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Well, no one posted in here yet so i figured I'd be the first.


These forums wil really be big, very well designed. Kudos!


I look forward to sharing and gaining knowledge from all of the members.


:grin: 'Till next time...

-Sean Killeen

Webmaster, Web Designer/Developer, Content Engineer

InterFall Design -- http://www.InterFall.com

"Where the Internet Flows"

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello and congratulations on starting this forum........i hope to see lots of activity and insightfull conversation here.


to protect good and right in the world



rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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  • 2 months later...

here's a thread i found at the bottom with no real subject.


how about i ask a question here. :idea:




for instance:


what would your school motto be?


what other techniques would you use?(grappling,breaking,poomse,boxing)


what would be the youngest/oldest student you would allow?


what belt colors/stages would you use.


would you associate with an organization?


thats all i can think of for now, but you get the idea............. :idea:


i'm really interested in you views and insights.




rushman (taekwondo moderator)


3rd dan




[ This Message was edited by: iamrushman on 2001-09-03 03:43 ]

rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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sure anyone is qualified to answer this question....what would you include if you were to open a school.


poomse.......forms or kata........ :nod:


see korean terminolgy thread in this section for more...... :cowboy:



rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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If I were to open a TKD school, I would incorporate some boxing and a little grappling. With the long range techniques of TKD, I think that the close in techniques would really help develop a well rounded fighter.




The Hand is quicker than the eye!

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Great question...


1. motto---"Rule to live by" tough one to answer quickly...the tenants and then some, it could take a while to answer,




2. If you open a TKD school what techniques would you use? well I would not categorize my school as a TKD school, but use and teach my experience, a.k.a whatever works.


3. age? I would not turn anyone down who has the capabilities and desire to learn. In my 27 plus years of teaching, training and fighting, i have taught as young as 2 and as old as 75 plus.

"there are no limits to those who believe." Jerry trimble


4. Belt colors/ stages...Hmmn...??? i'de have to think about that for a while, even though belts don't mean a thing, today...


as an owner and instructor...you have to recognize the levels of students in a school when the numbers are high to know who learns what and where everyone is as well as giving students goals in their training, which is very important in all aspects of life.


5. an organization? probably not, but you never know..it all depends on their morals and beliefs. haven't found one that has set aside their ego to make a difference.


of course my beiliefs and thoughts of the martial art and what they can offer to society as well as bring about the concepts of changes in the world are different than most...but that's me.


when i talk about ego and letting it go as an artist...


I once had the biggest ego in the arts... fighting in and out of the ring; World champion status and all the trouble that goes along with egotism.


now as i've grown up a bit and still growing... i see differently and what the martial arts is truley all about; so, now i TRY and live LIFE as it was meant to live with everything i've learned and learn from my mistakes.


I believe that the majority of martial artists in the world today have to first release the ego in order to experience the true benefits of the martial arts and life.


Enjoy the Journey...










[ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-04 18:02 ]


[ This Message was edited by: Jerry Trimble on 2001-09-04 21:45 ]

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Jerry...just checked out your site! Well done and most impressive. :up:


(can I have your autograph???) :blush:


Owners of our school are debating to sell within a couple of years .. many of us within the school would love the opportunity to take it over and I'm sure each one of us would keep the core attributes of how the school is currently run plus adding some of our own ideas.


First and foremost, I would add a Jr. Blackbelt dan. Upon turning 16-18, individual must complete the requirements of Adult Blackbelt 1st deg.


Secondly, I do think it's important for students to "learn" the history of the martial art that they are training in. This could be achieved by posting short "korean"


terminology around the 'dojo' w/translation...posters, articles on bullentin boards, etc.


It is difficult to answer the question until you are truly faced with the reality of truly owning your own school. You also have to make a profit...keep that in mind! :nod:







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right now i just teach at two different dojangs which my friends own..im saving money and considering opening my own..i plan to have a format that will go back to the more basic and practical taekwondo not the watered down sport version which is now prevalent in the U.S. im am appalled at the state of taekwondo today..if we dont do a 360 turn its going to evaporate into some tag game rather than a martial art. the olympics were supposed to make us great but in my opinion it has done the oppisite..the majority of schools now train about 70% for competition rather than actual combat ..combine that with the fast promotion rate(average about 2 years training now for 1st dan) our foundation is crumbling....i feel it is our responsibility to reinstate the more traditional training..we are the current generation..and what do we have to pass on??I would have a school where actual accomplishment would determine the students next promotion..and not the amount of times a week the student shows for class,,and not for the 40 dollars i would get for the test...i would stress respect and discipline and you can check your ego at the front door..and you will be a real fighter not some idiot who has 40 medals from various tornaments but cant even throw a punch correctly...or cannot preform 50 push ups...the kind of school im suggesting probably would close its doors within the first month becuase of the spoiled crybaby..give me my belt now mentality which is out there today...we are not patient..disciplined enough to train hard core..for reality..but would rather look cool with a couple of flashy kicks and a black belt..my school would be the oppisite of all that....in the name of making money alot of instructors have submitted to the american fast tract and sacrificed taekwondo,,,,the motto for my school would be "dont ask me when youre next test is...you will know when you are ready" :evil:



Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"

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