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My story, and the seek of advice.


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thank how many push ups how many roundhouse kicks and how many punches should i do.


from matt blake thank you for your wounder full advice no one has just talked on exercise before they talked about food.


please get this post out there and i am happy with your reply rich_2k3


thanks again for a real answer thanks again rich_2k3

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First see how many pushups you can do maximum, push yourself. Now do half of that amount in 4 sets per day. Do 4 sets of 25 roundhouses and 4 sets of 25 punches.


Rich - Thanks for your reply, unfortunatelly, I cant get a job - no time, with school work and all.

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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No time?! You said you spend 13 hours a day on the computer.


Good point.


What u want to include in workout is:




Leg squats


Squat thrusts


Sit-ups (make sure u do them right, can damage lower back if not)


Tricep dips


Skipping (if u dont want to jog outside)


Stretching (dynamic stretching is best)


Shadow boxing


Your martial arts syllabus


and anything else u think would help! remember every single time u workout out do it properly and with full effort or dont do it at all because u will be simply wasting ur time...push urself beyond ur limits everytime and u will see results.


Good balanced diet, check link:




Finally, buy this book, its the best book on the market for training for martial arts at home and on your own. Will help you carve a great workout that will benefit not just fitness but your martial arts skill as a whole and will be a good complement to ur current training:


http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1880336596/qid=1093437063/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/104-2835471-6293523?v=glance&s=books (if ur from US)


http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1880336596/qid=1093437219/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_10_1/026-4187570-2576440 (if ur from UK)

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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I changed all that, remember?.... If i still spend that much time i wouldnt be as fit, besides, school started now taking up around 10 hours of my day, plus my instrumental practice and such.

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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  • 8 months later...

My turnout and the new beggining -

Well basically I grew to 5'9 and dropped to 138, ran 5 miles 7 days a week, did karate and weight training everyday for a few hours and went to school. I knew 15 katas and won many competitions, i helped my sensei get his 6th dan and i was top pupil on my county. Then, long story short, my hips started hurting. 6 months later, they are still healing. Now i can do some soft exercise but i lost all my muscle and i forgot all the katas and i am starating to work out softly.

Moral of the story - Dont let drive turn into obsession. On this whole post is basically all of my experiences i hope you can learn from them.

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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I totally agree with you on the obsession part. My hips are just now getting back to feeling normal.

As for the rest, I completely empathize with you. I was the little fat kid sitting shyly in the back of the class. I was never any good at sports, even though my dad tried to get me involved...I was always so self conscious. I knew I didn't look as good as the other kids, like that really mattered right? But it did to a young me. I was called 'fat hog', I was bullied, I had a group of kids taking my lunch money, etc. Basically every single story you see on TV about the poor little fat kid was me. I ate junk because it made me feel better. I was a social recluse. We didn't have internet when I was that age, but if I did, I would have clung to it like a life jacket. I buried myself in books, and role playing games, and other fantasy type activites...anything that allowed me to not be me. I hated myself.

In junior high school, 7th and 8th grade, I was 5'9" and 265lbs. All I could think about was getting a girlfriend. All my friends had them, but I didn't. I was the fatty fatty boombalatty that couldn't get a girl if my life depended upon it. I spend the majority of my childhood in a vague depression. Then, something snapped in me and I was tired of being the fat loser, at least that's how I saw myself.

The summer between 10th and 11th grade, I crash dieted. I only ate one can of tuna and two slices of bread a day. I lost 100lbs that summer. Imagine the Ego Boost I got when I went to the 1st day of 11th grade and two girls wanted to know what I was doing that weekend. Man, I was flying high. I kept my diet in check and stayed around 180lbs at 6'1" for a few more years. Then I got married and let it all slide again. Then I lost it again, then again, due to stress of financial problems, custody hearings, my failing business, and other family issues, I ballooned up to 365lbs. I also landed myself in the hospital for irregular heart beat(the doctor said I had the symptoms of a cocaine abuser), stomache problems, GERDs disease, and other emotional problems.

So, I destressed as much as possible, and began, for the second time, training in the martial arts, only this time, much more seriously. I really only wanted to get my kids involved and figured I would lead by example, a lesson I learned in the military. I figured that they wouldn't want to do it if they didn't see me doing it. So, I began training very hard for the next couple of months. My brother said I would never stick with it, that I couldn't commit to anything other than a supersized No. 5.

Well, that was last April. I'm now weighing in at 272lbs and still dropping...my goal is 225 by New Years Day and I WILL acccomplish it...nothing will stand in my way of my fitness goals or my MA goals. I am using the Body for Life plan. So far, it has worked for me, since I figure I've lost 90 lbs in a year. They say that you lose water weight mostly, but all 90lbs, and 12 inches from the waist? Not a chance. I'm also the Program and Enrollment Director at the Academy where I train. I have fulltime custody of my children and am much happier than I was.

I will say that the first hurdle you have to make it over is yourself. I was my own worst enemy, and you are yours. Depression is the biggest, nastiest bad guy out there, and of you don't start taking steps to cure it now, you will battle it all of your life. I'm, surprised that nobody has mentioned that before this post. I'm not trying to be a downer here, but you have to look at the facts. You are introverted, lost interest quickly, and find reasons to not train/socially interact with others. You have to get around this. The only one who can help you is you.

When I read your first post, I thought "oh man, that is SO me." I imagine it could be thousands of people out there too. You have to work at it, and adopt the attitude of "I WILL NOT FAIL!" I'm not saying this can be done overnight. It took me 28 years to do it. I also took a year and change to lose all of that weight, so don't be surprised if you don't see too much of a difference in one month. But you MUST NOT GIVE UP! This has to be a lifetime thing if you wish to be successful. One thing that helps me is the saying "Rome wasn't built in a day." That means that most good things take time to do. One day at a time, one positive feeling at a time.

I wish nothing but the best for you, and hope you can get through this.

BTW, don't worry about the girlfriend issue. She's out there...you'll find her. It might take decades, but it's well worth the wait.

Remember, Life isn't about taking one breath at a time; it's about the moments that take away your breath.


When a man's fortunate time comes, he meets a good friend;

When a man has lost his luck, he meets a beautiful woman.


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