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How does one start over?

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How does someone start to teach martial arts, after being with someone for about 20 years actively?

You started teaching many years ago.

I recently quit an organization after 20 years, because the Head Instructor accused my wife , also an instructor, of trying tho take over his school/organization.

Slander is a crime. But if you feel he has slandered you or your wife, it would be very hard to prove. You will be in the hard task of proving he said something, and all he has to do is deny ever saying anything. If, on the other hand, he put something in print regarding this accusation, you have a case... for libel. Libel is far easier to press in court, for there is physical evidence. He would then have the task of proving his written accusations are true. Without concrete evidence, and it's very likely he would not be able to provide it, he would lose.

Both of us ran very sucessful branches of his school (3), and I as well ran his tournaments, (the tournaments I ran for free!). My wife and I helped out whenever and where ever we could, and all without being paid, except for the actual running of our schools.


Sounds like he did you a favor by cutting you out, seeing as you were doing volunteer work, while he was pulling in the dough. At some point, he should have been paying you.

This guy was so bold as to write and call the students who stayed with us and tell them that we (my wife and I) aren't real instructors any more, since we aren't teaching for him or his organzation.


The former could be construed as libel, the latter would not be. Check with an attorney. What was mentioned before by Lucky, about any no compete clause... you should look into that and have an attorney examine any 'contracts' or 'agreements' you may have signed.

Yet, I was not permitted to explain to the students that I left behind as to our side of the story as to what happened and our exit from the school.


As well as i know, as long as you are not limited by a an earlier agreement (as mentioned above), you could open up a school nearby and hand out flyers 'outside' of the property and/or the leased lot. Be sure to bring a videocam with you, in case the guy attempts to attack you for doing what is within your rights to do.

I'm sure that they all heard his side, but not ours! Has any else dealt with this? What's your experience? Any and all comments are welcome!!!

If he's slandering you or your wife to the students, and there are sufficient witnesses to this (the students themselves perhaps), you may be able to present a strong case. Again, seek a free consultation with an attorney.


In the end, you need to determine just how important this is for you to pursue, and whether by pursuing it you aren't going to expose any skeletons in the closet.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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As was mentioned before. Did you sign a no compete clause? I've seen these things in a number of different forms. Some you can't take students, you can't open a school within 50 miles of the school you left that sort of thing. Usually these instructors are better businessmen than they are martial artists. If you didn't sign anything like this, go for it and open your own school. If the students didn't come with you in the beginning and they didn't even bother to come and ask you your side of the story then you don't need them. Those guys are all victims of sensei worship. I've also known a lot of people like this. It should be an instructors job to make his students think for themselves. Instead there are a lot of folks out there that are happier doing your thinking for you. It's a shame really, but how do you change the essence of a person? There will always be good and bad people. Try and cherish the good ones and keep a wary eye on the bad ones.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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Well, it has been abour 5 months since all of this stuff happened, and we, my wife and I, have been running 2 schools. No, we are not swimming in money, but we have loyal students! One entire school walked with us, about 35 total, and we have been carrying on with them. Another school, which was never contacted about what happened, has also voted to stay with us. It has not been easy by any means, but if it were not for the students, I was ready to walk away from all of it. We have about 55 - 60 students and we're thankful for it. Thanks for all of the words of encouragement and advice to everyone. At this point, I know that I have not sold out my principles for a few bucks!



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