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Taezee (Javier)..Welcome back! Missed reading your postings because honestly I usually agree to whatever you post here... :wink:


I found something out the other day which I wasn't aware of...that TKD schools that teach "sport" TKD for competion/Olympic training are spelled taekwondo and "traditional" TKD is spelled Tae Kwon Do .


I honestly didn't know that until I went online to find out mainly because another TKD school opened up in a shopping center right down the street from our school (less than a mile). It is a 'franchise" wherein ours is privately owned and more family oriented. This school's instructors are all Korean...(hardly speak a word of English)...and main advertisement of school is DISCIPLINE. We've have lost some students to this new school because of this premise of theirs...parents want their children to be taught discipline... :dodgy:


I even heard that one parent actually asked one of the masters to "beat up" his son in a sparring match to show him (2nd deg. black belt) that he hasn't learned all that he can from our school and that these masters can offer his son combative training.


Well, ok...maybe there are some people out there that may want to train with Korean masters that have spent the majority of their lives studying TKD many many hours a day...but lets be realistic...many students cannot devote the time, l(school work, sports, work, other extracurricular activities) let alone have the "instilled" discipline to train in such a fashion. (Plus paying close to 200.00 a month tuition...yes, this is their tuition after they get you in for their introductory price).


Yes, we will lose students to this school...but I have a feeling we will see them again soon! :nod:


We have many other schools in our area...and we have quite the enrollment....over past 12 years more than 100 students have attained their black belts not to mention have swept trophies from many area tournaments in northeast. Our school must be doing something right!


:karate: :up:





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interesting dilemma you have there KICKCHICK...........one other point.........watch out for what parents say about discipline because when it come to strict techniques they think something else...(like don't be so hard on them because there children)...... :nod:



rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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hey deby, nice to hear from you...I hear what youre saying..now people assume because your korean your great in taekwondo and that you are a ligitamate master....some of the biggest crooks i know are korean "masters"... 200.00 a month? who would pay that?and as for discipline..people think that it is necessary to have a military type atmosphere to achieve discipline..that beatings and yelling down on students and intimidation will bring about discipline...i have parents request the same of me..and truthfully this was the way i was trained...but times have changed...youre more likely to lose students training this way . I feel now you can acomplish discipline without making the student feel like they are in a p.o.w. camp..just by following the traditonal dojang rules and tennets will give the student a sense of being or identity which are important in instilling discipline..nowadays punishment for breaking rules in class are more of a physical thing such as pushups..sprints e.t.c. when i was coming up..you got whipped hard with a bamboo stick..and im not talking about a little tap im talking you would hear the stick cutting the air with a big whoosh a then SMACK!! some nights i would leave the dojang with welts and not be able to sit for a few days..i got it alot because i was always the class clown..even my instructor would be laughing while whipping me for things i did in class..back then we just accepted it it was part of the training..today try that and see how fast a lawyer comes to your dojang with a lawsuit. so we had to adjust over the years...I recall one incident in which all week long i was hurting people sparring..i would not hold back..just pow one after one..i was a red belt then..and my master(atef himaya) kept yelling at me to control..but i kept on..so on the last night as i was getting changed to leave..everyone else had already left..as i was heading for the door he came out of his office with the key and locked the door..he then turned to me and said you like full contact? im going to show you full contact..he then proceeded to give me the worst beating of my life..for about 20 minutes all i did was get bounced around the dojang like a handball..when it was over i had lumps ,bruises,i was bleeding from my mouth and nose and could barely walk out to my car..you may say wow that guy was crazy..but ill tell you what after that night i developed the best controlled kicking that school has ever seen..the next demonstration we had i was kicking cigarretes out of multiple peoples mouths..just thought id share that but im getting off the point things are alot more complex today then back then :smile:

Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"

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Many thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. You can see the dillema we are faced with then. Either you are too hard on the (child) student or you are not hard enough...and you can't have it both ways. There are some people that were trained as you were (back in the day)that would love to bring that discipline back to martial arts. It won't work today! The lawyers would have a field day!...


...yes, I remember when I wore a uniform and had my knuckles slapped with a ruler and made to clean toilets in the lav when I was in elementary school...those days are long gone...but it too taught me a lesson too! (Don't hike up your uniform skirt too high! ) :brow:


...glad to see you back safe & sound Taezee





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yes its kind of a paradox..some parents know that they have kids that are out of control so they bring them to me to teach discipline...now what can i do? one week your telling me to discipline your kid and the next your telling me im too hard and the next im talking to your lawyer.its ridiculous..parents need to take resposibilties at home to bring thier kids up with discipline not to let them walk all over them, then wonder what to do when they are teenagers who laugh at them when they tell them to do something or worse..i had one girl slap her mother when her mother bought her in to speak with me about her behavior at school...my first instinct was to choke her..all i could do was explain to her how wrong her actions where but at this point are my words really going to change what shes been getting away with all her life?its a serious problem in society today..and im not even talking about all these kids youve got running around with guns in school..or taking drugs or getting pregant..all these things have become so common that were not even shocked anymore..but let me lay the back of my hand on a kid who really needs it and im off to jail..parents too.kid makes one call to child protective service and they dont even want to hear what the parents have to say..they will come in take the kid out and now they are under investigation..whats this world coming to? :weirdlook:



Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"

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