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alright i was wondering... since i've kinda been only given a crash course on kneeing (everything else i've been given the full run down, they must have assumed i knew the proper way to do it) and i was wondering if there were techniques to power knees


i know ppl point their toes to give it a little liftoff


if ya'll (yeehaw) could address both linear knees and circular knees (for when your thighs have been spiked one too many times) i'd be very appreciative


o... and how do i get good lift on my flying knees, i have sic height on my flying kicks, but they're fancy two step tkd flying kicks, and i know that's not fast enough, so flying knees too

look at me, i can dance, i know tae kwon do!

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well as just a principle lesson think of this...


the biggest problem i see when i work with fighters is they try to use just the leg/knee when throwing a knee strike.


A correct knee strike is really going to incorporate your entire body to get a full effect.


if its a knee tot he front or a flying type of a knee remember to thrust your hips forward, stretch your abs out, sontract your lower back muscles, use your arms as a counter balance, keep your chin tucked to avoid an opening.


if its to the body as in a side knee, use your clench or grappling skills to manuever your opponent into the side knee as you "snap" the knee in and through his ribs, or just below his ribs... many people i see just bring the leg up and pull the knee in to the ribs.... you really have to snap it in with a combination of your hips and your legs, using the hard part of your knee to penetrate your opponent.


its really hard to type out, fairly easy to show on the body, or better yet show on the heavy bag.


try to be self correcting when you are practicing..... what i mean is when you use a knee strike think about how it feels, think about what you could do to get another 1/2 inch of penetration, another little bit of stability, another little bit of speed, power, a little more acuracy, etc.etc.

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i gotta post so it emails me so while i'm at it


lucky k weren't u a green belt just a while ago?


so like, when u say stretch ur abdominals, u mean like... lean back kinda?? i figured u would want to stabilize on your opponent and cruch your whole body like a shrimping motion almost if u were clenced onto the head and neck, but as far as a "just you" knee, say someone stumbles or is getting up from a knockdown or w/e (i got this sic tric w/ a whizzer (if u speak wrestling)) but i'm not stable on my opponent at all times so really i'm looking how to generate power on my knees while i'm just by myself performing and isolated knee strike into an opening (that's y i'm inquiring about the flying knees)

look at me, i can dance, i know tae kwon do!

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o, and say i get someone in a head clinch (fighting) and they don't bag me in the nutz hard enough, realistically how many consecutive knees do u think i should try throwing b4 finishing by letting them back and throwing a leg kick


and i'm only asking ppl who have fought ppl and put a head clench on them (mma counts)

look at me, i can dance, i know tae kwon do!

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god damn i need to stop doing drugs....


as far as the side knee, i've been shown that as a "circular" knee, do u throw that up then in? or just in diagonally from the ground? say u've got someone in a head clench and they're pulled down to your chest/stomach and you're delivering some knees, ppl can block, yeah, but some ppl can spike, that type of circular kneeing to prevent that (up and in)... i was wondering about that specifically

look at me, i can dance, i know tae kwon do!

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ok tell you what pick a specific snecario and give me all the information....


your height... their height.... etc. and ill give you the best scenario.


you are asking for an answer to a question that i dont ahve enough information to answer... if they are taller or shorter you will do two different things.


Obviously if a person has their forearm down in a block position you have to do another attack... its as simple as that..


and what do you mean wasnt i a green belt?


if you are refering to my color posts here then yes i guess i was... i post quite a bit, probably too much i am sure... if people want me to stop they only have to ask and ill be happy to oblige them.. /shrug


but in real life i havent been a green belt in ages... many many moons hehe

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wow, lucky put it really well, but i dont know if anyone can accurately here. ask your instructor or some more advanced students to go over them with you. (and dont forget the pulling the head down into your knee thing- how incredibly effective that can be!)

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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alright luckyk what's i'm sayin is when u put a head clench on someone and you MAKE them shorter than you, you pull them down in a wrestling type fashion, i think its illegal in K1 if that helps to knee while doing this. its like "catch kneeing" in a sense, but u have a solid hold on the head and neck, its like a headlock, but its open at the elbows


they should b at about ur chest, that's how i was taught to clinch when throwing knees, and u "stir the pot" by pulling them side to side, backing up, advancing to keep them off balance consistantly during the string of knee attacks


in that position i'm sure ur familiar w/ "spiking" where u point your elbow down into the upcoming thigh as a destruct, kinda like elbowing down on a front snap kick to the midsection to break the toes, that concept. eventually someone will do that to me cuz i do it to other ppl, and then i'll have to throw a "circular knee" is there any specific torque generators i should be aware of while performing this type of knee? (i.e. twist hips... etc)


and the isolated knee attack i'm talking about is if someones... lets say, getting up from being knocked down and i chose (for some odd reason) to stay standing, if i were to knee them while they were rising, while i wasn't holding onto them is one situation that could help explain it, if someone shoots a leg takedown on me and i don't catch knee them, how should i perform the knee? what special techniques should i use to enhance the knee other than just thrust my knee at them?


its kneeing while not holding on to them is what i'm talking about

look at me, i can dance, i know tae kwon do!

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