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Help with Gyaku-Tsuki Kizame-Tsuki combinations.

Red Triangle student

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It's kizami not kizame :)


And Zuki not Tsuki. When you are reffering to the hand as a body part it's Tsuki. When reffering to the technique (with another word together with it as kizami and gyaku) it turns into Zuki. The same with Geri (mae, yoko, mawashi GERI), but Keri, when speaking about the leg and without any word to accompany it. I'm b..chy .. l know, but since you got to the correct spelling ... :D


About the tension in the thigh area when twisting ... I used to feel it too, because I was rotating the hip too much and almost always forgot to go forward a bit. There are 2 moves ... the hip rotation and something we call translation .. you lean more on the leading leg bringing the hips even more in front. I really don't know how to explain it so you can understand ... my English is so poor :kaioken:

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You just might learn something if you listened to my mouth full of CRAP as you state... And secondly, I didn't criticize your spelling at all! I'm the last person to criticize a person's spelling... You must have confused me with another poster on the criticism. Finally, I explained "exactly" what was wrong with your stance in terms of hip rotation - based on your question.


So I suggest you back down a little on this one!


- Killer -

Yes, Adrian I probably am, I didnt need that mouthful of crap from "Killer Miller" lol, You could have just explained what you thought I was doing instead of critiscising the way I have spelt Gyaku Tsuki.

Mizu No Kokoro

Shodan - Nishiyama Sensei

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snip..kizame-zuki (don't remember the proper spelling?) snip...


I just re-looked at my post with the above statement I made. If you are referring to that line, it was not directed at you and was a typo on my part. It was supposed to say "kizame-zuki ("I" don't remember the proper spelling???)" referring to my own poor spelling - not yours...


- Killer -

Mizu No Kokoro

Shodan - Nishiyama Sensei

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Red Triangle Student ... there's no need to take anything personal. We are here to enjoy the conversation and learn something more. Please let us know how is the rotation working for you since you've received so much advice. Have the instructor with you and try to do the rotation so you gain effectiveness without any pain. It's one of the most difficult things to perform and after you discover the perfect way for you to do it you realize it's not that hard. Still you need to be helped and corrected. Took me some hours to really rotate in a way that added speed and strenght but still didn't harm me.

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Sometimes we should all just use English instead of Japanese. It will avoid confusion and misunderstandings. :)

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I'll probably start a flame war and it isn't my intention, really. Still I think you should learn the proper names and spelling. If you work in computer business you've got to learn the terms, if you are in music or medicine, you must memorize some names. Why should it be different in MA? There are few words .. maybe 100 we must know in order to understant what we are talking about. It's not THAT much :)


I've had the opportunity to work with some foreign guys. We worked in English and only I could understant something .. They were trying to explain a technique in many words, thinking we didn't know the Japanese word. When we told them to name them, they were appaled to see we really knew the stuff and we could understand what they wanted from us. Tell me Mawashi Geri and I'll know it, tell me roundhouse kick and I'll ask you if you want me to kick around the house :D


But we weren't talking about it. Sorry for the off topic rant :angel:

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True Ramy, however I was thinking it would benifit those who do not study a Japanese art to at least add the english translation occasionally.


I know I don't understand a singlr Korean or Chinese term. :)


Just a thought......... :karate:

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