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I think you'll have to ask someone that actually studies those sword arts. I don't, so I really can't tell you. I hgave one that I play with a bit, but I have no formal training in it...and before anybody asks...no, I don't teach it to my students. :P

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In my opinion, it would be very difficult to use simply because the principles you use for both weapons are pretty different. As Shorinryu Sensei mentioned, the katana is a two-handed weapon. The katana (even if you had a shorter one, like a kodachi or a wakizashi) is used for cutting. You really rely more upon it's sharpness and the weight of the sword(minimal) and your body structure and weight to apply the cut. The tonfa on the other hand requires a lot of snap and whipping to employ it using any sort of spinning technique or a strike for its energy transfer, which is quite the opposite of a katana. It wouldn't be impossible I suppose, almost anything is possible, but it would be extremely difficult. More difficult then weapons that are seemingly two weapons at once, such as the kusarigama, in my opinion.


I don't know if you meant simply using the tonfa as a small shield and the katana to attack. In which case, why use the tonfa at all? You'd be able to attack and defend more effectively with both hands on the katana.

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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  • 9 months later...
would you ever use a tonfa in ur non-dominant hand and let's say a sword in the dominant hand? seems like it'd be somewhat effective.

thats an interesting concept. i wonder if there are any mixed weapon katas like that?

"Karate is an art. It must be regarded as such with its entirety of philosophical thought and development of the mind in harmony with the body. If it isn't thought of this way it is valueless. It is like eating only the bitter skin of the apple while leaving the sweet inner meat untasted. It is this crucial premise that is being overlooked today, and if the tide is not turned, I must predict the demise of the art. "

-Isao Obata

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  • 2 months later...

You learn thim in pairs, and sometimes they will train you in one for those "just in case it slips" moments

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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