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injuries galore!


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When I hear that children's song..


Head and shoulders


Knees and toes


knees and toes


head and shoulders


knees and toes


it has an entirely new meaning to me.... :D


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Good one Shotochem!

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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The only injury I've had that was directly related to karate, (by directly I mean, I also play basketball, and I tend to get hurt there, the usual ankle problems and stuff like that, and then I don't do anything about it and I screw it up at karate.), but yea, by only injury from karate was I broke one of those little bones in my wrist, someone did a wrist lock on me, I lost my footing and fell backwards, when the lock was meant to flip me over fowards.


If that was even on topic....

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Were you not told the secret to Karate expertise is a blood sacrafice to the Karate Gods!!! :brow: :brow: :brow:


When I hear that children's song..


Head and shoulders


Knees and toes


knees and toes


head and shoulders


knees and toes


it has an entirely new meaning to me.... :D


*cries* :bawling:


9th Kyu

"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft."

~ Theodore Roosevelt

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The same sort of thing happened at my dojo last week. After ages without anyone getting injured, a husband and wife both got hurt. The guy got a broken nose from a stray forearm and the wife jarred her thumb after getting kicked.


For some reason there was a slightly smaller class the next night. :)

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you mean you don't get injuries every lesson?


Well, we do get injuries on a pretty regular basis, as we tend to go at it quite hard when sparring, especially the adults. However, the injuries are usually bumps, bruises, sprains with maybe only one person getting a more serious injury in any lesson.


I was just commenting that practically everyone in the class that night had an injury, with several students requiring a visit to A&E.


It just seemed 'funny' (funny as in strange, rather than "funny ha ha") that so many people had so many injuries in one night when we'd had a relattively injury free period the previous few weeks.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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It was a funny sight to see after training had finished - everyone clutching a different bit of themselves in agony.


:o I like your sense of humor!!! :lol:


It just seemed 'funny' (funny as in strange, rather than "funny ha ha") that so many people had so many injuries in one night when we'd had a relattively injury free period the previous few weeks.


Oh, never mind! :blush:

Freedom isn't free!

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Ever had one of those training sessions where the blood is flying thiack and fast?


Well, we had one last night at my karate club. It seemed like every person there got some form of injury.


We were doing a freestyle fighting session for the adults - any technique allowed, except groin and eye strikes. Padding optional - it was up to the fighter as to what they wanted to wear.


The first two guys up, one slipped on the mats going for a takedown and broke his collar bone. During the takedown he (somehow) managed to bust his partners nose with his elbow. First lot of blood about!


The second match was just as bloody - one split lip and one broken nose.


The other matches all seemed to have some form of injury in them, as well as the usual bumps and bruises.


Even the kids didn't escape. They did point sparring and one kid managed to break his big toe on another kids elbow, whilst another injury happened when a girl accidentally kicked a lad in the groin. He was so mad with her that he poked her in the eye! We had to take him aside and have a little chat with him about what not to do in the dojo...


It was a funny sight to see after training had finished - everyone clutching a different bit of themselves in agony.


I didn't manage to escape unscathed either, and I was only refereeing! :lol: My injury wasn't karate related, though; I trapped my hand in the changing room door. :roll:


We seem to have had a relatively long period without many serious injuries at my dojo, then suddenly we get enough in one night to keep the hospital staff occupied for hours. Funny how things sometimes turn out.


such things are not alowed in my dojo...never would my sensei let people fight without gear, and never to the brutality to be breaking bones niehter would the people in my dojo go this hard on somone for absolutily no purpose. at my dojo we believe you can train more if your not in the hospital.

"Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battle field."

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