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If I Had a Million Dollars!

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If I had a Million Dollars,I would open a free martial arts school! I know this sounds weird, but its my dream!


I would have woodshops , and metalworking shops to teach to students how to build there on swords and other weapons.Then once the students have made the weapon,then they learn with it.


I would probably have it located in the woods, by a body of water...


I think it would be intresting :)

"Knowledge is Power!"


Martial Arts

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If its a free school,and if you had all those things you just said,you wouldnt last to long with the schools financial problems.


Im also curious to know what style would you teach them..since you have ''none'' for styles.And do you have enough experience to teach how to handle weapons?

''I know what your thinking.........did I shoot you 3 times? or did I shoot you 472 times?''

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If I had a Million Dollars,I would open a free martial arts school! I know this sounds weird, but its my dream!


I would have woodshops , and metalworking shops to teach to students how to build there on swords and other weapons.Then once the students have made the weapon,then they learn with it.


I would probably have it located in the woods, by a body of water...


I think it would be intresting :)


A nice dream Matousek, but unrealistic actually. I play the lottery once in a while when it gets over $60 million (figure then it's worth my buck! :lol: ) and I've thought about what I'd do if I ever hit it.


Martial arts-wise, I'd only teach the students that I currently have, because if you opened a free school, you'd be looking at scam artists joining that are only looking to get hit once in the face, and sue the heck out of you to get at your money. It's a sad fact of life I'm afraid.


Also, although teaching for free is admirable also, and I've done it twice since I started teaching classes...nobody would come or stay for long. It's a strange "quirk" of the human mind that if they don't have something invested into it, they won't take it seriously. Other sensei I've talked to have had similar experiences. To give an example, my own sensei decided not to charge any more after 3 years of charging, and within a month our class of 15 students went down to 5...sometimes less. People would rather sit home and watch reruns of Hee-Haw than pack up their gear and go to class, because they don't have anything invested in it.


Like I said Matousek...a nice dream, but not realistic in the "real world".

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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