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Street fight advice.

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all good points but rather than repeating what everyone else just said for the millionth time ill say sumthing else. LB is right be conscious of what u do but if ur in the heat of the moment do what u need to do to get out of the situation. in a street fight for ur life there is no honor its either u or them. bite twist headbutt do whatever u need to wherever u need to. u dont have to be a martial arts master to know basic places to hit that u know will hurt. palm heel to the nose that will totally mess someone up if u do it right, prolly wont kill them but will do some serious nose damage as well as make their eyes water. heel stomp their foot if they come from behind and grap u just do what u must. the only problem with this is that if they only live a block away from you it could mean hard times ahead and u may have to keep fighting. the safeway is like they said just to find another way home. i dont know how much changing clothes will help seeing as how ur already a regular target of theirs. just try to avoid them, i know its a shot on ur pride but its probably for the best. and if u have to fight, do what you need to do then get the hell out of there.

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Coco, you've let me quite speechless with the reason for not changing to regular clothes :karate: It takes 2 minutes to slip into some less "offensive" clothes and you can do it in a corner on a hall. I've had a coleague who used to take a sport costume on the gi pants and top. Quite uncomfortable I might say :D


So do change, It doesn't matter you live close. Don't be lazy, you're a Karateka :D And I'd consider a change of route too. Fighting with multiple attacker wouldn't be a good idea, especially when you're got a nasty neighbourhood and the guys could throw in some guns too. We're not faster than the bullet, you know :D

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Yeppers, sounds like a little bit of ego on your part there Coco. Keep it in check, because that's what's creating the problem with your judgement calls.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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We're not faster than the bullet, you know :D


Speak for yourself Ramymensa... ;) Some of us are... *cough*

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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Okay, now since most of you have repeated the same thing over and over, I came up with a new question that I hope varies on answers.


What if TWO people came up to me and started to push me around? (yes, they are stonger faster and crazyer then me)

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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hey i have a question for you.


If you already know this is a possibility why would you put yourself in the position to get yourself beat up?


Why would you not alter one simple thing to avoid the situation?


Why do you insist on asking for an impossible answer to a ridiculous question?


Now... if you want to fight them that is a different story.


If you have an itching to get into a fight then by all means plan it out and carry it out.


But if both people are stronger faster and crazier then you then your only chance is skill..... and if they fight for a living in their gangs and you are a fairly new student then they may have skills that are as good as or better then yours.


I would say let it fly if thats your choice and accept the consequences.


However i will warn you if these are true gangbangers you are probably going to end up in the hospital, and your family will become the target of alot of trouble

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Coco, if you pose "what ifs," then your biggest obstacle is your mindset. You must extricate yourself from the prey mentality. You are thinking like a victim, rather than a victor.


What if is a defensive mentality. It exhibits a perception of looking at things and trying to determine what you need to do to 'counter,' as opposed to what you would to do to avoid such an encounter altogether, or what you would do to them if avoidance is not an option.


But, to play the what if scenarios: I would first not get myself in a situation where two people would feel 'inclined' to come up to me and make trouble. Second, if such did occur, and they did come up to me to make trouble, i would extricate myself from the situation as quickly as possible, either through full physical assault, or 'sneaker-time.' Third, them pushing you around is already battery. You are full within your rights to defend yourself with extreme prejudice at that point, or to act in any manner you deem necessary to ensure your survival. The goal is not to win. The goal is to survive. You must determine, for yourself and before entering into any confrontation, what is 'truly' important to you. Material items, self-esteem, pride, physical health, etc etc. Understand just what it is you are truly defending... or you won't fight with the fury of a clean and committed conscience.


As to them being stronger and faster than you, seems you have already psyched yourself to lose. What is it, do you feel like you're in the wrong? Did you know that's the mentality most victims feel? It is because of this "why me" and "i'm sorry" mentality that victims are targetted. Realize this... understand your boundaries, and those things you would put your life on the line for, and you'll finally understand what it is to turn the tables on the predators, making them the prey.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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Yes you are all absolutely right about this. however thats not his question. he just wants to know are there any tips IF god forbid IF he does have to get physical? not trying to sound like an * but that was his question.

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ok then if thats his question my answer is...


Pray your face outlasts their fists :roll:


the question is almost ridiculous in that it is common sense how to avoid it and if the information he has given is correct there is absolutely no way i could see him coming out on top of this.


Its about Winning... and getting your head beat, or getting shot, or worse is not a win situation.


at his skill level, against peopel he described I am almost completely confident that there is absolutely nothing he could do to help himsel fin that situation other then what has been mentioned already, and i refuse to add any false confidence to him in this situation by giving him a hopeless scenario in dealing with it.

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Ok coco did you catch all that? this is coming from someone who seems to have been around...a lot. unless there is any info that you are witholding from us. there arent any real special techniques u can use. if it ever comes to it just do what you can and get the hell out of there but try to avoid the situation in the first place. just use your common sense in and out of combat. thats pretty much the consensus here. good luck and dont get your face knocked in.

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