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I've been a kata judge and kumite referee for somewhere around 25 years now, but have only competed in one tournament myself. I won 2nd in kata, 3rd in sparring, Outstanding Tournament Judge and the Outstanding Competitor Awards..which I thought was a pretty good haul for my first competitive tournament! :lol: I "retired" from competition at that point.


Anyway, since it was my first tournament as a competitor, I was pretty nervous to be fighting and competing against black belts from all over the country for the first time. Most of these black belts I had judged myself,which I think was an advantage because I knew how they fought pretty much. There were, of course, several black belts from out of state I had never seen before.


My first kumite match was against a 3rd Dan in TKD that I had never seen before. He was about 6" shorter than me (I'm 6'6") and told me afterwards that he competed in about a dozen tournaments/year. We were pretty evenly matched, but I could tell eh wanted to do a head kick on me really badly, so after a point, we lined up to get ready for the next point attempt, and I got into a much lower stance than I normally used. The ref said HAJIME' and we stepped towards each other. My opponent telegraphed a really pretty side kick to my head, but I dropped to the ground under it and threw a side kick of my own at the same time to the groin, landing perfectly! Yes, the groin is a target in an open tournament around these parts. This totally flustered my opponent because he wasn't used to someone doing that, and I won the rest of my points pretty easily and won the match.


I'll never forget the look on that guys face when I did that to him. He was really nice about it and wanted me to teach him the technique afterwards, which I did.

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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My most memerable moment came in the last submission wrestling tourny I was in.I had this bjj guy trying to put my in an arm bar,I stood up with this guy hanging off my arm,I turn to the ref and ask if I can slam this guy.After the ref tells me I can as long as I don't spike him and say ok and I then slam him.After the match my wife asked me what I was talking to the ref about.LOL

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When I won the 2003 USTU National Championships in my sparring division. I had been training and competing for about 6 years and never thought when I first started out I would accomplish that.

when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes

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Hm. My most memorable moment for a tourney. Was my very first tournement. It was a small inter-dojo tourney. I was an orange belt, and I was sparring a blue belt. And we both did a jump kick, at the exact same time. (This is where all serious-ness in the match just died.) We clashed legs and we both fell down, and 2 of my teachers were there and they were watching, since it was a small tourney only 2 matches were going on at the same time, and they both started laughing, and then me and the girl I was fighting started laughing....yea...it was pretty bad. :lol:

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Most Embarassing MA Moment Thread


See my post about most embarassing MA moment, for a description of my goof-up in a tournament... :blush:

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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well i got kicked out of the ring,over a chair, and into another competitor in the ring behind me. that got a lot of people's attention and mine too. in case you are wondering he did not get the point. my payback was a jump spin hook kick to the head.

pain is weakness leaving the body.

fear is the mind killer, i will face my fear and let it pass threw me. from the movie "dune"

i know kung fu...show me. from the movie "the matrix"

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