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Get a pullup bar :)


You'll get strong, and build a heck of a grip too.


Dont think the corridors are tall enough down here in the basement rooms unfortunately :( But I have access to the gym and I'm about to get help in setting up a routine :D LET IT BEGIN!!!

Slowly but surely

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Just remember....martial arts is about lengthening the muscle, not bulking it like weightlifting......If you chose to weightlift as supplemental excercise, keep your reps 20+ in your sets, so you can facilitate a fat burning routine, and remember to stretch frequently.


Is there any point to stretching even if you did not exercise such as in the morning and evening before going to bed?

Slowly but surely

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Well folks! My first class is over and I must say it was a great learning experience. We started off by warming up with jumping jacks and other exercises. I got winded a few times even to the point of nearly passing out, but thats probably because my body isnt conditioned and I wasnt breathing properly...and I didnt eat much and get hydrated before I went there...yeah not a good combination but hey, I know better now and will prepare better for this sunday. I was actually surprised and honored that the sensei chose my quite a few times to help him demonstrate moves and techniques. Gotta memorize how to count to ten in Japanese too...awesome stuff!

Slowly but surely

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Stretching is ALWAYS a good thing....do it whenevr and wherever you can...this applies to weightlifting as well as martial arts.


Dre.....hope you enjoyed your first class.....cant wait to talk about it with you.....welcome to a new world....enjoy it, and remember to ask as many questions as you can. We are all here to support, and guide you.

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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Glad you enjoyed your first class! :)


I'd recommend stretching every day if possible. However, it is better to strech when the muscles are warmed up, so even if you can't do a full work-out, then warm up before you strech with some jumping jacks or a little jogging on the spot or similar.


As for equipment, I'd suggest that you invest in a good-quality heavy bag and use it regularly.

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Thanks for the support folks! I am so pumped to whip my body into shape now and really get into this Goju ryu karate. The sensei even told me specficially that he hopes I come back, so I defintely wont disappoint. Jules, hopefully you can help me set up a workout plan soon.


Btw, sensei used the word "Sempai" alot - does that just mean student or something? Thanks and can someone post how to count to 10 in Japanese so I can memorize it by Sunday? Or maybe I will just look it up. Thanks again guys :karate:

Slowly but surely

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Btw, sensei used the word "Sempai" alot - does that just mean student or something? Thanks and can someone post how to count to 10 in Japanese so I can memorize it by Sunday? Or maybe I will just look it up. Thanks again guys :karate:


Sempai = senior student. usually only one senior most student in the class, and normally (not always), that student is a black belt.


1 = Ichi (Eechee...long "E" sounds)


2 = Ni (knee)


3 = San (soft "a" sound)


4 = Chi (She)


5 - Go


6 = Roku (Row Ku)


7 - Seichi (SeeChee)


8 - Hachi (haachee)


9 = Ku (Kue)


10 = Ju (Jew)


Hopefully I didn't screw that up! lol I haven't tried to write that down in years, and may have misspelled some of it.

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Close enough SS.....as long as he says it right phonetically....we can work on spelling later......KEEP GOIN' DRE !!! :karate:

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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**This is Beginner**


Thanks Shorin, I will have those memorized by the end of this week so I can impress everyone on Sunday lol I was pretty upset that I missed Sunday's practice because of family. However, sensei made me realize something tonight. We have practice on tuesday nights but I have a class that ends a half an hour before practice ends. So I walked in there tonight just thinking I would watch. Sensei looks at me a little perturbed and says to me, "we have a WHOLE half an hour left and you are just going to watch?? What you learn in 30 minutes on the mat is worth hours of sitting there and watching!"


I was stunned, embarassed :bawling: but mostly enlightened...cuz its the truth. So from now on, i take my workout gear everywhere lol. Also I will be purchasing a gi...I know you told me to start out light MJ but I'm going to order the heavy weight gi (I tried it on tonight) and I think I will benefit much more from it. Thanks again folks :karate:

The sand bringeth and the sand taketh away...

Disciple of Master Jules' Temple of Sand Dojo

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I've noticed different school shave different ways of saying the numbers, and indeed most japanese words.


We pronounce out numbers differently to how they are written above.


Good luck with the training Sandhoppa, I only started in Goju myself a few months ago and I'm loving it.

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