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My story, and the seek of advice.


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Hello. I am 14, 5'6 tall, and weight 165. Yes, i am pretty chubby(not FAT or round). For the last about... 12 months, i have been practicing the art of Shito-Ryu karate. I have met many nice people, won a few medals on a tournament, and fought some pretty tough opponents. As embarrased as I am to say this, I will explain a few of my problems, to the people who I feel will understand me best , fellow karatekas.


It all started on the summer of 2003. I was sitting on my butt playing computer, as always, since there was no school at the moment. All of a sudden my dad(who dosnt live with me) calls me saying he subscripted me to a karate dojo, and he was on his way to my house.


This hit me as a huge suprsie. I had always wanted to join a dojo, but NOW? All of a sudden???


5 minutes later, my dad shows up at my house, holding 2 karate uniforms, and a few patches. He hands them to me, explains where to put the patches and leaves. The classed would start at 7:00pm on that same day... I looked at the clock - it was around 3:00pm. I knew i would need some time to get ready and such, so I called on my mom to patch up both uniforms (mine and my brothers).


At around 5:00pm , I started taking a shower, and getting ready, not knowing what to expect. By about 6:30 me and my brother were all set and ready, but didnt know how to wear the uniform, or tie the belt. We both nerviously started walking to the karate dojo,which is about 2 blocks from my house.


As I opened the door to the dojo, I was suprised. The dojo was as small as any apartment bedroom.


I was suprised , though , to find such a nice enviroment. The sensei tought all the lessons in spanish(I didn't mind, im Argentinian) and was super friendly. He was a black belt, and his son, which was 12 at the time was a brown/black belt. They happily helped me and my brother out, and started the lesson.


To everyone's suprise, me and my brother were naturals. I fought against a brown belt 15 year old guest student, and did pretty good. That's when the sensei started looking forward to training me good.


I started training exactly the same day 2 other kids started training aswell, so there was lots of training for white belts. After about 2 weeks, i had learnt my first kata, Junino Kata.


The days went on, and i didn't feel TOO tired, beacuse I was kind of used to exercise (had physical education on 4-6th grade). This was the summer I was going to 7th grade, middle school. As a white belt, I also had a chance to go to a tournament.


On the tournament, not many 13 year olds where white belts at the time so i had to compete against class mates(a girl and my brother). I came out first on combat, as i beat my brother, and my brother beat the girl, and second on katas(girl came first).


We were all happy at the dojo after that one, and I was realy getting used to karate and the enviroment.


As I became a yellow belt, I noticed that my technique had GREATELY improved. As school began, many people quit karate, and the dojo desperately needed people. At this time, just about 10 people, came into the dojo and quit withing 2-6 months. As all of this happened , my teacher always trained us stable karatekas more than the new ones, as he knew they would most likely quit.


Yellow and Yellow/Orange belts just flew by. Then, on the day of the test to go to orange belt, a new kid came in.


He had used to train with my sensei back when he was in 6th grade, now we were both in 8th, and he was in my science class. Here is where the problems started. We were both orange belts now(thats where he had left before he quit) and now, i finally had an even opponent. He was taller, more fit, stronger, and faster than me.


On time, we both became very very good friends and training partners. We both trained together and faught alot, and we both greatley improved learning from one another. I am now able to do 10 pushups, when I wasnt able to do one, before , and now I was faster, and more alert than I was ever before.


We both kept on training hard, and one day, the sensai came up to us. He wanted us to go from orange belt to orange/green belt in half the time.(I posted a topic on this a while back). We both agreed, as at the time, passing belts was all that was on my mind.


So me, my friend , my brother and 2 other kids passed to orange/green in one and a half months(that meant we would go to green belt in half the time aswell). We kept training hard, and I kept up my school work, and then, we passed to green belt. At this time, vacation had alredy started again, and my friend went off to work for the summer.


This is where I am at NOW.


Now that you know most of my background story, I will start listing the problems I have had. Keeping all that you read in mind, I ask all of you to try and help me with advice on the problems I will list.


First of all, you should keep in mind, that through my karate story, I have gone on and off of doing weights and situps. Sometimes I would do them every day for a month, then i would stop for 2 months and then do it for 2 weeks then stop for 5 months , etc.


I guess it started on 8th grade, after the summer I started doing karate.


I had no P.E in school anymore, and I spent ALOT of hours playing computer in my house. As the time passed, I phisically became weaker, and fatter.


On white, yellow and yellow/orange, I was at my max strength. At orange , and orange/green I had lost some of it. Now, I am a green belt and I feel Very VERY weak. Weak, as in when im doing the basics, for example, my punches can be as strong as before, but i cant keep it up for much.


Actually, we should say that I dont have half the ENDURANCE I had before. Now, after about an hour of hard training i feel like ill faint. Then again, now as a green belt i spend 10 hours sleeping and 13 hours sitting on my computer.


Now, here is the part that I can guarantee 90% dont understand.


I say I sit at my comp for 13 hours and eat junk. I guarantee 90% of you will say, eat right and do some more exercise, or go out.


If it was THAT easy, don't you think i would be doing it?


Here is why I don't do it -


First of all, the place I live is really dirty, and lots of drunk around. Also, my parents arent home all day, I don't wanna go out and keep them worried.


Second, once you get into the habbit of being sitting still all day, its like smoking, its freaking hard to get out of.


Third, I eat junk food because my mom just donst have time to cook. She leaves me 2 bottles of coke and 5 chips bags. When I get hungry, thats the only thing there is to eat.


Fourth, It was a really bad experience, when I worked out for about 5 months and saw very very slim results. I used to do even up to 100 situps every day and 50 30 pund weights on each arm. That greately discouraged me.


Fifth, I am just too tired to work out anymore.


Sixth, I think its my metabolism. I went on a diet and did exersice for a while... NOTHING. As a matter fact, karate probably made me stronger and slimmer then working out 6 days a week.


So, im basically asking you, what should I do? What CAN I do? What would be GOOD?


I alredy made up my mind not to pass to my next belt, and take 3 extra months of training time, I know it will benefit me.


P.S - Sorry for the long post, I hope I didnt leave too much stuff out, and gave you enough info(maybe too much info) to help me out if you can. I just felt I should share this with someone in this world, since I have noone to talk to.


Finally, sorry for any spelling errors, bad sentences or anything that I may have mistyped, I am not originally from this country.


Thanks for taking you time to read this -










If you have some questions/comments/advice or just want to talk, you can also talk to me on MSN(misterymen999@hotmail.com) or AIM(notsag2003).

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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well if you cant get out then work out at home.


aerobic exercise is where the weight comes off at.


just try some running in place, or going up and down the stairs. Also for endurance train your techniques over and over and over, practice practice and practice.


Stop drinking the coke and start drinking the water. Stop eating the chips and eat something or buy something a bit more nutricious.


and as far as getting tired goes, the more often that you work out, you will start to need less rest, you are tired now because your body is not used to working out.


and before when you didnt see results you cant just quit, you dont see results over night...keep training and keep at it, everyday do your karate, and try to do aerobic exercises 3 times a week. Lifting weights along with push ups and situps will build up your muscular strength and endurance and allow you to do greater amounts as time goes by.

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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My view ...


Your mother hasn't got the time to cook, so you could try to do something about it. Before you jump screaming "impossible!" let me explain. I'm not speaking about doing very complex stuff, simple and good. And you can do it while working on the comp. 3-4 minutes in the kitchen a little bit at the computer and so on. I think you are 14 or similar ... from what I've tried to figure out from your posts .. You're old enough to take care of yourself now.


Stop the coke and chips !!! Buy fruits. Instead of putting that junk in you, eat veggies and fruits. Need a snack? Eat some fruits. Start drinking some milk and eat dairies, some meat and ... you know. You may be lacking some minerals and vitamins and you could take some until you set a bit and than just do the nutritional diet. Find stuff you like and avoid Mac and KFC :)


As for wirking out, as Granmaster said, do it at home. Do push ups, sittups and all the stuff in between some work at the PC. Make a schedule ... mine is like this: first week 20 push ups and the exercises for abs and legs a day. Not at once, because you couldn't do it. BUT do 20 of them a day: 5-5-5-5 or 10-5-5 or 10-10. Second week you go to 20 .. and so on till 100. you stop there and try to do as many as possible in one set: 50-50, afterwards 60-40 and so on.


Before you shake your head ... it works. I started doing the 20 pushups in 5-5-5-5 and in 2 days I was able to do 10 a time. Your body adjusts just fine and these sets aren't strong enough at the beginning to injure yourself. The most important thing ... don't skip it. I use to give myself a free day .. sunday.


I really hope I could help. Tell us what you think and we'll try more ideas :karate:

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There are no quick, easy ways to get into good shape. All those pills and crazy exercise devices you see on the shopping network are gimmicks and will never work as well as a good diet and regular exercise. I understand that you are saying your situation doesn't lend itself well to good eating and regular exercise, but I hear you asking what your alternatives are, and there really are none. If you want to get into shape, you have to eat right, and you have to exercise regularly. Plain and simple.


There ARE some things you can be doing in your situation though, and I think the two people who posted before me have some great suggestions. Drink water instead of the coke. Pass on the chips and get your hands on something that's not deep fried.


You WILL be tired and sore and get discouraged. But you have to push through that and be persistent. Any martial arts training has a huge aspect of DISCIPLINE. Discipline is doing things you know you should do WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE DOING THEM. Discipline isn't doing the things you like to do. A true measure of your patience and determination will show when you force yourself to do the exercise you need even when you would rather be doing just about anything else.


I don't mean to sound harsh, and I appologize if I do. But it's important that you understand that your physical health will only improve if you take the time, persistence and perseverance to do those things your body needs; good food, regular exercise. There are no quick fixes, and really no alternatives.


As for improving your martial arts, practice, practice, practice. Everyday. If you are serious about becoming a strong karateka (or whatever MA you're studying), you have to put in the time, all the time.


Don't be focused on results. A watched pot never boils. Instead, focus on doing those healthy things everyday. Make it a goal to do at least 20 minutes of exercise everyday. When your hand reaches for a pototoe chip, show some restraint and do 5 pushups instead. Chug a glass of water when you are thirsty. Ask your mom to buy bread and sandwich meat instead of chips, or maybe some apples and oranges instead.


Ok, I've rambled on long enough. Deep down, I think you already know what you need to do. It's just hard to start and keep at it sometimes. Good luck!



"Fighting fighting. Same Same"

"But you know karate!"

"Someone always know more..."

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:lol: Here's a great workout for computer junkies. If your gameplaying then everytime u save, load or die then do five of any exercise pushups, squats, crunches. Build up to 20 reps. If your surfing then everytime u jump sites. Next play or surf titles which get u pumped to go out and practice eg Jedi Kinight does it for me. Next, learn to cook! You can eat well, help out your Mom and girls like men who can cook (back me up here Ramyensa). Wheres your brother, why don't u practice together? Go walking and jogging. Don't be scared to go out! It's your neighbourhood and people survive in worst and you'll probably met friends your own age.


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Granmasterchen - How did you know I have stairs!? I never take the elevator to get to the 3rd floor, but I never though of just doing stairs for exersice - Great idea, thanks!


Ramymensa - I think your pushup idea is the greatest ive heard so far... but I wonder, are 5-5-5-5 pushups as effective as 20 pushups at once?Anyhow, I will try this starting today.


WapCaplet - I understand what you are saying. I guess this is the hardest part of all. I will take the advice from people who respond, and ill try the best i can do actually do it.


Fat Donkey - My brother is crazy. He only hangs around the house hitting my head everytime he passes by and cussing at me for nothing at all. No Way.

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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My story , and the seek of advice - PART 2.


On this shorter passage, I will state and explain a few things I did leave out of the original text.


First off, if you have read part one of my story, you probably know that I spend about 13 hours on my computer, and never go out. Well, the problem is that when I do go out, im shy and scared of talking to anyone. I dont exersice outside because I feel everyone is watching and judging me. I know this may sound rediculous to most of you normal people, but im afraid of eating in school, because I feel everyone is watching me!


I guess my dojo is the only place im not afraid of being looked at or laughed at or anything.


Sencond of all, I have karate lessons 3 days a week. Although I am pretty weak in endurance, I work my hardest, which means on days im not doing karate, my whole body hurts, unabling me to do any more exersice. I think this is the thing keeping me back the most, because even if I train the day after karate, ill be super tired for the next karate class!


Third of all, my brother is a nusence. He is a maniac. He might be 12, 5'6 and 148 pounds, but hes strong, and he hits me for nothing at all, all day long. After about 50-100 punches in the head or smacks or shoes thrown at me , I finally get mad and take him out in 2-3 punches or kicks or whatever, after he cryes for a while, he gets a broom and comes to hit me. I may get hit 2-5 times max with it, but I get up with my aching body and again, punch him 2-3 times hard to take him out, or sweep him and leave him crying on the floor.


As soon as he finishes crying, he goes for a knife. He gets a huge knife and comes after me. I hide as fast as i can in the bathroom and lock myself in for a while.


After a day of this, dont you think ill be tired at karate? I know for a fact that my brother has some problems. He might get straight A's in school and be shy to new people, but im his freaking practice dummy, who just gets tired of him sometimes.


Yes, ive tried to talk to my parents, for 5 years now, and neither would do anything.


Some of you might be wondering, why do I write this NOW? Well, it goes back , before I started doing karate. Since I was born, to the time I started karate, I couldnt do a single pushup. I never knew what a sport was, or what strength or muscle meant. As the years went by, my weak body started getting fatter and fatter. Fianlly , in 8th grade it all came to me.


When I was most active, just before school ended, I went to all my classes and worked out every day. I felt like I could kick anyones *. My abs started to develop, my muscles getting bigger, but I still felt tired on karate.


(You should keep in mind, sadly, that the real reason I worked out was so that I could get a girl, which I still havent after 2 years)


Now, on the summer, i gained about 7 pounds, and i can bearly do 50 situps when i could do 200 before. Also, now I do situps twice as slow as before.


Yes, after reading part 2 of my story, most of you think i have problems or im super weird. Im just trying to make it out there, next year im starting high school, and I have no idea of what to expect. Im just coming to you guys , because most of you can probably help better than anyone I know(which is nobody).


Thanks, and keep up the amazing posts!-








If you have some questions/comments/advice or just want to talk, you can also talk to me on MSN(misterymen999@hotmail.com) or AIM(notsag2003).

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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No COCO, you are not weird. You're just a kid who needs some guidance and to build some confidence. :)


Well .. I certainly don't like the knife thing. It's a danger and they (the knives) should be put out of reach of you children. The fighting is and not normal. You are brothers and it's a common situation. Still I don't think it's that OK. But, what can you do? :D


As for the pushups program. 5-5-5-5 is not intended to make you another "Hulk", but to help you do them. 20 a day is little for some. For a person who can't do many pushups it's like the end of the world. At first you've got to start doing them and not get discouraged. Otherwise you could start doing 100 at a time and I bet you can't right now. So 5, rest, play on the Pc :), another set of 5 and so on. In few day try to do 10 at a time. You can't, no problem, keep on doing the 5 pushup set and eventually you'll build some endurance. You are not used to it and this little effort helps you build endurance to this kind of effort as well as avoid injuries. Don't forget to so abs exercise and situps. And for God sake forget about the elevator :D


Run upstairs when going home. You are a martial artist, not an old lady (no offence). I use to run at the Universiy. I have sometimes classes at the 7th floor. Guess who's storming up? :D


Try to get a good friend so work out together. Go to a gym, run together. It's easier and more pleasant to have somebody with you.


Get out of the house. SOCIALIZE. Talk to your school coleagues. They aren't all jerks :D And cut back the hours at the PC. You are growing and changing a lot. It's a difficult time. Don't go through it alone.


Of course you've got us, but seek some flesh and blood friends :karate:


I'm glad some advices were taken seriously. Don't be offended by any word (wasn't my intention). Keep us posted. You can e-mail me or PM for other private information.

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Whoa this is awsome. It looks like I was more mentally weak than physically. Yesterday I did the 5-5-5-5 thing, but before I started, I could alredy do 15! That means reading your posts and setting a goal gave me physical strength aswell!!! Now this morning, before I started writing this post, I tried doing pushups, to see if I really did improve... Guess what? I did an amazing 20 pushups in a row! :D Im letting the coke go and drinking water now, and im finally going to the mall with my mom whenever she wants to. I started going to the pool, and I let aside all the chips. Although I dont want to do most of these things, I know it will probably be for the best.


I would like to thank everyone who posted so far(and posts in the future) , and I hope you know you have helped change a persons life in a good way. I will keep posting about my improvements, and I will keep following your advices.


Greately Thankful -



Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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Glad to hear you've already had some positive changes to your life Coco. Keep going with them!


Going out to the mall with your mum is a good start - why not ask one or a couple of people from school if they want to go with you sometime too? It'll be better for you than sitting in front of the computer all day.


Also, if you're scared to go out in your neighbourhood, then start to change that. You have to live in that area, and probably won't be able to move away until after you finish high school.


Try going out on your own for a few minutes a day - just a quick walk round the block will do you good, as it gives you excercise and also much-needed fresh air. Sitting indors on the computer for 13 hours a day will be playing havoc with your body. It ain't a good thing for you to do!


On the food front... learn to cook. It will give you something to do instead of computer games, plus it will mean that you can start to eat healthier foods. Go food shopping with your mum or dad or whoever goes for groceries. Ask them to sart switching to low-fat versions of products, if possible, and not to always buy you pop and crisps (chips). Start off by learning to cook simple things, such as pasta with tomato sauce, or beans on toast, or eggs or whatever. No-one will expect you to be able to produce gourmet dishes if you've never cooked before. But cooking your own food is miles better than living on Coke and chips.


Good luck to you with your lifestyle changes! :)

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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