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188/Arizona is a good region. Master Babin is a great guy from what I hear. Not one of those masters that takes himself too seriously. Thats probably why your contracts were able to transfer, less politics in good regions.

As for me, it didnt have to do with a contract. I wasnt on contract. My not being able to test had to do with percieved disloyalty for wanting to expand my abilities as a instructor.

I as a instructor, would of course accept if my student wanted to go somewhere to learn something I could not provide. However, as long as he came back when he was through learning, it would not be disloyal...as I did come back, and still have the same instructor.

Everybody aventually flies from the coupe anyways though...you should expect seperation at some point as a instructor, and not see it as a slap in the face. This is my career...I cant just stay in one place, I have to learn...I did and its made me who I am today....and Im glad I did...even though I couldnt test for 7 years.

Im done whining now.

Its not the art, its the artist.

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188/Arizona is a good region. Master Babin is a great guy from what I hear. Not one of those masters that takes himself too seriously. Thats probably why your contracts were able to transfer, less politics in good regions.

As for me, it didnt have to do with a contract. I wasnt on contract. My not being able to test had to do with percieved disloyalty for wanting to expand my abilities as a instructor.

I as a instructor, would of course accept if my student wanted to go somewhere to learn something I could not provide. However, as long as he came back when he was through learning, it would not be disloyal...as I did come back, and still have the same instructor.

Everybody aventually flies from the coupe anyways though...you should expect seperation at some point as a instructor, and not see it as a slap in the face. This is my career...I cant just stay in one place, I have to learn...I did and its made me who I am today....and Im glad I did...even though I couldnt test for 7 years.

Im done whining now.

Sent you a PM.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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I would like to respond to the post stating that KSW forms start off with fancier kicks. As a WTF practitioner, I'll be the first to admit our forms do not contain higher techniques until later on. There is a reason a for that. As a new student, your body is not strong enough or coordinated enough to even attempt fancier techniques. You are asking for an accident if you do. You need to stick with basic techniques, and those are what our forms focus on.

So stating that such and such system or organization contains jumping techniques or other fancy techniques right from the start in their forms does not impress me.

Queen Padme: "So this is how Democracy dies-with thunderous applause."

Annikin Skywalker: "You're either with me or against me!"

Obi-won Kenobi: "That is the Way of the Sith!"

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