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that sux we can't edit out posts, i forgot to touch on the kicking the legs and keeping a "boxing type" out of range, u CAN lean hard on your legs for a fight... reason, #1, your adrenalized, little feeling #2 a street fight is 30 seconds to a minute on average, no swelling would set in in that amount of time, so leg kicks would only count in high amount or like i said in an extrememly powerful fashion


and the legs are longer yes, but most ppl can naturally defend against kicks to the face and head, maybe a hook kick would sneak in, but what a loss of balance and besides... this makes me think u've never had a decent street fight w/ an actual "street fighter" b/c they dont' play ranges w/ u, they rush right in, grab your clothes and try to throw big punches fast and hard, so i kinda think that's a poor point that wouldn't hold up for everyone, perhaps u have one blow k.o. kicks, but i know most ppl don't

look at me, i can dance, i know tae kwon do!

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No, if your in a street fight your fighting against an untrained attacker. That means he is not going to have the ability to knock a muay thai fighter down 80/90% of the time. If we were saying Muay Thai against BJJ or something, I'd agree.

If you can't laugh at yourself, there's no point. No point in what, you might ask? there's just no point.

Many people seem to take Karate to get a Black Belt, rather than getting a Black Belt to learn Karate.

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No, if your in a street fight your fighting against an untrained attacker


so you think only untrained people have street fights?


I would have to disagree to a point and say that most people who are going to press the issue and get into a street fight have some kind of an edge... most untrained people are going to avoid a fight if they can, and i know alot of street fighters that can more then hold their own against traditionally trained people..

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I agree with Luckykboxer, if someone is willing to go outside and chuck knuckles, it most likley isn't his first time. I've seen big ole farm boys and "Rig-Pigs" hand too many wannabe "martial artists" their *. Too many people like to think of a street fighter as some brain dead zombie that is going to fall for any technique that you just learned in the dojo. Unfortunately most people with the juice to go and fight have the mental capacity to adapt and think their way through a fight.

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I agree with LB also. not only that, but even if the person IS untrained, he may have that killer instinct that puts him at an advantage. I've seen several MA get torn apart by non-trained guys who simply had an "I'll maul you at any cost" attitude.

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It's unfair to compare a streetfighter with lots of real fight experience to a martial artist who has had no actual fights. If the martial artist had the same amount of streetfight experience as the untrained, but also experienced streetfighter, don't you agree the MA would win?

Instructor:"You're not gonna be able to see if you don't cut your hair."

"Haha. Too bad."

"A martial artist who has never sparred is like a swimmer who has never entered water."

-Bruce Lee

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hahaha, chuck knuckles, i like that, i'm gonna use it around this town


and radok, no no no no no




you are the one who is inexperienced here, like i said, if someone wants to bring u down, THERE'S A DAMN GOOD CHANCE ur goin down, someone takes a dive, ur knee misses and they've got both ur legs in locked arms, you got one direction to go, and how hard you fight only determines how long it takes to make the trip


i wrestle, and i've had ppl w/out any wrestling experience take me down w/ stupid moves... by slipping and falling... and there's always the possibility u trip, which is higher when someone's putting pressure on u

look at me, i can dance, i know tae kwon do!

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I didn't say a street fighter can't knock you down, I am saying when a steetfighter is fighting a Muay Thai fighter, and both are trying to knock each other down, the MT guy will probably succeed 8/9 times out of ten, not the other way around.

If you can't laugh at yourself, there's no point. No point in what, you might ask? there's just no point.

Many people seem to take Karate to get a Black Belt, rather than getting a Black Belt to learn Karate.

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It's unfair to compare a streetfighter with lots of real fight experience to a martial artist who has had no actual fights. If the martial artist had the same amount of streetfight experience as the untrained, but also experienced streetfighter, don't you agree the MA would win?




I never once mentioned that the streetfighter had lots of experience, actually. I only commented on his mentality. The two most important factors in a fight are mentality and circumstance. If the streetfighter has the edge in those two areas, chances are that you will lose. If he doesn't have them, then the tables are more even, and will be slightly tipped in your favor if you are good. Training in MA doesn't guarantee anything - it's merely an equalizer to help give you and advantage.


Case in point, look at the young women, elderly people, etc. who carry sticks when they walk. Chances are, I will beat the crap out of them even if they do use that stick. But the stick is their equalizer, as they can hit harder with it than they can with their own limbs. Same with us - MA is an equalizer.

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I didn't say a street fighter can't knock you down, I am saying when a steetfighter is fighting a Muay Thai fighter, and both are trying to knock each other down, the MT guy will probably succeed 8/9 times out of ten, not the other way around.


when you say "knock eachother down" are you referring to a "knockdown"? (in boxing they give a count for this one) or a "takedown" (the wrestling version)?

look at me, i can dance, i know tae kwon do!

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