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kata videos


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Sorry, can't help you. Some vidios that I would recommend avoiding however are by George Alexander. They are expensive, and very poor quality.


I used to make kata videos for my students that wanted them, but I loaned them all out to students and didn't get them back. My camcorder died, so they're out of luck until I get around to buying a replacement.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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Sorry, can't help you. Some vidios that I would recommend avoiding however are by George Alexander. They are expensive, and very poor quality.


I have seen this guy on several occasions, and each time I was not impressed. Once was at a Gerald Okamura Dragonfest event, and he wore a clown type rainbow color wig.......and was simply being a "clown". Not what I would have expected from someone who is suppose to be a "who's who" in the martial arts world. Just my opinion :o


Mind of Mencia

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Any knowledge of Isshinryu Videos outside of those performed by Uezi I would be most grateful for. I apologize if I have stolen the thunder of the original thread.

If your fist goes forth, withhold your anger, if your anger goes forth, withhold your fist.

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Lol somehow those katas look funny to me, maybe im used to shito ryu's version of katas. I can see in most of those, the guy stomps the floor alot, in my style they teach us not to do that XD. On Nifanchin shodan(tekki one) I though you were suposed to use the glass hour stand, nifachin dachi, weird :D

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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I have some on my computer that I can probably share.


I hope it's not illegal! :-?


What katas are you looking fore specially?drop my a Private message

Do you happen to have one of the kata sienchin?
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I think I got them on my computer ,he is not that good ,and quality is poor too, if you realy need them i can send you a copy by mail since i don't know any safe way, on the net to send it over.


my don't you get a copy of "Essence of Okinawan Karate-DO" by sensei Nagamineh, it has all the katas by pictures.there is also one tape out there by sensei "OTa" which has all the 18 katas.


sensei Nagamine the son also has a tape showing 10 first katas and bunkai.

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