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best techniques to end a fight

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Some folks really have a naive veiw of street fighting.

It is not naive to consider non-lethal ends to an outcome. Utilizing a weapon is not what i could consider a 'best end,' as such actions do not end with that. More often it is followed by arrest, incarceration, conviction, term served, and unemployment due to a felony rap.

Martial artists, in general, do not look at things in short-term. There is consequence associated with every action one commits to, so choosing a best means to end a confrontation also requires one consider the consequence of said actions. And while incarceration is one possible outcome for choosing the wrong action, there are concerns such as retribution, financial liability, having the weapon taken away and used against you, etc.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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If you can't avoid a fight all together, a front snap kick to the solar-plexus as hard as you can will bring the figh to a complete halt.

To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

-Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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Pople may have no time to think about what to do or the best technique to end a fight , or the consequences of using a weapon etc ...... they just act .

Moon might shine upon the innocent and the guilty alike

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As most of the fights a normal person will be involved in are school fights or whatever, and considering that schools are real tough on fighting, a quick takedown is probably best. It won't get you in trouble and it can be demoralizing if done correctly.

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This is the truth as I know it! If you have time to think, plan or whatever about what you are going to do in a fight then you probably had time to walk or run away. If you, whom ever you are do not wish to use weapons then that is your choice. I will always be willing and able to up grade my chances in a fight, especially if there is any doubt that my life may be at risk. I think that entering into a fight with thoughts of lawyers and jail is a good ticket to a but kicking or an expencive box. I will teach my clients to use their own judgement but I teach them to fight for survival. I teach basic common weapons, knife fighting or edeged weapons, blunt force weapons and how to take that knowledge and to use improvised weapons. I teach how to bite, eye gouge, I tell them to tear the ears off of someone if needed. I also explain the difference in pride/ego and confidence. They will also understand that the jails and grave yards are full of prideful people, but when attacked you fight back with all you have. I will say this as well if you announce that you are going to do me harm or "kill" me with your bare hands and I have a sidearm, you will be shot and i will shoot to kill. I will deal with the lawyers later and I will enjoy them trying to get testimony from a corpes.


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This is the truth as I know it! If you have time to think, plan or whatever about what you are going to do in a fight then you probably had time to walk or run away.

The process of learning and understanding consequence to actions is not a think process, it is a learned process. Once you learn, you merely act with 'appropriate force.' This means you quickly gauge the situation and deal out the necessary actions to end the confrontation in the best manner. When you are sufficiently trained in this, it becomes instinctual.

Basically, what you are referring to is the 'last resort,' not the 'best means to end a fight.' Last resort is a measure on a 'gauge,' not an end in and of itself. At last resort, one must use every option available to them and act without mercy.

To clarify this gauge thing, if your little brother punches your arm, your friend gets angry at you for using his car without permission, you are confronted by an upset customer at your place of employment, or a little old lady smacks you with her cane, you do not tear out their eyeballs and disembowel them. You gauge the circumstances and determine the measure, applying the 'appropriate force' to resolve the confrontation.

If you, whom ever you are do not wish to use weapons then that is your choice. I will always be willing and able to up grade my chances in a fight, especially if there is any doubt that my life may be at risk.

But, what if your life is not at risk? Applying a weapon to a confrontation changes the dynamics, that is clear. But it is also clear that if you do not know how to use that particular weapon, or weapon-type, you may very well give yourself a handicap. Indeed, you can also provide your assailant an 'idea' that 'escalating' the confrontation is entirely warranted. And, as i mentioned before... any weapon you use can very well be taken away and used against you.

Unless it is your own body that is the weapon.

I think that entering into a fight with thoughts of lawyers and jail is a good ticket to a but kicking or an expencive box.

Entering into ANY fight WITHOUT thinking of consequences is likely going to get you into bigger problems. The immediate is not your only problem. You have to live in the future.

As to butt kicking... it is dependent upon a person's training, conditioning and the circumstances, not on whether they actually have the insight to make a quick analysis of the situation. Frankly, if you fail to think, you fail to plan and if you have the 'opportunity' to think, but fail to utilize that opportunity...

I will teach my clients to use their own judgement but I teach them to fight for survival.

Judgement is not something everyone has a good handle on. In fact, making good judgements in a confrontation, or just prior to one, is a 'learned' feat. Handing them the weapon of knowledge without training them in the proper understanding of 'when' to use it... is just not good training ethics.

I teach basic common weapons, knife fighting or edeged weapons, blunt force weapons and how to take that knowledge and to use improvised weapons. I teach how to bite, eye gouge, I tell them to tear the ears off of someone if needed.

How do you teach it? We just had a thread discussing these issues, and we came to the conclusion that a big part of the problem with studying these things is... no "full-resistance" training available.

So, do you go through the motions, or what?

(( a question... what does your training program have to do with this thread's discussion? ))

I also explain the difference in pride/ego and confidence.

What is the difference?

They will also understand that the jails and grave yards are full of prideful people, but when attacked you fight back with all you have.

Jails AND graveyards are full of people who used excessive force, or weapons in the commission of a crime. Striking someone with a weapon is a crime. Killing them, even moreso. Indeed, 'threatening' them with a weapon is a crime.

Also, jails really don't have that many 'prideful' people. Far more 'pride' is out in the streets, walking around ignorant of their inability to handle a life-threatening situation.

I will say this as well if you announce that you are going to do me harm or "kill" me with your bare hands and I have a sidearm, you will be shot and i will shoot to kill.

What if they don't announce?

If someone makes a verbal threat, a threat on your life, you have options under the law. But, pulling out your gun and shooting them in cold blood, merely because they threatened bodily harm... is 2nd degree murder. Expect to join those alleged prideful people in jail.

I will deal with the lawyers later and I will enjoy them trying to get testimony from a corpes.

No you won't enjoy it. Testimony comes from the corpse via autopsy. But also, there comes testimony from witnesses and from the weapon(s) utilized. And, there will come testimony from an investigator who will present that you claim to be an instructor that advocates use of deadly force.

Frankly, i see this as one big blow-up. I just hope you re-examine your extremist approach. It is important to 'be able to' go all the way, but not hold to it as the aspiration. And to train your students to go all the way, without giving them training on 'how' to make crucial judgements while under extreme pressures... is giving them a gun and telling them to shoot first, ask questions later. :(


The goal is not merely survival, for if that were the case, killing everyone that even thought to look at you would ensure your survival. No, we live in a society and thus, to the best of our ability, we must abide by the laws of this society. If we fail to abide by these laws, we 'may' be given the option to continue our survival behind bars... outside of the society we are 'privileged' to participate in. On the other hand, this same society may deem that we, based on our actions, are unfit to continue living... and thus our extremist efforts to maintain our existence has merely expedited our death.

And even if the courts don't make such decisions, consequence of actions include the very real possibility of retribution for actions committed. Parents, siblings, friends or gangmembers may just decide to take the law into their own hands... as we did when we put that assailant in the hospital... or in his grave. It would be so simple to merely 'off' someone who threatened bodily harm, but it is a grievious error to teach it in such simple terms.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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Excellent post White Warlock. Objective, well thought out and informative.

To Street Fighter: What it this "concepts" method you train/teach? Is it combat art that you have invented, or do you belong to a large teaching association e.g Krav Maga?

Perfect Practice makes Perfect.

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