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Ever REALLY needed to use your martial art? Really?!

How often do you need to actually USE your martial arts training in a fight?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. How often do you need to actually USE your martial arts training in a fight?

    • Never really had to use it.
    • Used it once - and it worked!
    • Used it once - and it failed!
    • Used it a few times, but not often.
    • Use it all the time, every day, against multiple attackers!! Kiai!!

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The only time I've ever had to use it was when I was running down the stairs of my school, (We have horrible stairs when they're wet.) and I fell. I used the falling thing that I learned in class so I didn't break a wrist. But other than that, I hope I never have to use it.


The lesson for today is.... don't run on the stairs! :P

If I didn't run, I would have been late for class, and then I would have gotten a detention. And then I would have missed basketball practice, and I wouldn't have been allowed to play in the next game. :cry:
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I'm much the same way most others here are. I haven't had to use it in combat, but I use the awareness and readiness techniques as part of everyday life.


Unfortunately, I think your post was more intent on finding out how often people had to use it in combat. 8)

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Without getting into the initial reasons for me getting into the arts, i'll focus on the reasons i continue to study.


The arts exist, for me, as a means to have the skills and awareness required to 'avoid' confrontations. I use my knowledge and skills to decrease the likelihood of being placed in a dangerous situation, or on being able to extricate myself from a dangerous situation should i find myself in one.


As a side, it serves well for me when i help others out of their predicaments. I am very often asked for advice on how to deal with this or that situation. The arts, if you study them well and with an open mind, can help you with as simple a dealing as a disgruntled client on the phone, to as complex a dealing as being in a hostage situation.


Here's the itch. We live in a civilized world, which pampers us and brings us to a degree of complacency. The vast majority of people simply do not know how to handle a 'shift' of this state, from that of civilized to that of uncivilized. And while we may never, ever be exposed to an uncivilized (or barbaric) act, it is still no excuse not to at least prepare for it.


Victims are victims, by complacency... by choice. This may be a hard and cruel statement, it is also a hard and true statement. Predators aim for the easiest of prey, and it is those who fail to think about dangers, who pose themselves in harm's way, who do not make an effort to protect themselves or their loved ones... that essentially turn themselves into targets.


So while some of you may be saying, "since i've been studying the arts, i haven't had to use the physical skills taught..." did it ever occur to you that it may just be BECAUSE you have been studying the arts that you haven't had to get physical? To a predator, you may no longer look like easy prey, and thus... you make yourself a much smaller, less enticing, target.


As for me, i've had plenty of opportunities to apply my arts, on a physical level. Partly due to the jobs I took, partly due to my stupid-* heroics of saving silly prey from the grasp of predators (rather than ignoring), and partly because of choice. The truth of the matter is, if you wish for an opportunity to apply your skills, you can find it. But, what's the real goal here?

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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I have used my martial arts knowledge in my pass much more than today. I have broken-up or stopped fights(20?) with techniques learned. I have stopped 10 men that saught to do me physical harm, maybe 10 times with MA techniques learned. I have avoided countless situations that would have placed me in violent confrontation thanks to learning MA's. But the men I scuffled with; number 1. they were your average person(couch potato's with a job). Number 2. most of them were under some kind of influence(alcohol, drugs, etc..) Number 3. Most people after 1,2,or3 punches, kicks, whatever are trown have no idea's of what to do next, where-as a martial artist is always thinking.

You must be stable and balanced in your foot work, if you have to use your martial knowledge in combat, your intent should be to win. If you do strike, you must release great power! The martial arts are easy to learn, but difficult to correct.

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I have used my training many times in job related issues, security, doorman, and mental health nurse. It was done always out of necessity and over with very quickly. I think that muscle memory and the confidence and control I have learned were the most important things involved with my not being seriously injured and with my opponents not being hurt any more than necessary to stop the conflict.


What is most interesting is that for every altercation I have been involved in there have been probably a dozen that I was able to reason with the other person(s) and no physical contact was needed. Maybe it is age and wisdom, but I prefer to think that it is living and practicing martial arts that make me tend to settle things without violence.

A Black Belt is just a white belt that don't know when to quit!

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There's been only a few times where i had to use my skills. But forgot I'm a solider for uncle sam.


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I did a spinning kick and hit somone in the face and they almost cried it knocked them down but it was with my weak leg so it didnt hurt him much but it still knocked him down

Things do NOT work because someone says they do. They work because YOU can do them!

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I use it alot because I often find myself fighting my brother's battles for him as well as my own. However, when I do fight it very rarely ends in a person being injured unless either: A) I happen to get angry or B) there is more than one person involved, in which case I strike the opponent down mercilessly(I unfortunately have been taken to a jail before,not to stay, but the principal of my school took me there as well as a few other students to let us know that was where we would end up as per the Zero-tolerance rule put into place).


I didn't start it to fight it just turns out that way but I avoid a fight whenever often.

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