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somebody yells comments at you

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why would you go and talk to him? his friends werent around then, but im sure he hasnt cut all ties with them.


also, where i come from, wrestlingkaratewhatever, we value intelligence. an intelligent person realizes that names and verbal abuse is nothing, and that taking on five guys alone is idiotic.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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Where I come from, if 5 guys are saying something and you don't do anything, you're looked at as if you're a well, I can not say it in this forum. You get the idea. You got to stand up for yourself, where would you be if you didn't?


Wow...I've always thought Martial Arts helped me feel more secure in who I am...I don't have to prove to anyone else what I can do because I know I can do it...


What happened to fighting outside of class for self defense purposes only? A verbal attack is far from a physical attack, and were I a judge seeing the case of you 'assaulting' 5 guys (which I don't care who you are, that's stupid b/c you don't know what kinds of weapons they may have, especially if the place you live is actually as rough as you make it sound), I'd find you guilty of assault...I don't believe name-calling is illegal...Besides, as a martial artist, we are to practice self control. If I went out beating up everyone who called me names or said something not nice about me, I'd probably be like, the Godmother or something... :roll: (not really, just trying to make a point, I just don't get to know people like that so they can't get to know me... :idea: )


IMHO, It takes a bigger person to just walk away.


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..." Phil. 4:13

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I dont think you should have even went up and talked to him, but to answer you question if he attacked you, only after you saying something to him then he would be at fault. Unless ofcourse he could prove that your verbal speach put fear into him. Him being a male and you a female is going to make a bit of a difference and harder for him to try and prove something like that. But in the situation you explained here he would most likely be at fault, even if you said a few threatining statements, unless of course your a complete crazy and went off the wall while talking to him and he feard his life so much that he had to hall of and defend himself hahahahahahahahahha its TRUE

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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my abilities have grown since then. i think the only reason that i aproched him in the first place was that i doubted my own abilities.


i have had no problems with them since though. i havent even seen them play basketball in the area that i was verbally assulted. they used to play there all the time.


what i did probly scared him. after all i am a little bigger than him, i approched him while he was in his car outside his home and in front of his dad. his dad was too far away to hear what i had said so he could have lied about what i said and could have claimed i was a friend he was talking to.

the funny thing is that i know im wrong and i know your right, yet you keep argueing like it will change my mind. you should really know, you dont have to be right to win:)

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haha so you tried calling him out in front of his dad, brave very brave


but it sounds like you've learned so thats awsome

A True Martial Arts Instructor is more of a guide than anything, on your way to developing the warrior within yourself!!!!!

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i like your saying, i have nearly 20 instructors between my 2 MA's and i really have had only 2 instructors, one in Tae Kwon Do and one in jujitsu that have acted as a guide and prompted me to be more than what the art had to offer.

the funny thing is that i know im wrong and i know your right, yet you keep argueing like it will change my mind. you should really know, you dont have to be right to win:)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with White Warlock and 47MartialMan. When you reach a certain level in martial arts, or rather a certain point in life, you realize the power is knowing that you can.


It's good that you walked away when you did without saying anything, as you demonstrated that you have power over them. I think throughout the time you made your original post and when you replied above that you learned this.


Still, at least you didn't resort to violence off hand, as some may have. At least that shows some control.

Close Quarters Combat Tactics - Hope to see you there!
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  • 2 months later...

Yeah. Best idea though, is to follow the 4 pt code.










Sensei says there's a good reason attack is last. I'd have to agree.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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