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Has anyone ever been in the situation where you have been in a competition and the judges are biass towards their own club? I hate it, once i was with my team kata at an international open and the main judge winked at this certain team (the team from his club!) and that team won (they were rubbish may i add).Many national and international competitions are like that (i find, anyway) and in no way whatsoever do i think its right because its the only thing about competitions that i dont like. I've seen people perform kata better than anyone else in the room and havent placed in the ranks just because other people are "favourites". And as for some kumite groups, scoring techniques which dont even happen?! whats that about? Recently I lost a fight because at a comp someone scored an ippon against me after yamay had been called and i was walking back to my line, i was so gutted. Any one else understand what im sayin? Just wondering what people think about it...


:kaioken: :kaioken: :kaioken: :evil:


:???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???: :???:


[ This Message was edited by: *Joanne Siddall* on 2001-12-04 03:09 ]

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  • 2 years later...

i have had MANY competitons like this. what organization do you compete with?




make'm cry or get disqualified!

Make'm cry or get disqualified.

The more you sweat in the dojo, the less you bleed on the streets.

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this happens even in world cup, for example Japan should win one of three medals in Kata no matter what, while there are some karate-kas better than them and everybody knows. Just wait and watch the world cup in Mexico.

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In sparring one of the judges was a teammate of the perosn I was sparring. I didn't realize it until I saw a video of the fight. At first I was mad, like i should of won. Then I realised after reviewing the tape he was making the best calls out of all of them


But, I can't stand biased judges, people who are on big teams seem to have an advantage in forms

If i had to choose between karate and everything else, I would choose karate so i could beat up whoever made me make the decision and have everything else

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I was a sparring judge at the 1993 (or 94) World TKD Championships. The BB world title fight was between my friend and someone I didn't know. I disqualified myself as a judge because of my friend. He won anyway. But as a judge I have seen other judges make "questionable" calls.

Train like your life depends on it....Because it does.

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This is the reason why competitions should last until one person is standing.


Judgement "sports" are too subjective for me to even consider anything more than performance art.

Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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Unfortunately, I've seen quite a bit of this at tournaments. The tournaments I judge/referree arent' the big national ones..just small, local state ones with 100 competitors or less attending...but it happens here too.


The worst one I've seen was at a Parker's Kenpo tournament a number of years ago where the tounrament promoter pulled judges out of the ring (I being one of them) so that he could load up the judges favorably for the kenpo stylists that were entered. I walked off the floor at that point and sat in the stands and refused to judge any more. I havent' been back to that yearly tournament since.


Some of the worst judging I've seen is in the weapons competitons. They will put judges on the panel (usually 5 judges) that have absolutly NO experience with weapons in their systems, or are "self-taught" weapons people. These people, IMHO, have no business being judges, since they have no idea what they are looking at and wouldn't know good technique if it hit them in the face.


I've also seen many times where a judge will score their own students, or students in the same system, a higher score on kata...or score points in sparring when there was obiously no point scored. I'm not the least bit shy about going up to these people and trying to straighten them out...but it's seldom helped. I will then usually approach the promoter (I know all of these people personally) and advise them to please watch these judges, and some have been pulled out of rings for their actions...while others were left in. :roll:


I guess all I can advise is that you get what you get. I'm not into competition and view judging as a social outlet and fun for me. I seldom take any of my own students to the events, so I don't have any problems being fair to everybody because I have nothing at stake as to who wins or loses. That's one of the reasons I'm usually the center referee and judge at tournaments. I'm not prejudiced...I hate everybody equally! :D

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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  • 1 year later...

It happens all the time at my tournaments. Recently a win was awarded when the two black belts had two points each- that means extra time. The ref tried to justify himself by saying that the girl who lost was overly aggressive. But, he only ever gave her one warning, and it wasn't recorded on the score sheets, so it doesn't count towards the final scores

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You'll never lose a street fight because of a judge's prejudice. FWIW.



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