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High School Wrestling

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I'm going to a 'real' highschool next year for my sophmore year (i was at a lame private school) and I want to sign up for the wrestling team. Do any of you know any good websites that include tips and techniques regarding wrestling? Any information is good, more information is even better :)

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hrmm we have a few high school wrestlers training with us at our BJJ school.


Alot of the techniques used in BJJ are illegal in High School wrestling though.


If i were you i would run a search on freestyle and greco roman wrestling.

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Good for you, take advantage of what high school has to offer. The first thing that you will need to do to make the team is to make sure you are in shape. So find some activities that will get you there whether it be running, biking, swimming, rowing, jump rump, etc.


Good luck.

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when i saw greco-roman wrestling at the olympics, i couldn't fathom what was going on. then i found out that randy coture had a background in greco-roman (who was beating everybody in the ufc at the time, and for all i know still is) so i figured it couldn't be all that bad.

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Oof... Greco-Roman is tough.


The training is really intensive.


I did a couple years of it, non-competitively, and got into the best shape of my life.


If you don't mind doing three hours of intense exercise (running, weight lifting, and other things, in addition to the wrestling) five days a week and sometimes on weekends, and you don't mind being in close quarters with and almost groping sweaty men in leotards, give it a go.

I'm magic. It's just that if I showed my magic in public, people would die, and I don't want that kind of burden to live with.

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High school wrestling is a variation of freestyle. It is also intense and the techniques you use there could serve you the rest of your life. However, your mileage may vary, as a good coach makes all the difference.


Here's a few online clips:



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the coach should tell you everything you need to know but here's a run down of basic stance in wrestling...


when standing in natural position, spread ur feet a step further apart(just one foot steps further). then bend your knees like your doing a squat, but not a 90 degree angle, more like 110 degrees. lean ever so slightly foreward. put your hands out in front of you so your hands are about nose high. this is the basic stance in wrestling.




move foreward and side to side, never crossing your feet and never go backward. in the wrestling stance your already going backward so it's easy to trip you if you back away, always circle.


shooting an attack(called a shot usually) is hard to teach through words so i'll just describe an exercise to make shooting easier for you.


stand in basic position. step one leg foreward(natural length stride), then lower the other knee to the ground and touch it lightly. then step foreward with the leg that just touch the ground and do it with the other leg. repeat this till your legs fall off and you'll be in good shape(muscular endurance) for the season.


when you start don't be afraid to lose, but learn something when(and u will lose trust me) you do. don't go on defense either, always attack attack attack and never let them control the match.


good luck

There are two types of people in the world. Those that find excuses and those that find a way.


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My friend who takes Jiu-Jitsu tried-out for wrestling but he didn't make it even though he looked really good on the mat because the coaches were all going, "Hey you can't do that...hey you can't..." I wish highschools would allow Jiu-Jitsu moves. Then maybe a lot more kids would do Jiu-Jitsu as a supplement to their school sport, you know...

Instructor:"You're not gonna be able to see if you don't cut your hair."

"Haha. Too bad."

"A martial artist who has never sparred is like a swimmer who has never entered water."

-Bruce Lee

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