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Defending yourself against guns from a distance?


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Run! if you can't, move very rapidly from side to side up, and down, side to side, etc


At any sort of range, more than slight jogs (hoping that a bullet already fired will miss because of a bad lead) don't make sener... they stimply don't have enough effect on his need to adjust. I would sooner go for "pure range" than over-worry about how much lateral change I was making.

and when he runs out of bullets, charge him when he's trying to reload.

I have to disagree. Even starting at 10 ft, and even using on old 10-round mag, it will take me at least 5 seconds to empty the weapon (assuming I want to hit anything past the first shot). With almost a 2-meter stride, and the ability to take 2-3 steps per second, I'm 20+meters (60+ feet) away by the time he needs to drop and replace the clip (eating another 2 seconds minimally realistically, giving me another 12 feet). I'm not about to recross the 82' from me to him.

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you can't. Run as fast as you can and hope to God you survive. If you happen to have a gun and can shoot him. Do it. In any respects, get as far away as possible.

"The journey of a 1,000 miles starts with but a single step."

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Hey JerryLove- I already said that at ten feet range, you have no chance. I've used a 10 shot semi auto airsoft and you can see the bullets move and not be able to dodge. I can empty the clip in about 2 and 1/2 seconds.


You disagreed with me on charging the person.


One can cover 10 feet in a very short time. Try it. 10 feet isn't very far, especially when one is at the business side of a handgun. I was just saying that at 10 foot range, if you can somehow miraculously survive all 10 shots, you might have a chance. Assuming he already has a spare magazine, it will still take him about 2 seconds to reload. You talk about being 60+ feet away. If you can move that fast, why not use it to rush him.


When my friends and I have airsoft wars, we are at least 60 feet away and we can still hit each other. If you are running away as fast as you can, you obvisously are going in a straight line away from the shooter who can easily mark you from that range.


I agree with you that it's not the smartest thing to tangle with a gunman, however if you're at 10 feet range and you have the chance to rush him, it's smarter than running as fast as you can in a straight line where he can easily mark you.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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In combat training can greatly increase the odds of survival but nothing guarantees that you will survive. You never know for sure when your opponent might get lucky and accidentally hit a vital spot.


Fully armored police die from gunshot wounds just because the bullet happened to find a spot that was uncovered and then the officer dies.


So even under the best circumstances something can go wrong.


That said. I will tell you how I personally dealt with a person armed with a gun from 10” or greater.


Keep in mind this all occurred on a side walk in a city during the day time. They were in an automobile and I was walking with a loved one.


Running is an option but you stand just as much chance getting shot in the back as you do just standing there. My decision was just to face them and work with whatever comes my way. My first option which may or may not have worked was just to dive at the hint of them pulling the trigger and then work my way in closer to the gun.


But at the same time I began to yell as loud as I could daring him to get out and do something. This sent the message loud and clear there was no fear in my at all and drew much attention from around the area of onlookers as I faced this person.


Eventually the person drove off without firing a shot.


I could have easily just as well tried smiling at the attacker to gain distance and close the gap. A smile can be effective to disarm an attackers will to do harm until you get close enough to take them out.


Another tactic would have been to beg and grovel profusely as if completely overcome with fear so as to make the attacker over confident to the point that I could have gained enough distance and then taken him out.


There are definitely other tactics but the best one is “don’t be there to be attacked” that is lesson number one that takes much time to master.


I can’t really credit my survival to training but it helped. It was more a act of God that kept me from dying that day as it can always go either way.

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This was probably a very frightening experience. Why did the person pull a gun on you? Was it random?

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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At that time I lived by a code that fear kills.


So fear was not an option I was 20-21 yrs old.


I have never been fearful but I have grown more cautious and careful in my old age.


At that time the actual outcome of having a bullet in my stomache or lungs and bleeding profusely never come to my mind. The only thought was how to defeat the person with or without killing them.


I was determined to go out fighting.


Nah it was not all that random. Me and a fiancee were walking home and the guys decided to follow us in a car for a short time then yell obscene things about my fiancee. She was very cute and had a lovely figure but was modestly dressed.


So it was sort of random as it could have happened to any guy. But at the same time I helped to provoke the situation by yelling back as I was not going to let something like that go unchallenged.


Had I left well enough alone and just kept quiet the whole incident would not have went down and would have ended with fools doing something stupid.


I just would have had to live with one more incident of a situation where I did the right thing but still wished I could have taken them apart for thier actions. I am sure everyone has had that feeling before of wishing they could have knocked someones block off for the wrong they have done to you.

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Avoid line of fire while accessing your weapon.


Police have what is known as the 21 foot rule. Simply stated: an assailant can close the 21 foot distance and deliver a mortal wound before a trained officer can draw and fire his weapon.


This is why officers draw when an assailant is beyond the 21ft and hold the distance. If an aggressive assailant closes that distance the officer, and civilians, can assume risk to life and limb and exercise lethal force. This is because you can close 21ft and closer faster and deliver a mortal wound before your target can either respond or stop you. This is also because bullets rarely stop people in their tracks. And they don't "knock" people down.


10feet is less than half the danger zone distance and reaction time.


A sidestep away from line of fire while accessing weapon and returning fire is the most prudent course of action.


When you side step if the assailant fires the bullet will most likely miss any vital targets. You are accessing your weapon and returning fire to a stationary target. Hitting COM or CPU and the assailant will sustain mortal wounds. You are also not just taking one step either. You are in motion, and firing. If assailant ceases fire and lowers weapon, you perform tactical reload and check scene, breaking possible tunnel vision and audio exclusion. If present danger is removed access cellphone and dial emergency number. Inform dispatcher that you have weapon and give description of self. If assailant is down and bleeding out decide whether to perform citizen responder-level first-aid until EMS/Police arrive. Adminster as necessary/chosen.


You win gunfight. Possibly sustain gunshot wound to extremity.


You people watch too many movies. The human body takes 2-9min to bleed out and die. Even if you sustain an aortal wound you will live 2-3min and depending on the oxygen available to brain be able to fight/function until death. A CPU shot will stop you instantly. That's even considering if the bullet penetrates your skull. Assume that it will. Although there have been cases where it hasn't.


Shock and bloodloss kill. In most cases you will not feel being shot.


How many of you have ever shot a gun? Do you remember the felt recoil? That's what the assailant feels. It will not throw anyone back, it will not blow things away, it will not knockdown anything. Have any of you ever actually even seen a bullet? Remove it from its casing, that's it. Bullets kill by creating internal bleeding or by damaging vital organs. They do not kill in and of themselves. They create an entry wound, classified as puncture, and a temporary wound cavity. If the bullet passes through you it will leave an exit wound. Depending on bullet type, FMJ JHP, etc., you will have a different size exit wound.


10ft. is awfully close.


Guns are not magical. Handguns are even less threatening/mythical.




"Remember when God wants someone dead he uses a rifle."


"If you know you're going to a gunfight, bring a longarm."


"You handgun is designed to keep you alive long enough to access your longarm or for when you run out of ammo with your longarm."


Movies are a poor source of knowledge for things pertaining to reality.


I am certified American Heart Association Health Service Provider CPR. American Red Cross First Responder level CPR and First-Aid certified. Dealing with trauma and injury is what I have been trained to deal with.


I am a former firearm defensive pistol instructor and carbine(AR/M4) defense tactics instructor as part of martial arts instruction I used to give. I no longer teach publicly.


1" @ 25' - pistol


sub-1" - M4, iron sights.


I'm a good shot. I know what to do in a gunfight. And I would be exceedingly cautious at ten feet. Because I know that even if I hit my target in the thoracic triangle/COM he may still be able to deliver a wound to me(either with a gun or knife or other weapon). And that's because bullets are not magic stoppers. Simply hitting him doesn't mean he is instantly out of the fight. He may die as a result, but it does not mean he is instantly, at that very moment, dead.


Still, the choice to fight is yours. The choice to life is either yours, if you choose it, or the assailant's. I have made the decision that I choose. And will not give another the option to decide on their "good-will" whether or not I continue to live.


If you think submission will guarantee your survival then make the choice. I don't trust in the good nature of an armed assailant to let me go. Anyone who have made the decision to pull a weapon on me has already made the decision to accept the consequences. Whether I live or he does, he will still have to make a choice: fight or die. Because I will remove the threat.




You cannot compare airsoft or paintball to bullets. You can't even accurately compare simunitions(though they are the best option. Even FATS or Rangemaster 2000 is better than airsoft or paintball). With those options there is no threat of death for either parties. That simple element changes the ballgame.


Now, you will not do anything magical in a gunfight. You will not rise to the occasion. You will only rise as high as the highest level of training you have. If you have not trained your body will not perform magic tricks.


That's all I have to say and all I'm going to say on the subject.



"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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Martial Artist-


Are you a SWAT Team member? You really know what you're talking about. It was very informative to read your post.


When I was talking about airsoft, I was just comparing how long it takes to empty and reload with a spare mag. Airsoft is not an accurate "replica" of a real gunfight. For ex, If someone has a airsoft rifle and they pull the trigger and you hear it, you can duck and not get hit. With a real sniper weapon, the buller can travel 10000 yards in 1.7 seconds or something like that if memory serves me correctly.


But when you talk about submission, that may decrease the chance of survival. Especially in a hostage situation when you are doomed already. However, most of us thankfully will never find ourselves in any of these situations.


Once again Martial Artist, you know what you're talking about.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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