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best techniques to end a fight

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There is no such thing as the "best technique"......the best technique is whatever you can perform on whatever open target your opponent gives you......


If there are no open targets, try to make one with whatever defensive technique you have to use when your opponent attacks.


If your not able to do that.......then you need to learn to run away quick as you can.


Good point

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Either that or as Bruce Lee said...."why doesnt somebody just pull a .45 and...bang...settle it. "



~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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Either that or as Bruce Lee said...."why doesnt somebody just pull a .45 and...bang...settle it. "




And so.....all the years of training, gone....at the sound resulting from the chemical changing of potassium nitrate,charcoal, and suflur propulsion of a projectile down a steel tunnel a super speed. Chi master, stop that!

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Well, Stomping in Alabama is illeagle - attempted murder.


I forget who said it but, in America the bigger guy dose not back down. Goes to show there intelligence.


Me being 5'5 weighing about 100lbs, having a quick tounge, not really a quick tounge just I don't like to see some one especialy a girl getting beat up on. So, Yeah I get into alot of "fights". Normaly though I can work around it.


I really hate street fights, everyone on the street knows the style, " Juno... Ju-no know what I got in my pocket!" That is my biggest concern, Fist fighting I easy to deal with. I will go through both now. ( forgive my awful spelling and speach it is 4:12 am I have not slept.


Fist fighting:


They decide they want a fight.


"Come on let's fight"


Me: Nah man I am good I like my face in one piece.


"Oh come on you are the karate dude right? "


Me: Man, you would mop the floor with me *distressed look*


"Chicken FIGHT ME!"


Me: Fine. *lowers head gets up* Okay. But first. Do you have any idea how bad you look?


1) you look like a bully if you win


2) If I win you get beat by a wimp


3) The girls here are going to feel bad for me So I will be leaving with your girlfriend- he should throw punch now if not continue-


So, do you really want to fight?


Normaly if you can get that all out they will change there minds. If they throw a punch. You have them in rage. When you go in rage you stop thinking so everything will be going into that one punch and it will be sloppy. You Side step, then when they come down with there punch jump up into there solar plexus ( or stomach ) striking with a knee, at the same time come down with an elbow on there back, and jump away.


That should end it completly.


Fist fight ( Omgosh I am going to die ):


The guy approches.


You widen and focus your eyes hard on his.


start to twitch your hands.


right when he on the distance line- side note: most guys think they are immortal specaily the big ones so they will often say, " Wha!" and throw there arms out for some reason. well there gaurd is shot. -


Right when they step on it, You step in punch directly to the nose.


They can't see they can't fight.


Knife fight. I think I don't really care to know:


There are three main attacker types.


Swavey - Initiate conversation with a grin. Often you can read by gut feeling something bad is going to happen.


Last resort - These are guys that are going through a rough time in there life and mean no harm they are just trying to stay afloat in life. They won't look you in the eye and often have a softer voice, and a loose grip on the knife


Murderer - These guys make eye contact won't break it and is quite visible they have no emotion.


Swavey attack: When they start to talk, talk back and when they let off a sighing laugh QUICKLY throw one armdown from there chest to block there arms and back hand with the other hand to cause the eyes to water, then continue it from there though most likely they want to be very far away from you at that moment :P.


Last resort: Talk to them, if they start to get restless, rooster neck the wrist, in turn makes them drop the knife. From there talk to them they will listen. If not and you know they won't from the roosterneck work your way behind them and choke them out.


Murderer - The guys that give me chills. You can feel them before you see them. If on the street and you feel it look around till you spot what is causing the upset, when you find him. Put people between you and him. And ask him questions, " May I help you? ", " What do you want? " Normal people will pause and register the question. If he dose not his intent is to kill you. in which case I sugges a 45. an extendible baton, a police officer, Or! The untested method.


Walk up on him. My theory is that will make them pause. Murderers/muggers very often pick the nervous one out of the bunch to attack. When speaking with him don't let your voice jitter. It shows you are fearful and gives him more moral,


Anyways the theory. Walk up on him and yell at him. He will pause and register, " Is the guy a freaking loon, I have a knife and he is walking up on me. Yelling at me?!"


WHEN THAT happens one hand grabs the guys wrist with the knife, and the other hand goes of course.. To the nose. He should drop the knife. Kick the knife away and continue your attack yelling for help.


I have personally seen the walk up approach work. There was a pause in the man. But that is only one case I have seen it in.


When a guy had my mother backed into a corner at the old school, our instructor walked up on the guy.


Now as for my yelling part I added. That is just for the added psychological effects on the attacker. I will try to rewrite this tomarrow when all of my brain cells or working properly..


We are all put on this earth by God, Respect one another - Mayo

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As a "Traditional Martial Artist" I would have to saythat I would try and talk my way out of it by apologizing to the guy for his being such an idiot. Seriously though, it's usually easy to make a bully look like a real a**hole. If you do it right you can usually walk away. This in my opinion is by far the best move to end a fight.


Just a friendly word of advice to Mayo. I would NEVER get involved in a domestic dispute situation between a man and a woman (unless there was serious violence being done to one party or the other). That's a sure way to get seriously hurt or maybe even killed. Call the police, although they even hate to work these type scenarios. Either party can turn on you before you know what happened.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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Yeah, I definitely agree. I've gotten involved in such a situation once, because I watched him slam her down onto the concrete. She thanked me afterwards, but it didn't have to go as well as it did. heck, she coulda tried to press charges on me for going after him... those are always sticky situations and should be left alone. Just call the cops.

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those are always sticky situations and should be left alone. Just call the cops.

Agreed, but it is very very hard to do when you see it happening in front of you, and you know that it will take forever for the cops to show.


If you do call the police on something like this, do not describe them as 'a couple arguing.' Instead, you should communicate that a man is assaulting a woman, and that it doesn't look like they know each other... or something similar to this. Might help 'up' the priority.


Personal opinion, mind you.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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