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There is NO WAY any of us can tell you. It is ENTIRELY up to you. You stated that you are a fast learner. That has NOTHING to do with advancing faster. You can learn as fast as you want, but if you do not PRACTICE you wont get anywhere. Think to yourself, every time before class starts, do i really want this black belt? If you know, in your heart that you truly do, you will go out there and train harder than anyone in your dojo, and you will try to perfect every move, every stand and every technique.


Aside from that, you should train at your house, from 30 minutes - 2 hours a day, it is up to you, and how much you really want that belt.


In conclusion, Can you get your black belt in 4 years? Yes. Will you? It is up to you.


P.S: If you do train as hard as you can, but for financial problems, or whatever other reason, cannot get to black belt, you will know, inside you - that you are a black belt in spirit, mind and body, the piece of cloth which holds up your pants means nothing without all of this.


NOTE - On another thought, if you want to be a black belt just to show off to your friends or whatever, just go to a martial arts store and buy a black belt. Although this way is the fastest, easyest , cheapest way to get a black belt, when you wear it, you will feel nothing, since no training has lead to this belt.

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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Although I do agree to some extent that the timeframe for becoming a black belt is a very personal thing, I think that it's great to have a goal, as long as you feel committed to it.


You'll probably learn a lot about yourself as you work toward your goal, and about what motivates you.


Hmm. Hello. This is the floor. How did I get here?


It's nice to have goals, but I think this is kinda far to have in mind. Of course you have to apreciate a certain time to achieve the BB, but don't make it the end of the world if it takes longer. You can do it and you can't. It's important to work very hard and you'll achieve the first result. The second one could come from various reasons not just lack of commitment. What if you injure? Your sensei moves? The school closes? ... and many IFs.


I wish you all the best in your attempt. ENJOY the journey that's important. More than the colour. And never forget to be nice. And also don't let it get in front of school commitment. You've got to study. Karate is good, but it's not your priority. Nice I sound like my parents :x


thanks yall :) I needed someone to tell me that

God grant me the sirenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Yellow Belt

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