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Fight or Not?

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What do you prefer to do, fight or try to talk your way out of it and get away? I know you'll say it depends on the situation, but I mean some people will want to fight just because someone called them an idiot or looked at them the wrong way.


I personally like to try to avoid a fight, but if it comes to it. I'm all for a good brawl. But I mean if the guys got knives or guns or something, then all their gonna have of mine is the shoes I jumped outta.

The amateur shoots his hands out ferociously, but lacks any true power. A master is not so flamboyant, but his touch is as heavy as a mountain.

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When I was a little girl I used to fight a lot from various reasons. Nowadays I'm more peaceful and haven't got into a fight since starting karate. I was once close to have to defend from an insistent guy who couldn't understand why I won't have a coffee with him, just of a sudden. But he eventually stopped bugging me. I was ready to resist any attempts, but I'm glad it didn't degenerate. My aggresivity diminished a lot since taking MA. :karate: Not to mention is not nice to fight on the streets and it's bad for the nails too :D (I keep mine very short, but it'a a reason not to fight :karate: )

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Honestly, I don't think I'd fight unless I (or those with me) was in danger of very serious injury or death.


Whenever you decide to fight, you escalate the situation. You may be experienced in fighting, but what if your opponent has a weapon (kife or gun) and is willing to use it?


Add in the legal ramifications (which have been discussed elsewhere, no expert here!), and just seems like you lose even if you win.


Hmm. Hello. This is the floor. How did I get here?

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I think it is better not to fight, that is if you can avoid it. I have never ever hit anyone, because they swore at me. I think that words are words. Swear words are stupid and empty words, which have no meaning. Why start a fight because of words that have no meaning? However, if one believes that swear words are preliminaries to attack then one should use preliminary strikes to finish off the threat and get away as fast as possible. Otherwise, just walk away because it is not worth it.


Wing Chun Kuen Man

Real traditional martial arts training is difficult to find.....most dojos in the west are Mcdojos....some are better and some are worst....but they are what they are....do you train in one?

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I personally like to try to avoid a fight, but if it comes to it. I'm all for a good brawl. But I mean if the guys got knives or guns or something, then all their gonna have of mine is the shoes I jumped outta.


what if you find out too late?

so vis pacem para bellum

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Walk away.. Fighting gives and answers nothing.


Walking away gives both sides time to think about the situation which will hopefully lead to doing what is best. Lazy thinkers fight and the quiet ones get revenge.

"And it is this lack of fear that makes for the dance" - Anne Morrow Lindbergh


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How about pretending to walk away, and then turning around and sucker punching the guy?


That seems like the perfect compromise to me :)


What's even funnier than you saying that is that it sound just like something your instructor would say....


...all in good humor, folks...with a touch of seriousness, but mostly humor...


anyway, the whole purpose of learning martial arts to so that you don't have to fight...unless you absolutely need to.


"The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities. It is best to win without fighting. ".


-Sun Tzu


"The only rational purpose for mastering violence is to abolish it."


-Larry Hama

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:lol: I have talked my way out of so much deep doodoo that it's not even funny. I mean surrounded by six guys etc. A few times I did strike first when I judged that the time for talking was passed. The best is if your dojo or gym will let u bring it inside. When some guys would give me thrash talk I would just hand them the card for my gym and say come on down and we can settle it in the ring, not like dogs on the street. Funny :lol: no one ever showed up. So TAlK, Then WALK, Then RUN and if that fails then FIGHT. :x


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