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Street fight advice.

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Heh, its been a while since i've posted here. Guess its time to end my forumiting and acutally start posting again....




Coco, it seems your problem is your mindset. You are forcing yourself into a conflict that you cannot win. Therefore, unless you have a burning desire to loose, you need to decide to win. Don't scoff at the simplicity of that statement, ego is the quickest loss one can make.


Once you decide you want to keep your body in a non-beat-up state, figure out what it takes to keep it that way. If the fight is avoidable, avoid it. If it is not, or you are unsure, make damn well sure that it happens under your rules/playingfield/whatever. Engage them how you want to fight, don't be caught offgaurd or forced to fight there way. To do so, with your skill level (and probably, even if your really skillled), is suicide.


Its all about the mindset. You must look at the situation realistically and persue the best option.


Also, someone brought up earlier that you should attempt to escape the moment you can. This is good advice, but if these are just punk kids, escaping might encourage and enbolden them even further. I would recommend that your first fight stay your last. Of course, if you soundly beat them, the possiblity exists for full fledged retaliation. Thats a judgement call your going to need to make. Hell, both situations could occur, so I would personally be ready for both situations, if at all possible.


Me telling you how to fight 2 guys shoving you would be worthless. Not only are there only a gazillion different scenarios that could evolve from it, but I don't know you. You listening to any technique advice from me would leave you trying to think how to perform an action you'd never done. You must think about how YOU can win, and then do it. How I would win won't help you much.


Good luck.

Do not go silently into that good night.

Rage, Rage, Against the dying of the light.

- Dylan Thomas

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Yes you are all absolutely right about this. however thats not his question. he just wants to know are there any tips IF god forbid IF he does have to get physical? not trying to sound like an * but that was his question.

Actually Ravencroft, i did answer his question. The tips are that he should do whatever he can to avoid being in that situation in the first place and to work on his mindset. As Starturtle indicated, it is not reasonable to offer 'physical' tips on what to do. The problem is predominantly a 'mental' one.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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Yeah i know we all answered his question technically and all was good advice i just think he meant how to beat some * with effective fighting techniques...whatever that means i honestly dont know how i could answer tha question so i just tried to give him the best advice i could think of.

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Well, i just asked because next year im going into high school and i dont know what to expect. My friends have been telling me that there are a load of workout freaks who like to bully 9th graders around, since we are the smallest.


If i tried to run or whatever in school and they cought up to me later im dead... if they beat me up and i report to school they suspend them for a week and then they are back to get me... wearing masks and beating me up twice as hard.


This has happened to many of my friends which alredy went through this stage , but i have the advantage of being an active martial artst. Sorry if my question was wrong or whatever, but i have concluded that none of you can help me win a battle.

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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but i have concluded that none of you can help me win a battle.


good conclusion sicne i live in San Diego and am not about to board a plane ond come to your town and save you, as no others here are willing to do as well.


I dont think anyone could help you win this battle.


You are in a no win situation.


once you realize that you will realize you have to go about it differently.


the best solution to any problem is a Win - Win result...


meaning you get something positive out of it and so does the other person.


the next best solution is a win - no loss result...


meaning you win something and the other person doesnt lose anything.


the next best solution is a no loss - no loss result...


meaning you dont win anything and neither does the other person, you are both in the same standing you were before.


after this it gets ugly let me try to explain.


a win - loss situation means you gain something and the other person loses something.


In normal situations this usually is a good thing, but in your situation it can be deadly.


if you get a confrontation and you hurt them and get away thats a win - loss..... you momentarily got out of a situation with no pain, but they did.


I have known many gang bangers, and hard *. They wont let it rest at that... they will come back after you and they will attack you harder and with more people.... and they will keep coming back until they get a WIN on their side.


now a win - loss might be able to work if you were in a random situation where the opponent didnt know you, didnt live near you, didnt live near where you frequent....


this isnt the case.


I dont know what to tell you, but I have to say i am concerned for your safety. You seem to be learning some physical skills, and you are feeling fairly confident with your physical skill level and ability to handle yourself.


the problem i see is that your mental skill level is still at a begining stage and you are ot thinking out all the scenarios.


I really hope this helps you understand what we are talking about a little bit more.

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Coco, hello. There is a reason 9th graders get "picked-on" and it's something none of us here can or should try to help you with; welcome to life my friend. Dial 1-800-back bone ( no offence intended).

You must be stable and balanced in your foot work, if you have to use your martial knowledge in combat, your intent should be to win. If you do strike, you must release great power! The martial arts are easy to learn, but difficult to correct.

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Ditto what everyone else has said so far. When you advertise that you are in karate, someone always wants to test you-to see if you can really do anything with it. Additionally, Miami street thugs normally carry around more than their fists, so by getting involved in a fight with them you are not thinking too wisely. Change before you go home. Change your routes home. There's nothing wrong with mentally rehearsing what you would do if the incident happened, but better to just try an avoid any confrontation. If it comes down to blows, then you have to be aggressive. Don't wait for them to attack, go all out on one of them (preferably the biggest) and hurt him bad. If the others decide they want to stick around, then you better look out. But if they beat feet, then you better watch it every time you walk home. It's a no-win situation.

Mixed Martial Artist

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The stupidest thing ever happened to me tonight... Since I have decided to train extra time, extra hard (7 days a week, at least 2 hours a day) it means that on mon/wed/fri , days that I go to the dojo to practice, i stay after class, which ends up being around 830-900 , pretty late and dark for a green belt to be walking around with a karate uniform, anyways, tonight i stayed after class to practice my katas and whatever and then as im walking back, around 3-4 kids prolly 11-15 yr old see me walking by... In this ocassion, no they werent taller stronger faster, they were around 5-5"3 and weight no more than 130 pounds, anyways, as I walk by them ,they go "oh look a green belt!" and then one of the kids goes "i whoop your *" and then they all start laughing... yes, I did control myself but i felt like going up to them and teaching them a lesson... (which im 99% positive i could have)... What the hell is wrong with people these days, karate is just another sport why do we have to be descriminated?!

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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You were wearing your gi again outdoors, didn't you? WHY? Try to blend in and don't get any attention. Still you do it. Fight them if the itch is so profound. And then be ready to fight again and again with more and more attackers and eventually get shot or stabbed. You are looking for trouble and you'll get more than you can carry. I know I sound harsh and I INTEND IT. Get real and try to avoid conflict as much a possible. In a bad neighbourhood being a Ninja Turtle can bring you ONLY problems.


I hope I'll hear only good news from you. Keep a low profile, change routes, clothes and stay out of trouble.

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well since everyoen here has obviously wasted their time responding to you i will leave you with this, I am done responding to you as it has become apparant to me that you dont want advice or help, but just justification that what you are doing is the best thing.


Enjoy I wish you luck in your endeavors

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