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Heart Broken


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Just wondered if anyone has any advice for getting oer a broken heart. I have been with my first love for about 20 months now and she has recently told me she wants a break as she doesnt know what she wants or how she feels about me anymore.


This has left me quite devastated, and the thought of her being with someone else makes it even worse.


All advice or words of consolation are welcome! Thanks :)

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Sorry to hear that. Just know that things will get better. Don't stay home and dwell on the past, get out with your family and friends. Keep up your training as exercise releases endorphins in the brain which will help your mood.


Good luck

Res firma, mitescere nescit

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Sorry to hear you are having problems. Steveb is right about keepping your training going, but be careful, keep your mind in the training hall and don't get physically hurt. When you start feeling down, go a few rounds with the heavy bag.

Train like your life depends on it....Because it does.

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Do the best that you can to move on with your life. Don't get to hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. Spend time with your family, friends, and yourself. You alone will ultimately have to bare this. Do not do anything stupid, you'll regret it. From my own experiences I wish I could help and I as well as others here are trying to do the best we can. As a fellow human being I too know the feelings of a broken heart and it can be overwelming to say the least and I would not wish it apon anyone. How you deal with it is what I can suggest, you may meet someone else and wonder why you didn't break-up sooner. You can walk upright and smile even if your miserable inside; no easy task. Hang in there !

You must be stable and balanced in your foot work, if you have to use your martial knowledge in combat, your intent should be to win. If you do strike, you must release great power! The martial arts are easy to learn, but difficult to correct.

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I rarely make any kind of advise for anyone, especially where this is concerned.


Why? Generally, because no one ever listens. But, I know how heart break is. Man, get involved with your friends, MA, your grades, and school. Get your mind off girls. HS isnt where the hot babes are at anyway, lol.


Just wait till college. You'll see what I mean.

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Don't look into the past, even though it may be beautiful, it will eventually turn into sorrows and other dark things. Instead you should keep in mind that it is all for the better, and sooner or later, a better person may come into your life.

If you take a crooked path and have to go through a cliff. Either hope there is a bridge, or learn to fly.

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I think the best thing is to just move on, and not to dwell on the circumstances or try to change them. I've prolonged my own broken heartedness in the past by trying to "fix" relationships, and that never works.


Good luck!


Hmm. Hello. This is the floor. How did I get here?

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man, it sucks, i know. I was with a girl for about a year(this is after we got back together after she left me for another guy and it didnt work)...well, she wanted to marry me, i asked her parents and mine and was a few weeks away from asking her when she says shes not ready...so i was like... :(, well, about 2 weeks later she up and dumps me saying she needs time to be her own person, do her own thing, and not rely on a man...well, come to find out shes getting married in november to the same guy she left me for the first time...oh, and shes only 19. The only thing that helped me was family, friends and keeping occupied. I know people say dont let it get to you and dont think about it, but thats not possible. So keep asking for support, spend more time training and working and with friends and think of the bad aspects in your relationship, the things that make you angry w/ her. it works, i dont care my ex is getting married and i dont really miss her all that much. I'd say, if you lived in oklahoma, we could go and find us some new girls.. :brow: . good luck man and let us know how it goes.

#1"The road to tae kwan leep is an endless road leading into the herizon, you must fully understand its ways". #2"but i wanna wax the walls with people now" #1"come ed gruberman, your first lesson is here.....boot to the head" #2"ouch, you kicked me in the head", #1"you learn quickly ed gruberman"

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