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Falling For It

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Well, ive been practicing alot over meditation right? Working on clearing my mind, focusing on one thing at a time. Well today i relaxed my self alot, and just focused. Well anyway, i think i actually fell into the state of meditation, but im not sure. Ill describe the situation. It all of a sudden gets quite, and i feel like im not in the same place anymore, it just feels like im in an open area. It felt really weird, so I stopped, but when I opened my eyes, i felt really awake. Is what happened to me the right thing? or am i just weird? :-?

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Well, ive been practicing alot over meditation right? Working on clearing my mind, focusing on one thing at a time. Well today i relaxed my self alot, and just focused. Well anyway, i think i actually fell into the state of meditation, but im not sure. Ill describe the situation. It all of a sudden gets quite, and i feel like im not in the same place anymore, it just feels like im in an open area. It felt really weird, so I stopped, but when I opened my eyes, i felt really awake. Is what happened to me the right thing? or am i just weird? :-?


Maybe you just dozed off? :D

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Ill describe the situation. It all of a sudden gets quite, and i feel like im not in the same place anymore, it just feels like im in an open area. It felt really weird, so I stopped, but when I opened my eyes, i felt really awake. Is what happened to me the right thing? or am i just weird? :-?


Sounds like how I feel after a long meeting. :D

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Sounds like how I feel after a long meeting. :D


Ahhhhh...the infamous "Zen-Meeting" technique. A difficult form of meditation to master (without getting caught or snoring). :brow:

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Meditation isn't forced, it is done. The act of forcing it disrupts the purity of the meditation. When yoda says "do or do not, there is no try", he's kind of alluding to this (as there were a lot of zen overtones to star wars).


There's always all sorts of stories people like to use to illustrate that meditation or zen can not be forced. I don't remember the exact wording of this one, and I don't care to look it up, but this one goes something like this.


A student sought out a famous sword master seeking instruction. He asked the sword master how long it would take him if he to master the sword if he tried hard. The master replied that it would take him ten years. The student then asked how long it would take if he tried twice as hard, to which the master responded that it would take 25 years. Finally, the student asked that if he tried with all his might, how long would it take. The master replied that it would take a lifetime, if it ever happened at all.


Don't take the wrong message from this. People like to point to this and say that you must never think, only feel when taking martial arts. I believe that you have to do both, but never let your thinking get in the way of feeling. In the case of meditation, you must simply command (without forcing, without commanding) it to happen. In fact, it happens on it's own, because something as concrete as your self does not exist...but that's all zen anyway. That is why some monks would focus on a mandala or repeat a mantra, because that act of repetition or abstract focus would empty themselves. I prefer simply have it happen. I don't, for example, prefer the zen buddhist way. Back then, the master would give the student a koan to solve at the beginning of the day. If the student did not get it, he would be mercilessly beaten. The fear of being beaten was supposed to break the mind from all rational thought and help the student to achieve zen...just an interesting note on how it was "back in the old days".


Point is, if you are forcing yourself, then you are going about it the wrong way.

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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