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best place to hit sumone is groin and knees

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umm ya Most Solid I have been in far far worse situations, I have lost control 1 time, although i will say that i used too much force at times, but that was way before i had any martial arts training, you seem to make it a habit.... kicking people who are unconcious, kicking others who are down, and thats just two fights..and after you have been trained in martial arts....


While I have never been in the Philipines I have been in some bad areas for extended periods of time in the US, and I spent a long period of time in Brazil and saw quite a bit down there.


To be honest I am completely unimpressed with your story, if you had defended yourself and not gone haywire after the guy was unconcious id give you props, but I find you to be a thug, not a martial artist. You seem to thrive on physically injuring your opponents, I find that cowardly. Winning, or Surviving, or thriving in a street situation is quite a bit different then trying to injur others, I look at you as a predator in your situation, I read what you wrote but it seems to me that you look for trouble, I know people who live in the philipines and trained there and not one of them had the same outlook on the area as you had.


And I can tell you another thing, Although I am not one to shy away from a street fight, when I am in one, my biggest desire is not to injur my opponent as seems to be your goal, sure sometimes it may be required if the situation is desperate enough, but I think you are definitely tkaing it way way overboard


I dont know why i am wasting my energy on this though... I think its apparant you think your a good guy, you think you are in the right, and you think you are a well trained martial artist with the right state of mind.


I am almost willing to take bets on how long till your dead or in jail if that truely is how you live....

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I think its apparant you think your a good guy, you think you are in the right, and you think you are a well trained martial artist


no, i think it's apparent that this is just another big pile of cow manure.


if you kick a guy on the knee correctly, he would not left his leg....


also, have you checked up on what the philipines government do to criminals?


let alone a serial rapist and thief....

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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i quickly front kick him in he knee which then he was up on one leg and as soon he was on one leg


that was what you said.


you mentioned 'on one leg' twice.




so, when did you decide that pretending to be from the philipines would make you more credible?


or was it just so that not many of us here,


except perhaps martial_artist (has he changed his name?)


can verify anything you say?


kid, grow up.


you don't know who i am


i don't know who you are.


you claim to come from rough streets.


i don't know.


my guess is that there are lots of un-caught criminals where-ever you go.


i can tell you that in my local park, that's about 400m away, people get shot, and knifed on a regular basis (hence patrol by both park police as well as the met).


yes, this is the same park that my friend and i go to train on nice days.


in my local town centre, right next to the new police station, people regularly get attacked, kinifed, set on fire....


that's why the new police station was built there (and opened by the chief of police no less), to act as a deterrent.


recently someone was shot dead cos of a minor car collision, right outside my old secondary school.


a solicitor was knifed cos of a bad outcome in a case (wa-hay!).


kids openly mug people on buses at knifepoint.


(as well as attacking the bus-driver;


last christmas there was a strike cos of safety issues)


two guys are getting charged for stabbing a guy outside a pub.


some kid got beaten up by three men.


violent burgular gets 14 years.


you must remember that this is in a country where guns and knives are more or less illegal.


so yes.


my town is really safe and nothing ever happens.


but i'm pretty sure most people here live in similar places


which is why i don't make a point of telling people about where i live.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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accordingly how do know that i am pretending that i live in philipines. i can say same thing about you saying that you claim in you local area park where all this nonsense you are saying is happening. what area is this. i bet theres no such thing.As matter of fact your jus saying that because you have no other response. lol your a funny guy. and just remeber you started this by saying my opinion is stupid. i didn't say anythin or offended anyone here. i jus stated what i personally think. you could of just said right from the start i disagree which is a mature response but instead you said now thats jus stupid. i think your the immature one here you also have an immature name "drunken monkey" please only little kids name them selves like that. you should grow up.

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Please remember to keep posts free from personal attacks and to try and keep the thread on topic.



"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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.....i said it was stupid because that is the most honest response i could think of.


was it the diplomatic response?


probably not....


but why skirt around the issue with diplomacy when honesty hits the nail right on the head?


as for where i live, it doesn't matter.


if you really want to know i can give you the name of my local town and you can do a crime search.


but what would that prove?




which is why i don't tend to mention where i live cos none of it is confirmable on a forum.


just like what-ever you say cannot be confirmed.




just to point out.


you're the one who started telling little stories.


i started by saying that what i read was stupid.


then i told you what i thought was stupid.


then i gave examples of things that i read in my local paper this week as well as things that i remember from past papers.


an, well, i questioned your 'location' because well, what time do the local malls shut around your parts?


and y'know, i always like in kid's stories how they always manage to find out that the guy they beat up is in what-ever hospital suffereing from what-ever injuries and that they had what-ever criminal records....




as if that kind of information is free on the streets.


and um, one final question;


what is the typical jail sentence for a serial rape, assault AND theft?

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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well, DM, unless you REALLY want to point out all the holes in his story, i suggest this thread get back on its already feeble topic, or just close it all together.


to answer the original question, no, i wouldn't try to permanently incapacitate someone after subduing him./her. best to maintain some level of control.

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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.......all of the holes?


i'm not that good......


or should that be 'not that patient'?


to be honest.


i don't know....


to be honest, i don't care.


i've just spent a great evening with someone who makes me feel alive again.


hey, who knows.


maybe he's right?


maybe i am just another immature kid who talks crap.


maybe i don't know what i'm talking about.


you can think what you like


and i really mean that.


i have always been honest about what i think about the things said here,


which has landed me in trouble on more than one occasion


but i stand by that policy.


i'm not going to push it by repeating what i think about the things said at the beginnign of the thread.


i think i've made my point pretty clear.


like i said before,


i'm still not sure what i have to apologise for?


i haven't been insulting, have i?


i don't think I have been insulting anyone....

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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you jus sed my opinions were stupid then i responded back the way you responded to me. and then you were saying for me to grow up were you should be speaking for yourself by the way you responded from the beggining. but ya im ending this and i want get back to the topic

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.....you're ending this?


you want to get back to the topic?


you do realise that if we go back to the topic,


i'd just have to say again


that i think what you have said was stupid.

post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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