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Patience is a virtue..

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Patience eh? Well, I'd say that you should realize that losing your patience will make the interval of time you are experiencing seem even longer. So tell yourself that if you lose your patience, it's going to end up delaying you further.


Of course if that fails you can always find the nearest sibling or best friend and beat the living snot out of them. :bigwink:

I don't try to understand, it would be a waste of time. Instead I only try to understand.

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When my computer freezes up I simply turn it off. From the power strip if necessary.


The I go get a drink of ice tea or something nice. Or maybe hit the bag a bit and let the computer have a break. Then I turn it back on and reboot.


Actually it is my printer I tend to call names - it eats too much paper. After I insult it I get up and go behind the printer open the back panel and pull out the paper jam. Turn it off and back on and restart what ever it was I was trying to print.



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well Sai I also mean say you have typed something up or downloaded something then your computer freeze and you get angry cause you were almost finished writing it up or downloading I can understand that :nod:



when you do your best it`s going to show.

"If you watch the pros, You will learn something new"

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I see Kicker and how I see. Msn does a particulary good job of disconnecting me right at the end of long downloads. Like in the last 15 minutes of a 6 hour down load. The first few times that happened I sent the support people nasty emails.


Now when I want to download something that is important or going to be a long download I make sure I am signed on to AOL. They disconnect me much less frequently. In fact since I have upgraded to 7.0 I have not been disconnect at all.


If I am working on things off line that are a bit more lengthy I stop and save frequently.


I had an old 486 that taught me the value of periodic saving of a project while working on it. Better yet now that I have a cd-rw I back up the hard drive on a regular basis.



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Two words mate: SELF MUTILATION...


Whenever i get seriously peeved, rather than risk saying or doing something stupid to my friends/family i smack myself in the stomach a couple of times and punch the walls... It's really great therapy! And everytime after that i calm down easier cos i know if i get mad then i'll be nursing a sore stomach and knuckles for a couple of days...


It really works! No bull!


Angus :karate: :up:



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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well Angus I would really want that i would like it if I tough my angry out on a punching/kicking bag cause then no harm will be done to your home if you break the walls or put a crack you wouldn't want your parents yelling at you if you still live with them :nod:


plus you would get a bad stomach ace or something but you can do your own way which evr way works best for you :smile:



when you do your best it`s going to show.

"If you watch the pros, You will learn something new"

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Abusing the walls is generally frowned on by management here. And could be grounds for having to go find a new place to live.


I quiet enjoy my punching bag. It is one of the best anger/frustration management techniques ever invented. An interesting note I started with a jr. model punching bag. As time wore on and I got stronger I started knocking it over and had to upsize to the standard bag. Having the bag fall over everytime I hit it during a session was not fun and even more stress producing.


As you get older you find that anger/stress/frustration management techniques will periodically have to be assessed and modified.


And as we grow internally our techinques and methods change too.



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