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Your biggest streetfight!

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I was walking to my car when a couple of guys came running up to me and started yelling about something like they knew me. I just told them I didn't know who the hell they were while I kept walking faster.


One punched me and I ran around a car and pulled my concealed weapon. They ran very fast.


I never did figure out who they were.

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Well some time ago, I was at church, forgive me Heavenly Father, *ahem*


and this other kid just came in from the hall and just for no reason dissin' me while I was practicing a move or two and then just tried to hit me, so I dodged a punch and caught his kick, reversing him to the floor. Then I walked away. Yeah, but it's all cool, no hate or anything between us, and I know maybe fighting isn't the best thing to do, especially at church.


It wasn't really in a typical streetfighting place like in a parking area, dark alley or bar, but the church was in "tha hood" area.

If you take a crooked path and have to go through a cliff. Either hope there is a bridge, or learn to fly.

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Hmm... biggest street fight i ever had. That's a tough one.


Okay, one of my latest big street fights -




There's the one just a year ago where a gang of guys and girls postured and insulted for awhile before the bigger group, with guys and girls, started wailing on the smaller group, with just girls, at the trolley station. Since i thought the whole thing about the guys helping out their girlfriends to beat up other girls was b.s., and didn't want bystanders dragged into it, i jumped in barking for everyone to stop and began throwing people all over the place. I know, sounds dramatic, but that's pretty much what happened. They were focused on each other and were a bit thrown off by me stepping into it all, which i was capitalizing on.


One guy obviously 'thought' about messing with me while i was breaking apart all the kicking, hitting, scratching and hairpulling fests, but i felt his presence approaching my back, quickly turned around, stepped at him with intent and barked at him. His hands came up and he opted to go to the sidelines like most of the others i threw. I think it was a total of about 13 guys and girls, ages 16 to 20. Only lasted about a minute or so. I never hit anyone and i truly doubt i hurt anyone, although i made it obvious that i could have. What i remember most about that incident was that i noticed i was keeping track of everyone's actions in that conflict at just about all times.


Funny what determination, adrenalin and a badass attitude can do, eh? :P


One of the earliest -




I think the outright biggest fight i encountered actually did happen on a school campus (the circumstances of this one warrant it be called a street fight... or a riot). When i was 12 and living in Los Angeles back in 76', a friend of mine was roughhousing with me, when a girl kicked him. My friend was a little off in the head and he turned around and grabbed her by the hair. She screamed and the entire school charged in to her rescue. Yes, the entire school... except for the teachers. The teachers saw the riot and ran into the buildings to hide. My first big lesson right there. :roll:


My brother, a friend, a korean kid and i (four of us) shielded my friend against somewhere over 500 angry, puberty-deprived other kids... helping to bring my friend out of harm's way and to the main building. A good 70 yards distance that felt like a mile. Then, after my friend was safe in the building, the focus of hostilities went to the korean kid, who proceeded to forcefully and skillfully kick away anyone that tried to attack him. My first introduction to kicking as an effective self-defense.




There you are. One of my earliest and one of my latest.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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Not really a fight, but an easily controlled situation:


I was having this really annoying kid badmouth me. Him play kicking towards my nutts was really pinching a nerve; he wanted a go at me. I was doing everything I could not to just pound him into the ground. Instead, I very lightly swatted him across the cheek with a hook kick - not with perfect control, but close.


He never toyed with me again, and we eventually reconciled.


Fortunately, I never got into anything worse than that.

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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i remember taking about 20 enemys as the last guy alive in my team in counter-strike.i used to do things like that every day :) does that make me a hero? :D

Be everything. Be nothing.

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i remember taking about 20 enemys as the last guy alive in my team in counter-strike.i used to do things like that every day does that make me a hero?

Depends, were you playing as a terrorist or a counter-terrorist?

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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y'know WW, i know it's not quite what you meant, but you have no idea the image i have of you now, barking at people in a large confrontation... heh heh... :D

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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I nearly got killed by 3 guys once, one with a knife spent a fair while in hospital... I saw a whole bar erupt into fists of fury but i just politely and ever so quickly stepped out of the pub... Got into a huge rumble against another group of guys at school, about 20 of us or so, maybe more... Haven't been in many huge fights though...


Rick :karate: :up:

RJT: 2nd Degree Black Belt Freestyle Kickboxer - 3rd Gup HapKiDoist - 6th Kyu Zen Go Shu KarateKa

Just Kick Them, They'll Understand...


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