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Interesting in learning


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Im interested in learning the basics of karate. I already do nunchaku and am beginning to get reasonably good at it.


I dont want to do it as a serious thing, I would just like to learn the basics and some basic kicks, blcks, punches etc...


How can I do this without going to any classes. Are there any websites which show how to perform karate properly?



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With as much fluff that is out there it is hard enough to find martial arts places that teach proper punches, kicks, etc...I would wager that it would even be harder to do it on your own.

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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With as much fluff that is out there it is hard enough to find martial arts places that teach proper punches, kicks, etc...I would wager that it would even be harder to do it on your own.


Besides, it is always nicer to share it with someone.

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Python, there are plenty of karate websites out there, some good some bad. However, even if you find the greatest website in the world (other than this one, of course :D :lol: ) it will not teach you karate. The best way to actually learn karate is to put in the work at the dojo.


Websites, books, videos etc etc are useful training tools for those people who already train with a good instructor. However, trying to learn by yourself from one of them is a very bad idea. It is much better to have an experienced person to guide you and help you in your training.


Plus, if you're planning on only learning from a website, then how will you practice 2-person drills and sparring etc? Going to class and learning alongside other people is the way to learn karate.


I'd suggest that if you are interested enough in karate to want to practice at home, then you are interested enough to join a dojo.


It'd be far better for you not to train at all than for you to only learn karate from a website.

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You should also keep in mind that most of what we do in karate is basics. You say that you just want to learn the basics. Karate IS basics.


Did you know that a black belt simply means that the student has mastered all the BASICS and is ready to start really learning karate?


You can't earn a black belt by reading stuff from the internet. Sorry. There are dozens of mistakes you could be making in your form that only an experiences Sensei would be able to identify and correct. A website can't do that.


I had to laugh when you said you just want to learn "some basic punches, blocks, kicks, etc." What else do you think there is to karate other than punches, kicks, blocks and etc?


Anyway, I'm going with everyone else here. You can't learn karate from a website. If you just want to know how to punch (not a karate punch), then make a fist and put it straight out in front of you as fast as you can. To kick, simply raise your foot up to the target area as fast as you can. To block, use a part of your body to stop an opponent's punch or kick. As for the "etc", I'm not sure what you are looking for.



"Fighting fighting. Same Same"

"But you know karate!"

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Actually, maybe the problem here is the term "basic". I think most people hear the word "basic" and infer that it means "simple" or "easy". That's the problem.


A "basic" punch in karate involves an incredible amount of technique (assuming technique can be quantified).


In order to throw a "basic" punch, here's what you need to know (and I'm sure others will correct and add to this):


-how to make a proper fist, tight so the fingers won't break, wrist straight in line with the forearm so the wrist won't break, striking with the first two knuckles


-fist should start on hip with elbow pulled back to center of back


-inhale before starting the punch and focus on target


-strike out straight from the hip, moving slightly to the front of your body as you strike the CENTER of your target, wrist straight, fist tight, exhaling as you punch


-focus 6 inches behind your target and squeeze your muscles as you push through the last 6 inches, keep head up, don't lean forward


-rotate fist from palm up position to palm down through the punch


Oh forget it, the list goes on and on and on.


My point is, all that is for a "basic" punch. And if you want to do it properly, you have to have an instructor teach you, repeatedly, over many months, if not years.


Let's not even get started on a basic kick.



"Fighting fighting. Same Same"

"But you know karate!"

"Someone always know more..."

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