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Hooked on Karate


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A friend at my karate club sent me this on email...


Do you wake up Saturday mornings stiff and sore?


Is another night like Friday nights training the only thing that will make you feel better?


Do you workout alone?


Do you find that once you've thrown a jab, you can't stop until you've followed it with a reverse punch?


If so, you may be (gasp!!) HOOKED ON KARATE. How do you know? Here are a few clues.


You know you're hooked when the first word out of your parrot's mouth is KIAI!, and you teach your cat how to free spar.


You know you're hooked when you have more bruises than a roller derby queen, and you still go back for more.


You know you're hooked when you shut the refrigerator door with a side thrust kick.


You know you're hooked when you shop for clothes based on whether you can kick in them.


You know you're hooked when the only clothes you'll wear are gis.


You know you're hooked when you actually crave a beach workout.


You know you're hooked when the books on your night stand are by authors like Gichin Funakoshi, Hirokazu Kanazawa and Musashi Miyamoto.




You know you're hooked when the Twelve Days of Christmas becomes: one boxing bag, two boxing gloves, three shin pads (includes an extra pad for the one you'll inevitably lose), four Tokaido gi's, five rolls of adhesive tape....twelve cases of Tiger Balm.


You know you're hooked when you look for a place to live based on the amount of practice space it provides.


You know you're hooked when you refuse to wear shoes.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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Thanks aefibird, funny stuff! I was laughing to myself, soon I'll be moving and I was thinking;"you look for a place to live based on the amount of practice space it provides. " It's true.

You must be stable and balanced in your foot work, if you have to use your martial knowledge in combat, your intent should be to win. If you do strike, you must release great power! The martial arts are easy to learn, but difficult to correct.

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Is another night like Friday nights training the only thing that will make you feel better? (guilty)


Do you workout alone? (very guilty)


Do you find that once you've thrown a jab, you can't stop until you've followed it with a reverse punch? (guilty, sometimes throw a hook after the reverse)


If so, you may be (gasp!!) HOOKED ON KARATE. How do you know? Here are a few clues.


You know you're hooked when the first word out of your parrot's mouth is KIAI!, and you teach your cat how to free spar. (sometimes I'll try to place my hand on my cat's head without her whapping me with her paw, but I don't know if that counts.)


You know you're hooked when you shut the refrigerator door with a side thrust kick. (guilty with many kinds of doors)


You know you're hooked when you shop for clothes based on whether you can kick in them. (guilty as charged)


You know you're hooked when you look for a place to live based on the amount of practice space it provides. (slightly guilty)

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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