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That showy finishing move...

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I'm about to write something that has been bugging me for years. It was back in my Kickboxing days just after i received my 1st Dan and i was all big into showing people how good i was and i was always looking for fights and all that sort of stupid teenage thing. I got into a fight with a bloke bigger than i was, and i had him beaten after a bit of wrestling, and he was pretty much out on his feet after i punched him in the nose.


So there he was clutching his bleeding nose, bent over in range of my spinning heel. I knew there were my mates and some girls watching, so what did i do? I threw the spinning heel and luckily hit his hands (which he put up to defend himself) and crashed with the remainder of my force into his head with the arch of my foot. Not good technique i'll admit, but it knocked him out cold.


I won the fight, but the thing that bugged me was that i had won it before i did that showy finishing move and i've always hated the fact that i didn't show him the same kind of mercy that i would have liked to have been shown myself. Have any of u ever had an experience like this? Do u use spinning kicks in real fighting or heavy sparring?


Rick :karate: :up:

RJT: 2nd Degree Black Belt Freestyle Kickboxer - 3rd Gup HapKiDoist - 6th Kyu Zen Go Shu KarateKa

Just Kick Them, They'll Understand...


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hmmmmmm...it sounds to me like you're a bully and like hurting people. Personally, if you were my student, you'd have been kicked out of my class the first time you started a fight. You are saying basically, that you are what I hate about some people in the arts. Using your skills for other than what they were intended for, and you are giving me, and any other martial artist in the world a bad name. You make people afraid of us, and think we are all like you. Just thugs looking to use out skills on any hapless person.


With that said, you stated that this was a couple of years ago. Are you the same way now? I'm hoping not.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Oh god no man, i am most certainly not the same as i was. I was back then everything that i hate and despise now. It was a few years ago and i've matured a fair bit since then. You're right to have a go at me though, it was a reckless and idiot thing i did an d i'm lucky i didn't kill the bloke.


To add to the story though, my Shihan did find out and i was in HUGE trouble and was almost kicked out of the school. I had to mature and do a lot of work to get back into his good books.


Sorry for making u angry dude.


Rick :karate: :up:

RJT: 2nd Degree Black Belt Freestyle Kickboxer - 3rd Gup HapKiDoist - 6th Kyu Zen Go Shu KarateKa

Just Kick Them, They'll Understand...


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You didn't make me angry...but I've had a fair amount of experience with "martial artists" that use their skills poorly by beating up people just for the hell of it. years ago one of these people, a TKD state champion, tried that * with me and ended up on his butt with a bloody nose, and me standing over him telling him "If you get up and swing at me again, I'm REALLY going to hurt you!"


He stayed on the floor, and I left. I never had problems with him again.


I've also probably kicked a dozen or so people ouit of class for starting fights. I detest bullies in any form, and I'm glad you've straighted out and matured. The martial arts is perceiverd by the general public as a bunch of potential dangerous people just looking to use their skills to beat the crap out of someone. That hurts all of uws. "A few bad apples..."

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Yeah for sure, it's always the bad minority that ruin it for everyone. Interesting enough though, i used to be really reserved and quiet, and got picked on heaps. One day i defended myself and suddenly all the guys who were picking on me thought i was cool, and i really liked it. So i guess i went from being bullied to being the bully and i loved every moment of it! Now i look back on it and shiver.


Rick :karate: :up:

RJT: 2nd Degree Black Belt Freestyle Kickboxer - 3rd Gup HapKiDoist - 6th Kyu Zen Go Shu KarateKa

Just Kick Them, They'll Understand...


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Luckily the majority of bullies in the martial arts aren't that skilled, at least from the few I've seen.


I know how you feel Shorinryu. It's somehow getting around that I'm a martial artist now...and many in my area are ignorant to the subject. It doesn't help that I'm a paranormal investigator on top of it, plus my element of surprise is half gone!

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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flashy moves in real fights to me just dont fit in. Flashy moves should be kept to tournaments and for showing off to friends, i can see how you had the opportunity to use a move a bit out of the ordinary. Me i would have jus walked over and pushed me over if he was basically out of it but was still standing. Or if i had him beat but he wasent quite down yet and he could still defend himself, i would just walk up go for the left jab but behold i was faking and smack him with my right hand, finished.


Flashy moves are basically useless in a real fight


enough said

Dont approach me, I wont approach u.

Dont insult me, I wont insult u.

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Fair enough, but I don't think that's the point of the topic. I think he posted it to show his remorse, and how he's grown since then.

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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wat a bully man.... like i said to another guy change ur life style.. wai mean is dont pik becuz once ur gonan go at a skinny guy thats gonna make ur head spin... :P

Learn with your heart...

Speak with knowledge...

Fight like a sword...

Convince with words...

And uuuh just a suggestion

Drink like a MAN!!!

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wat a bully man.... like i said to another guy change ur life style.. wai mean is dont pik becuz once ur gonan go at a skinny guy thats gonna make ur head spin... :P


Or to translate...(I think anyway)


like i said to another guy change ur life style


Like I said to another guy, "Change your life style"...


wai mean is dont pik becuz once ur gonan go at a


What I mean is, don't pick (a fight) because once you're going to fight a...


skinny guy thats gonna make ur head spin


skinny guy that's going to make your head spin.


Now, don't ask me what the heck that means, because I have no idea! :-?


Just trying to help out those people out there that don't speak garbage English. :roll:

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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