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Ever REALLY needed to use your martial art? Really?!

How often do you need to actually USE your martial arts training in a fight?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. How often do you need to actually USE your martial arts training in a fight?

    • Never really had to use it.
    • Used it once - and it worked!
    • Used it once - and it failed!
    • Used it a few times, but not often.
    • Use it all the time, every day, against multiple attackers!! Kiai!!

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Ok, I'm not trying to come down on anyone or anything, so just take this post with a grain of salt.


I'm just want to find out if people have ever had to use their martial art training in a real life situation, and if so, how often?


I have only been training in Shotokan karate for about 2 years (not long in my opinion) and am only a 1st brown belt, but I didn't get into the martial art as a means of self defense. I got into it because I wanted the exercise, I really enjoy learning it, the people are great, it's a fun exercise to do, I am strengthening my body and keeping fit, and I gain a degree of self confidence from it.


BUT, I have never had to actually use it. And to be honest, I don't think I ever really want to. Maybe it is my lifestyle choices, but I have never really been in any serious fights. Sure, numerous scuffles and what-not in junior high school, but no fights in the last 10 or 12 years, that's for sure.


I am 28 years old, male, and don't often frequent the bars or clubs, so maybe that has something to do with it. But I'm curious if other martial arts students (and instructors) out there have ever had to really use their martial art. And more importantly, how often you find you have to use it, and how effective it is.


The point I am getting at is that I see and hear from a lot of people who are interested in getting into martial arts because they want to be awesome fighters. And the first thought that pops into my head is "How often do you get in fights, anyway? If you find yourself in fights all the time, maybe martial arts isn't the answer, but rather a conflict-avoidance seminar or something."


Anyway, again, perhaps it is my own lifestyle choices that puts me in the minority, but I can't help but think that MOST people in martial arts don't really use it for "street fights", but rather are involved for the reasons I indicated above. We just LOVE training in martial arts; all the physical, mental, psychological and emotional benefits it provides.


Self-defense I can appreciate, especially for people living in a rough-and-tumble neighborhood or something, or for someone who has been attacked/mugged in the past and needs the confidence. That I totally understand and think martial arts are a GREAT way to overcome some of those fears.


But on the whole....Do you ever REALLY need your martial arts training for street fights?



"Fighting fighting. Same Same"

"But you know karate!"

"Someone always know more..."

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I totally agree, Wap. You touched on some great points. At first, I got into MA for self defense, because of a job I had at the time (campus cop). I actually really didn't need it for my job (or I didn't have to use it, except the verbal part).


I ended up quiting that job, but I stuck with MA. I'm not the type to go out and pick fights, or get involved unless extremely necessary. I do learn self defense, which is a plus. But I'm also in it for more than self defense. Keeping fit and the character building. I have my bouts with low confidence (even now), but MA helps with that.


I did have to use MA for self defense once. And it did work. But that was 3 years ago. I haven't had to use it since then.

Laurie F

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Thanks for the insite! Some ask why I want my son in MA. Its not so he can go around beating people up. It's the self confidence, the discipline, the excercise and he is having fun!


I hope he never has to use it!!!! But if there comes a time, I hope what he learned will serve him well!

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I constantly use my training.


environmental awareness as taught to me in the school is an every day part of my routine. I am always paying attention to what is happening in my environment and paying attention to what to avoid.


situational awareness is a part of my everyday routine.


when i am in a position where possible problems may occur i run the scenarios through my head.


positioning is something i practice everyday. I never put myself at a weak angle or an undefendable position to anybody.


Now i dont go walking around in a fighting stance, but i have found myself over the years never allowing myself to be in a weak or non defensible position. Its just natural now.


I have had times where I stood up for other people and had to use my skills to protect both them and myself.


I have had times i have had to protect myself and stand up for my beliefs.


I was a fighter long before i got into martial arts.


If i wasnt involved in the martial arts i would probably still be a fighter.


Now with martial arts I am able to have a healthy release for my passion.


No trouble, no problems.

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I don't provoke anybody into fights and try to avoid them period. I'm not a violent person by any means and find martial arts to be great for combining mind, spirit and body. I've gotten into only 2 fights in my life and I can't say I really lost either one.

If your enemy refuses to be humbled......you must destroy him.

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I've never had to use my MA training in a real-life situation and I hope I never will.


The only time I've had to defend myself was once at a bar at a rock concert I went to and some blokes started a fight - I got caught in the middle. :( That was before I started MA, though.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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I got into Karate for the same reasons you did. It keeps me in shape for basketball, and I like learning it.


The only time I've ever had to use it was when I was running down the stairs of my school, (We have horrible stairs when they're wet.) and I fell. I used the falling thing that I learned in class so I didn't break a wrist. But other than that, I hope I never have to use it.

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I've used MA in my life as a way of relating to the world, being aware and trying as much as I can to not enter"delicate" situations. I also avoid places where I could get in trouble, go out at evening time only by car or bike and so on. I try not to seek opportunities to use my knowledge, because I think a conflictual situation leaves psychological traces even if you were the "winner". Instead of ruining my day I preffer being a bit more cautious :karate:

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I haven't used it within a fight situation, but then again I don't tend to go to places where fights may erupt. Plus I am a talker... a smoother of ruffled feathers.


However on the one or two situations that have started to become dodgy I feel that my karate has helped me be more aware of this, and be able to place myself in a better position. It has also taught me a lot about not putting myself in bad situations... for example in a pub if given the choice I will not sit with my back to the door.


I also feel that the confidence that karate has given me helps deter situations. People notice body language first... so maybe a change in the posture, the way the body is positioned lets people know that maybe it isn't worth getting into that fight after all.

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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The only time I've ever had to use it was when I was running down the stairs of my school, (We have horrible stairs when they're wet.) and I fell. I used the falling thing that I learned in class so I didn't break a wrist. But other than that, I hope I never have to use it.


The lesson for today is.... don't run on the stairs! :P

However on the one or two situations that have started to become dodgy I feel that my karate has helped me be more aware of this, and be able to place myself in a better position. It has also taught me a lot about not putting myself in bad situations... for example in a pub if given the choice I will not sit with my back to the door.


I agree with this.


As my instructor says... the best form of defence is not to be there in the first place.


A big part of karate is Zanshin or awareness, and I feel that MA training does give people awareness and the 'nouce' (that's a slang word for knowldge/intelligence BTW!) not to go into places where there might be trouble.

I also feel that the confidence that karate has given me helps deter situations. People notice body language first... so maybe a change in the posture, the way the body is positioned lets people know that maybe it isn't worth getting into that fight after all.


True. Positive and confident body language can be as much a part of fight-prevention as being able to sooth a situation by talking.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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