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Tricks for quickly disabling an opponent.

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I like to ponder strategy when it comes to martial arts. But how do u strategize for unpredictable situations? I often attempt to find the quickest, most direct, dependable way to protect myself in a fight. For instance, the infamous kick to the knee cap will win u a fight 50% of the time if your timing, aim, and technique is practiced enough. Does anybody have anything else in their bag of tricks?

Why is martial arts so complex? The mind is complex, the body is complex, and these two things are not the same for any two martial artists. Like painting, techniques and styles can be taught, but to each martial artist, the art is their own and no one else's.

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the infamous kick to the knee cap will win u a fight 50% of the time if your timing, aim, and technique is practiced enough


If the person if a foot taller then you and knows how to handle himself this could work 0% of the time.


The biggest thing in my bag of tricks is to be able to spot potential problems before they are on me, and to be able to position myself to be in the best position i possibly can depending on what my motives are.


IF my motives are not to get in a fight, then i leave or remove myself from the situation before it occurs.


If my motives are to continue what i am doing and it leads me to a confrontation then i make sure i have the upper hand, and depending on the situation that can be one of a million possiblities.

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there are lots of nice little tricks, but why would i ever have to use them, since i am more skilled , faster and more powerful than my opponent......



that is true when you know who your opponent is... for all you know a guy you meet on the street may be way better that you in many ways, even if he does not show/look it


As for myself, i also try to predict possible negative situations that may arise and stay well clear of them.


If a negative situation is unavoidable, then the first thing i try to do is leave myself a clear exit, if possible i try to position myself in such a way that my opponents have their backs to the wall and i have a clear line of escape. If a fight is unavoidable, quick, simple and precise attacks with loud kia scares and or stunts almost all opponents, even if the hits down land, for long enough to run for it... if not hard hits to vital organs and breaking of bones is the last resort...


also i keep in mind that running away to avoid injury, to oneself or others, is always the safest and best way to get out of a bad sitution, if not always possible

A true shinobi is not defined by the number or quality of techniques he uses, but by the will and the determinations he has to improve himself...

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My best advice is to learn to be spontaneous and deal with the immediate situation which is always different no matter how much you practice some particular techniques. I suggest training yourself to react in a split second, try this FBI training method:


Try to go to the centre of any room in the house or a place, close your eyes and count backwards from 100 to 0.Then immediately open your eyes and speak out loud as many names as possible of the objects you can see in 10 seconds. Practicing this everyday teaches your mind to register, recognize and react to any situation you might be in. I.e. Your reflexes are slowly improved. For a normal person can speak out 10-14 objects, and there is no limit to how fast the mind can react.

control is the key to winning

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My best advice is to learn to be spontaneous and deal with the immediate situation which is always different no matter how much you practice some particular techniques. I suggest training yourself to react in a split second, try this FBI training method:


Try to go to the centre of any room in the house or a place, close your eyes and count backwards from 100 to 0.Then immediately open your eyes and speak out loud as many names as possible of the objects you can see in 10 seconds. Practicing this everyday teaches your mind to register, recognize and react to any situation you might be in. I.e. Your reflexes are slowly improved. For a normal person can speak out 10-14 objects, and there is no limit to how fast the mind can react.


interesting technique, i have to try it someday

A true shinobi is not defined by the number or quality of techniques he uses, but by the will and the determinations he has to improve himself...

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The question is "How to quickly disable an opponent", and there are no pat answers to that question. There are many factors that need to be considered, such as:


How skilled are you?


How skilled is your opponent?


What is your environment? (bar, street, crowded, who has friends to help, etc)


What are the differances in size and strength?


Do you have the element of surprise?


There are probably many more, but I have to get ready for work soon, so I just want to touch on what I think is the most important, and that is the element of surprise. In many dojo's that I have seen, the sensei teaches his people when threatened, to assume a karate-like stance, bring their hands up, give a mighty yell and try to intimidate their opponent into backing down because "Hey buddy, I know KARATE!!!". Folks, that is, IMHO, the absolyute WORST thing you can do if a fight is immenent! By doing this just prior to exchanging blows with an opponent, you have lost any and all elements of surprise that you might have over your opponent. This is especially true where your opponent is larger and stronger that you are.


What I teach my people is to move their feet a comfortable distance apart first of all, (but not in an obvlious karate stance), put their hands out in front of them palms out, start talking to your opponent ("I don't want to fight you."), and be ready to move/defend if they attack.


Looking at the typical male mind-set, if an aggressor wants to fight, and you assume a karate-like stance and yell, all you are doing is raising the ante level and opening up the challenge and saying to the guy...":Come on buddy, let's FIGHT!" This isn't a good thing if the guy is better than you are (whether he or you knows it or not at the time), and also it's just made him either more cautous, or more determined to beat the crap out of you. ("Oh yeah? Well, karate THIS!")


Personally, I have been in a number of real fights (not tournaments, but street fights), and this method works VERY well because my opponent didn't know that I was a martial artist and was fully prepared for him until he was picking his rear end up off the floor. Normally, in my experience, it only takes one time to drop the guy on his butt and not knowing quite how it happened, to make him think twice about coming at me again.


Anyway, this is what I teach my students, this is what I believe in, and this is, in my experience, what works well. Don't EVER give up the element of surprise if you can help it. :brow: :karate:

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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spear hand through the stomach and tear out their spine.....


rip their groin off


tear out their throat, rip off an ear, gouge out their eyes.....break the knees....there are a lot of nasty things you can do to someone....is this what you are asking for?

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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  • 2 weeks later...
spear hand through the stomach and tear out their spine.....


rip their groin off


tear out their throat, rip off an ear, gouge out their eyes.....break the knees....there are a lot of nasty things you can do to someone....is this what you are asking for?


the needle, prison, the needle, prison, prison, prison..... any questions.


Man, I agree with the poster that said "surprise". If they don't know, they can't prepare, or defend.


*besides, this is martial arts, not let see who can make me lose my lunch. Yuck! That is gross.


You need to stop watching all those horror flicks.

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