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Gaaaah, I'm such a dolt!


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Just thought you'd all get a kick out of my doltishness...


So, last night before class, I was just sort of wandering along the front wall of the dojo, looking at the pictures and stuff on the wall, when suddenly the Sempai, who was standing nearby, shouted something that didn't quite register at first. Suddenly I turned around and there was the Sensei (whom I've never met, but recognize from his picture) bowing and entering the dojo. I realized the Sempai must have said something to the effect of "Sensei ni rei," but instead of bowing I just kinda stood there in a daze as the Sensei walked in. He smiled and said hello and I kinda said hi back and then he continued to the back of the dojo to go into the office.


The Sempai walked over to me and was like "Hey, Erin, just so you know, when the Sensei enters the dojo, the first person to see him says (whatever it was he said) and we all turn and bow. Don't worry though, he realizes you're new here."


GAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm such a moron!!!!! What a great first impression. :dead:


9th Kyu

"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft."

~ Theodore Roosevelt

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I wouldn't worry about it too much. I've always felt that the bowing and formal displays of respect mean more when the person doing it understands what, when and why they are doing it. The fact that you didn't know or didn't hear or didn't understand does not show any disrespect and it sounds like the Sensei understood that.


It would only be disrespectful if you blantantly refused to bow, or heard but ignored it or whatever. Had you known, I'm sure you would have shown the proper respect without question. And I'm sure the Sensei knows that.


Of course, none of that makes it any less embarressing. ;)


If it's any consolation I probably would have done something similar. Only I probably would have yelled out "What?! What did you say? Hey! Who's that guy? What's he doing here? What did you say? Why are you looking at me like that? What's going on!? Where am I? Who are you? What?!"



"Fighting fighting. Same Same"

"But you know karate!"

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Thanks Wap.


The annoying thing is, I DO understand what Sensei ni rei means, and I vaguely realized at the time that I was supposed to bow (not to mention that it just seems like common sense that you'd bow to the Sensei when he enters the dojo), but for some reason I just stood there like a fool. I think I just got caught off guard by the Sempai suddenly blurting it out like that, plus the fact that I really didn't expect the Sensei to be there on a Wednesday, as it is my understanding he teaches on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Oh well, next time I see him I'll be sure to give him an extra respectful bow. :D


9th Kyu

"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft."

~ Theodore Roosevelt

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lol, don't worry about it Erin - I'm sure everyone on this site has screwed up in some way or another at their martial arts club.


Still, it's pretty embarassing to do something like that and having someone tell you that 'everyone makes mistakes' still doesn't make you feel any better! :lol:

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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psh, what are you talking about aefi bird? i'm absolutely perfect in every way (like mary poppins!) i've never made a mistake in my life! certainly never one similar to Kamiya's... :bigwink:

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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Pfff, don't forget I'm your alter ego battousai. For all I know, it's your fault I didn't bow to the Sensei. :P


9th Kyu

"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft."

~ Theodore Roosevelt

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really? in my dojo before my sensei enters he will stay at the door way to the dojo preparing to bow, then the senior belt says tsuke (attention) then the sensei and all bow together as the sensei says "rei osu" then we start class. but we only do somthing like that for the start. anybody else do this?

"Cry in the dojo, laugh on the battle field."

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We do the traditional shito ryu starting/ending ceremony which is basically bow, turn around, bow again, kneel down, meditate, stop meditation, bow, bow again, stand up, bow, start class.

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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Well think of it the other way .. you forgot yo bow .. so what? The guy saw you were kinda outerspace :D We are humans and humans make mistakes. And never think the senseis are some kind of a God. They are NORMAL people with an expertise in something. When you forget to salute your English teacher you just apologise the next time you see him and it's OK. Why should it be different with a "karate teacher" ? :karate:

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