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That showy finishing move...

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dude man...i thikn u think u think bettr n us...i talk way iwant...type way iwant...un thees days i coman hit u....flahs punch 2 ur faice.....maik yur hed spin...


...That was much more difficult making it up, I'm sure.

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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Anyways, back to the thread...No, as a rule I don't do a lot of spinning in heay sparring. The only time I have spun and actually done some damage was when I was sparring (or fighting-the lines kind of blurred) one of my "friends" got me in a clinch, at which point I threw a spinning elbow into his face.

The greatest clarity is profound silence.

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As for the sparring, I do use spinning hook kick while I spar. It has been a good friend at times, and not so good a friend at other times. If you find someone a half step quicker than you, you will find that they can slip in something as simple as a reverse punch while you're spinning. If you are the quicker one though, and your aim is good, it can be a good point getter.


I've been lucky enough to not have had to usu any of my training in a "real-life" situation, but I think getting fancy when it comes down to life or death, might be a little over the top.

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While sparring I do use the odd spinning back kick/side kick. I also like to use the jumping spinning back kick, but it must be at the right time. In street fights, no fancy stuff. I stick to side and front kicks and I also use ax kicks to finish. But I mainly avoid fights and only fight if I really have to.


In my school days it also came out via another kickboxer that I was able to help myself and the bullies pushed me around and told me that they will kick my * and my kickboxing's too ..... I always just smiled, turned around and walked off, even though I would have loved to kick his spine out making use of a front kick. None of them ever did dare take me on. Sure they pushed me and the one guy gave me a headbut, in which he ended up getting more hurt than what I did.


I can not handle bullies and I teach my eldest son (almost 4 years old) not to be a bully and not to take it from bullies either.

"You do not truly know someone until you fight him." - Seraph

"To be the best, you must be the best." - Me

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like this guy made some mistakes in his past (haven't we all)(maybe not the same ones) and learned from them.


Glad to hear that you came around. Living like that will get you put in your place one day, maybe permanently.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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  • 2 weeks later...

where i come from the flash finnishing move gets you locked up :x


but im glad to hear you ve changed your ways :P


Ryu Kyu Christian Karate Federation

"Do not be dependent on others for your improvement. Pay respect to God and Buddha

but do not reley on them." Musashi

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, luckily i haven't had the need for a real fight. no one messes with me. not saying that like i'm huge or nothing but i guess most people can tell i'm willing to fight. i don't know, but whatever it is, i havn't found the need to yet. with that over, i don't thinkyou did anything wrong....unless you started the fight. as my favorite saying goes "you started the fight, i'm gonna finish it". when i do have to get into a fight (expecting that one pretty soon...lol) i ain't going to stop until he's knocked out or the school cops drag me off. no scence in looking over my shoulder. my dad used to fight all the time. in one of them a guy was on the ground after my dad beat him adn was like "please, no more" so my dad was like "fine, i'm letting you off of this one" and turned around. the dude threw him a nut shot. stunned my dad and had him for a sec.....by the end of it the dudes are was broken and my dad kept wiggiling it around : ) but, after that he didn't show mercy. so, i wouldn't neither. finish it right then and there. or the dude might be like "lucky shot" and start again......he won't do that if you leave him unconsius. and, as a side note, you want a good move that real effective and will give that good look you were talking about doing infront of the girls? if the guy isn't real built but not to fat, once you got him like bent over or something to where you got a spare secound, reach for his stomache. on the side there are ribd that, like i said if he isn't extreamly fat or built, you can grab on to. grab them and pull. blood will come out of there mouths and they won't me able to do a frekin thing. one face shot more and there done. haven't tried it but i know someone that didn't it a few times...works like a charm.

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I detest guys like that....using what theyve learned for bad purposes.....I came up against one of them at work one night.....after being kicked out of the bar by one of the other bouncers, he started spouting all kinds of crap about how he was a 3rd dan in TKD, and that he was gonna kick the other bouncers * now that they were outside.....I simply informed him that I have students who have earned their sandan, and if he wanted to "dance"....put the music on and lets go.....he came at me with a double jump kick, I blocked both of them and hit him with a roundhouse kick to the stomach that buckled and dropped him on the sidewalk.....he learned his lesson the hard way......dont be a bully.....you may come up against someone who aint gonna take it.....and give it back twice as hard.....lol.

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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basically, i think that if you start the fight, then your in the wrong. if you just fight back after someone starts it, then you ok. no use in feeling bad about beating someone if they started the fight.....what, would you rather of lost?

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