party, yes, but no alcohol until I was old enough to legally drink...and then I made up for the time I wasted not drinking! :roll: Be a leader..not a follower bud. Just because everybody else is doing it, doesnt' mean you have to. (Sorry, I'm a Dad...lecture over :roll: )


So, this guy that smashed a bottle over your head. You didn't know him...never seen him before and never had problems with him previously? And for some reason, he just jumps out of the crowd and picks you...not the guy next to you...to smash a bottle over your head? Why am I having problems believing this? Do you have a tattoo of a target on your head perhaps? do you wear a t-shirt that says "I'm the toughest, most bad-* MF'er you've ever met!" written on it?


Come on guy...there had to be some reason he chose you to hit. People rarely jsut randomly hit somebody over the head with a bottle. If they wanted to do that, they would more liekly just toss it in the air and see who it hits..not step up to a total stranger and bash them.


Now, you';ve had 4 1/2 years of martial arts training. 2 1/2 years of TKD, and 2 years of karate..right? And in the karate class that you took first, you were the best in the class? Doing the math here, and assuming you just quit the TKD class recently, and were in it for 2 1/2 years, then the oldest you could have been when you quit the karate class and assuming you immediately started the TKD class...(16 minus 2.5...carry the one....oh crap...need to sharpen my pencil :roll: )...was 13. Is my math right? And at 13, you were the best student your instructor had? Possible of course...but a bit surprising. No adults in the class at all?


Look...I'm really not trying to pick on you....really. If you chose to frequent places where alcohol is served...or not served (get that story straight, will ya please?)..or you drink prior to going to these places, and these places are frequented by people that randomly hit other people in the head with bottles or just jump on you for no reason :roll: , then you need to find something else to do, or learn to defend yourself, or start being awware of your surroundings better. All of which, by the way, come out of good martial arts instruction.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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I was out to have a good time with my mates i had a few drinks yeah that what you do when you are young.

get into fights to see how well i could fight :idea:


Back to topic.


Yes..Shorinryu is correct..you keep changing and changing what you talk about and his calculations( :o ) are correct.


He's sensing something very fishy around here :roll:

''I know what your thinking.........did I shoot you 3 times? or did I shoot you 472 times?''

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for the serious part of your post -yes and no. some of the strategies will work for some people and some won't - not everything works for everyone. That's what your coach, sensei, sifu, etc. is for. However, you may still pick up some ideas to work on here. There are some posts that are blatant *, but those can be spotted.


As for the rest of your post, whatever. If you only spent two years in MA and under a questionable instructor, you really haven't "learnt" anything. And as for fighting experience, some of us have more in our pinky finger than you will ever have...

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