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The best streetfight

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in regaurds to the idea that fighting makes you a better MA it is a kind of double edge sword, on one hand you have applied the techniques you know and on the other you used your MA to beat some body up (does not apply if you where defending your self)

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As my sensei tells me, the fights you end up in are usually because the other party is ignorant, drunk, angry or all of the above. And, as he added, you cannot know if you are a truly skilled unless you've put it in practice in real life. Using your art in the context of sport means absolutely nothing, it only means something in combat.


Now that being said, he hopes none of his students are ever sure that we have mastered much of the art. But he freely talks about the fights he has been in - only one being serious. He was mugged at gunpoint, and knocked one guy out, broke two other guys' arms. Is he proud? No. But he's glad he walked away unscathed, that's the object. Not to win; to survive.


The other fights? Mostly bar scuffles which he ended by a simple takedown and walking away from the guy after that.


After all, what does living the way of peace mean if someone is about rob you, about to kill you, about to rape your wife? I'm serious here. Unless you're in a sport or "artsy" art... you're learning combat here.

"In the void is virtue, and no evil. Wisdom has existence, principle has existence, the Way has existence, spirit is nothingness."

-The Book of the Void (A Book of Five Rings)

"Men don't start fights, but they do finish them."

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I have never been in many fights... i tend to try an avoid fights.


I have only had one 'real' fight and that is with two people that threatened to get a "crew" to stab me. (it obviously didnt happen).


They annoyed me all day and when school finished i ran after them both. one got away which i knew would happen so i asked my mate who trained with me to wait at the shop. where the kid passes to get home. phil met up with him and assulted him with a chain. i didnt aggree with that but at least the other kid was in pain.


I then got the other kid who is a midgit and slow at running and kicked the hell out of him.


Other than that... i have only been in stupid fights like when kids say somet i dont like so i just trip them up or something...... i really dont like watching/being in fights though, i just have to be ready for them.

- Nathan

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Unless you're in a sport or "artsy" art... you're learning combat here.


word :brow:

When a man's fortunate time comes, he meets a good friend;

When a man has lost his luck, he meets a beautiful woman.


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I don't get in fights. One incident that happened this year was when a kid said he wanted to fight with me. I always tell him no bacuase he always trying to start a fight with someone. He grabbed me and I whipped my hand out of his. Then he tried to shove me and I use a perry block. I didn't get hurt and neither did he but it showed him.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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eye gouges man .........

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going back to a previous post about budo. budo is the way of the warior, and if im not too much mistaken wariors fight. nitefly u shud be ashamed, not only did u rise to them but u also "gave him a good kicking" i cant believe i heard that from sum 1 hu practices MA0

you may freely give up your life, but never lose your honour

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i see alot of things in here that really tick me off. if someone threatens you just walk away why would you go after them? if they come after you then you use the menimum to stop it. i just cant believe how many really dumb things i here on some of these threads.

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You want to know why some people go after those who threaten them?? Because you can only tuck your tail between your legs and slink away so many times in life. There comes a time when people have to stand up for themselves, whether it be to a bully, to protect someone else or to protect your self. Turning the other cheek every time trouble rears it's ugly head will only get you hit twice. Some people get walked over their entire life with their head hung low, and some people pick their battles and walk away with head held high. No one on this thread ( a thread in the COMBATIVE section one might add) should be ashamed of standing up for oneself and fighting once deemed nessicary.

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should be ashamed of standing up for oneself and fighting once deemed nessicary.


but what deems it necesarry? also there is a big difference between being a coward (tucking your tail between your legs) and ignooring sum muppet that comes up to u and says "ill bang u"!!!


yes this is a combative thread but why cant people give replys for and against? its people like you Northren Ogre who give MA a bad name! the whole idea and origin of martial arts is self restraint and disipline. im realy surprised that your sensei has tought you that!


Muaythaiboxer, thanks for saying that. i cant believe peeps just go into MA just to show people how many different ways they can hurt them.

you may freely give up your life, but never lose your honour

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