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Personal training in uniforms

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I also think that the Belt should not ever be worn outside the studio, unless it is a school sponsored function that requires it.


Our school also forbids wearing the belt out in public.


and actually to the guy above me, the belt is not necessarily to hold the gi closed, there are tie downs that do that. The belt is simply to show rank at this time in martial arts history, unless you are doing something like Jui Jitsu, and you have no tie downs

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Train wherever you can, whenever you can......if youre in a public place.....try to find the most inconspicuous, non-attention getting spot.....hold back on the "kias" when going through your kata....as far as wearing your belt and gi.....you have trained hard to earn your green belt....wear it....it would be disrespectful to the person who gave it to you if you didnt.....however.....there really is no need to wear your uniform outside of the dojo.....the uniform is simply a formality....the belt is a way of showing a level of attained knowledge, indicating also where you "fit in" in your dojo as you "come up through the ranks".....along with holdin' up your pants....lol.....seriously though.....whether you train in your gi (again...NOT a good idea in a public place).....or if youre like me and go through kata in your living room wearing a pair of shorts when you cant sleep at nite.....youre still the same karateka.....just remember to train hard..........On a side note.....at green belt level, you shouldnt be "teaching" unless you are accompanied by a Dan rank to "look on"......good luck in your training.....no matter what you wear...


~Master Jules

~Master Jules......aka "The Sandman"

"I may be a trained killer......but Im really a nice guy"

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I'd say stick to normal loose clothing and don't wear the gi outside the dojo. I've done some training sessions with a coleague in some public areas and we were stared at without the gi :D Imagine the circus with the karategi and the belts. You don't need anything to psyche up. You want to train extra time at school, do it. If not, stick to the dojo training. Try to have a sport hall for some minutes. Otherwise stick to the "normal" things and don't single yourself out. I know you're enthusiastic (I was and still am), but don't forget to have a life aside MA. And being seen while kicking and doing katas (dressed normally or worse in the pijamas) is the "right" thing in order to get renowned as the "weirdo" who's doing karate. Maybe in your social life it's best to be more discreet.(remember Coco's problems, all because he was innocent enough to think people are good and mind their own business. Well they don't.)


Do you want to train more? Get more hours in the dojo and even join another club. In the rest of the time try to be a normal teenager (?) and socialize. :karate:

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thanx for the replies and feedback guys...


to those who recommend NOT wearing the belt, but say the gi is okey:


i am currently a green belt, would be okey if i traied with a white belt, it won't disclose my rank and white belts recieve alot less attention

A true shinobi is not defined by the number or quality of techniques he uses, but by the will and the determinations he has to improve himself...

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It would disclose you are doing Karate. It doesn't matter the rank, but the bystanders reaction. You would be a circus for them. Maybe they know nothing about Karate and would only make fun of you. And I'm sure it's hard to train while others mock at you or even try you out (like in Coco's case). Why not leave it as it is. Train at home and in the dojo. Don't put up a show at school. I know you unconsciously try to show off (we've been here, too, not a shame), but school is really a bad place to do that. You are there to learn (something else than karate) and the lunch breaks were made in order for you to relax, feed and even make friends.


Don' let Karate take over your life. Train hard in the place specially designed for it (and complete the workout at home and in a sport hall liftin wights or running), but learn to live your life aside of it too. Make friends take care of your GF (they are necessary too :D ) and enjoy life. Youth passes. Don't let the years go by. :karate:


AND DON'T WEAR THE GI OUTSIDE CLASS> Can't you guys see we look like clowns in the eyes of the others? :D For me, appearing in public with the gi on outside the dojo would be similar to seeing an astronaut in the supermarket with all the stuff, or a surgeon with gloves and complete equipment outside the hospital. It's a lousy view. I know I'd laugh my ..tt out at such a sight. Or a boxer with the pants and gloves, and even their custom made robes in public. You'd laugh too? I think so. Why would you put yourself in such a situation? Have all the people stare and think you show off. Because they'd never understand you needed some place to train. Sport halls are for training, karategis should be worn in a "normal" class ... not at school.

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I also think that the Belt should not ever be worn outside the studio, unless it is a school sponsored function that requires it.


Our school also forbids wearing the belt out in public.


and actually to the guy above me, the belt is not necessarily to hold the gi closed, there are tie downs that do that. The belt is simply to show rank at this time in martial arts history, unless you are doing something like Jui Jitsu, and you have no tie downs


Yes I know. The point being that the belt, or gi, is nothing magical. It's an attire to workout in.

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Hold the phone !!


ramymensa says "Don' let Karate take over your life." :kaioken:


What kind of advise is that? :-? Karate should be so interwoven in your life you can't tell where it starts and stops. It's not a hobby or a sport it is a life style.

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Well personally, I'd avoid wearing the GI in public, well, just because... You're just asking for some jerk of a jock to come around with his buddies, bad mouth you, and start something you'll regret. In public, I'd go to a place that is going to attract the least amount of attention and for heavens sake do not "Kiap" at your loudest. Wear something loose and sporting, but don't make purposely make yourself a target for silly- minded bozos. Probably the most I'd do is wear one of those Chinese silk Kung Fu/ Tai Chi outfits, but do that in a pretty secluded environment. If people, ask, just give them straight, short, and honest answers...


In private, do whatever- as long as your kiaps don't disturb the bored sleeper five hundred yards away.

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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hi everybody,


school is soon to start for me and i am faced with alot less time on my hands for MA training...


and what i have been thinking of is some personal trainning at the school gym or on the school football field, since i'll have a few hours now and then during the school day due to spares and lunches. It certainly beats wasting time at the lunch-room.


My question is in two parts. First, would it be right to traing in such a public place? one of the first rules of my dojo is to NOT TEACH ANY NON-KARATEKA THE ART OF KARATE-DO; i certainly won't be teaching anyone, but people will be able to see me and may learn that way... i'll try not to show off and find the most isolated spots, but i can't turn invisible...


Second, would be alright to wear my karate gi for such training? I'm currently a green belt, but personally i train wearing a white belt. It's just that i feel so much more comfortable in my gi, and i sense some motivation (if i can call it that) when i wear my gi. It really helps me keep focus. Once again, i wount be showing off or braging, but i'm sceptical about the possible attention it may bring...


thank you for your help


School would actually be one of the worst places to practice. If you school is like many of the ones other that post here go to practicing at school will invite trouble makers to try and start up with you.


You might look at doing some complementary training during that time - things like pushups, pullups, and getting some running in. But I would definately not recommend practicing at school.

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School would actually be one of the worst places to practice. If you school is like many of the ones other that post here go to practicing at school will invite trouble makers to try and start up with you.


You might look at doing some complementary training during that time - things like pushups, pullups, and getting some running in. But I would definately not recommend practicing at school.


This is a tough one, but I think I agree with Sai. As an adult, I probably wouldn't worry too much about wearing a gi and even my regular color belt at an adult-oriented gym. I know how putting on the uniform can get you psyched up, so that's cool.


But teenagers can be so cruel! Unless I'm mistaken, and you're actually talking about a college or university, I'd say just wear regular athletic apparel at school or find a more private place althogether.


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