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best place to hit sumone is groin and knees

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Yep, but half true. I remember if I ever got beat, I wouldnt have to say a word because my friends would all go make sure it would never happen again. Dont flame me now for that though, it was the past and I now realize its not the right thing.


thats a big if though :D


*edit- im talking about when i was 11-13 when nothing was that serious

Edited by SoulAssassin


"I aint gonna eat, I aint gonna sleep, aint gonna breath till I see what I wanna see and what I wanna see is you goto asleep, in the dirt permanently"

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ya thnks for your opinion. say what ever you want. id styll wouldn't take chance no matter what. and who ever tries to even attack me in the street id make sure he's permanently damge or maybe even dead. listen there are no rules,no referees, in the streets but there are crazy people out there that do crazy things to people and why give them chance to see ,walk or live if they try to attack you or maybe even kill you. Now you listen i dont care how serious consequences are id jus make shure that im alive and the attacker will never try to attack me or anyone again because id make shure he isn't able to see, walk or live.


thats pushing it a little far man. have you ever been in an actual fight? your making it out to be that everyones gonna kill each other in a fist fight. now a days you dont have to worry about that because they just would shoot ya. its not worth going to jail over stupid things like a fist fight which usually end in 1-15min.


i already screwed up my life, but i was a juvenille, i just might have a 2nd chance, but because of the stupid choices i made im paying for it the rest of my life. If you search my name you will find a post awhile back that i shared on a streetfighting topic, my friend died fighting, got his neck broken. Im not sure anymore but in philly they had arranged street fights and he payed with his life at a young age, because he chose to be a bad@ss.


"I aint gonna eat, I aint gonna sleep, aint gonna breath till I see what I wanna see and what I wanna see is you goto asleep, in the dirt permanently"

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ok Most solid you are completely out of line.


you are living in some drug induced state it sounds like.


IF you actually live like you type here then we wont have to wonder if the moderators banned you because you would actually be dead...


But i have a strong feeling that you fall intot he other category, the category of people who are the 500 pound internet gorilla..


I think you posted a topic you thought was good, and probably felt a little attacked by the response and then posted a defensive post adn when that was attacked you decided to strike out without fear of any real repurcussions.


My advice to you, is to let it go, admit you are posting ridiculously and move on.

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honestly....what have I done....i jus thanked your opinions.....and i jus stated mine.....and ok i admit my apology to mr drunken monkey. but who is he to say my opinions are stupid when you dont see me saying any of his posts are stupid. i respect all and evryones post here but if they dont respect me den ofcourse i may get out of line. and mister lucky boxer wut da hell are you talking about felt attacked by response, defensive post ect what is this a fight over the internet. that's so lame. i jus posted my opinions. like for real straight up who are you to tell me to move on

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you defended yourself, and that is all well and good, but ....

kick him at his groin and as


soon as he was on floor i jus kept stomping his leg cuz i got mad


you broke the NUMBER 1 rule of Martial Arts. You lost control.


I don't know you, I don't know how good you are, or what rank you are, or what style you study. But, I know that you made a mockery of the martial arts. That guy may have came at you with a pipe, but you have the potential to mame that man for the rest of his life.


You should have known better.


[rant] I am not dissing you. But, IMO, if you are a high ranking belt, it is on you to be the example, and show honor to the martial arts. Losing control is about you, and revenge, not about self defense. [/rant]

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have you drunken monkey or mister lucky boxer experienced this or even got away alive in a situation similar or even worse. have you even live in streets were fights or murders or even robberies happen almost like everyday. Have you even experienced any of these. have you got into a fight besides those lame tournament fights were they aint nothing compare to a real actual street fight. I'd like to see you 2 try to stay down here for a month and see if you even leave the country alive

Edited by mostsolid
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i studied muay thai from a family frend who wuz trained from thailand. i am his onlee student no one else. i have no rank nor i've never been into a tournament. but he taught me how to survive in streets. and yes i did lose control. its because i jus wanted to make shure he will never try to pull anything like dat again. and say if i gave him another chance what would happen if he still came bak the next day with a group of guyz with weapons. trust me. itz crazy down here

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I know what death and detruction is. I saw it in Bosnia. I saw villages and entire towns decimated because of who they were. I saw it in Mogadishu, Somalia. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a child, so thin they look like human skeletons. And the gangsters who took the money, food, medicine, and supplies to feed those children. Man, I have seen it, been there, done that.


I don't diss what you have been through, seen, or what. BUT, don't side skirt the issue. You are an experienced Martial Artist. You have trained to be in control of yourself at all times.


When you kicked that guy in the groin, and he was on the ground; You went from defense to aggressor. You stated yourself, you were mad at him.


That made you no better than him.

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