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Interesting in learning


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Well, bad news to you Python. It's not that simple.


You walk in, learn some stuff in 6 months, and all you're going to do is 'think too much' in a confrontation. Actions need to be made ingrained, otherwise, what's the point?


A conflict isn't a situation where someone comes up to you and you both go into stances, and then take turns hitting each other. Real fights are ugly... and there's almost no time to think. So if you are wanting a quick, "slam, bam, thank you ma'am" course on martial arts... you're only going to mess with your head.


Either avoid it altogether and hope for the best when someone decides to disembowel you, or study in earnest. It's not about just defending yourself from someone who wants to give you a bruise. It's about coming out alive when someone wants to kill you, or someone you love.


Your lack of interest in studying the arts is common, but as i stated in another write-up awhile back... in a civilian world, we tend to ignore the fact that barbarism is still quite prominent. You may not want to bother to learn... and it is understandable, considering the state of our lives and the means by media to present violence as "somewhere over there." But, it's a present issue, each and every day. If you live to old age, or natural death, and you made no efforts to learn how to defend yourself from life-threatening encounters... it is not by choice, but by luck.


The choice, of course, is always yours. You can opt to take a self-defense course at a local college or community center. I hope, however, that when you do, you'll realize that you have simply not learned enough to defend yourself. Only enough to question yourself.


Thank you for your attention

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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read one of my previous posts - i said that i want to learn how to control myself in a fight. i know that real fights are ugly, ive seen and been in a couple and therefore if there is a next time which there most probably will be id like to be able to focus myself and stay calm. that way having an advantage over the opponent and knowing what to do and how to a) take him down with no fuss or b) beat the living crap out of him using the right methods...ok forget b)... I would just like to know how to defend myself in these 'ugly' fighting moments



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Yes, i comprende. And you don't have to be disrespectful about it. I read your earlier posts, thus why i wrote what i wrote. You're looking for a quick solution to something that has no quick solution.


That's all. Good luck in your endeavors.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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that way having an advantage over the opponent and knowing what to do and how to a) take him down with no fuss or b) beat the living crap out of him using the right methods...ok forget b)... I would just like to know how to defend myself in these 'ugly' fighting moments


There is no way to learn how to do that over the internet. I think that's the part you are not getting. Learning to fight effectively is about instinct, which is achieved through knowledge, which is gained through time and study and dedication and discipline. There are no websites that say "Ok, here's how to take down an opponent" and studying off the 'net will never give you the instinct and focus you are looking for.


I think we all understand what you are asking for Python. You just don't seem to be able to grasp what we are all saying: "No, you cannot achieve what you are looking for without studying in a dojo for months and years."


This is a martial arts forum. Believe it or not, most of us actually know what we are talking about when it comes to martial arts.



"Fighting fighting. Same Same"

"But you know karate!"

"Someone always know more..."

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Ah Yes,


Young Python,


You failed to grasp Tae Kwon Leap


Approach, so that you may learn..........


It is like going to your scholastic teachers and saying that you don't need them, you have the books.


Or going to the DMV a saying you are ready to drive, and not being taught or have practice (the allowable time), and wanting a DL.


Or going to a Dodge Charger website and telling the people there that the Charger "bites". And that you can rebuild a car on "books" alone.


I hope you do not see any professionals (doctors-surgeons, lawyers, cooks, etc.) whom had taken this view.


Remember, when you post such statements, be prepared for some to disagree.


Python, that is your opinion. I understand what you mean.

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read one of my previous posts - i said that i want to learn how to control myself in a fight. i know that real fights are ugly, ive seen and been in a couple and therefore if there is a next time which there most probably will be id like to be able to focus myself and stay calm. that way having an advantage over the opponent and knowing what to do and how to a) take him down with no fuss or b) beat the living crap out of him using the right methods...ok forget b)... I would just like to know how to defend myself in these 'ugly' fighting moments



There is a good problem you seem to miss. How can you train your reflexes to know how to exactly counter a right punch if nobody is throwing one at you when you train? What if is a feint and the real one is the left?


Stay clam? Takes years. I have seen black belts more nervious for a tournament fight than for a surgery. The only way to properly defend is to have all the basics engraved in your reflexes and execute them in an unconcious way. But the basics also include timing and distance and that you won't learn by training alone and in a few months. Even black belts can't defend themselves in the street most of the times because they can't stay calm and think properly in such situation.


But if you think you can beat someone using the right methods then is easy: if he throws a right punch lift your left hand and block it. If he throws a left one use your right. If he is charging at you just don't stay in his way. If he kicks you stay away from him. It may seem easy but without doing it for years you won't be able to do it. Just ask a friend to attack you randomly and you'll see.

Always seeking perfection...

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