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Congratulations TangSooGuy!!!

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Pardon me... Sahbumnim TangSooGuy :)


Just wanted to fill you guys in that our very own TangSooGuy was officially promoted to a Sah Dan Master of the World Tang Soo Do Association by Grandmaster Jae Chul Shin today at the WTSDA World Championships.


I first met TangSooGuy a few years ago when he officiated over our school's summer gup testing, and have run into him many times since then. Our lineages intertwine very closely, and though we only barely know each other, I am extremely proud of his accomplishments leading to this event.


He should get back from Orlando sometime after Monday, and while it is rarely wise to surprise a Master, let's give him a nice surprise when he gets back :)


Congrats and Tang Soo!!!

I'm no longer posting here. Adios.

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Thanks everybody!


I'm still having a hard time believing it actually. I kept looking down at my new belt and thinking "I'm a master? Me?"


Hearing that title in front of my name is going to take some getting used to.


Keeping my ego in check was starting to get a little hard to with everyone paying so much attention to me...just not used to it.


I'm not going to lie, though...it feels fantastic to have your effort and dedication recognized that way, in front of a few thousand people.


All the training, all the effort, all the sacrifice has been more than worth it.


Once again though I've come to the end of one stage of goals only to realize that in a larger sense I am only a beginner again.


In the Yu Dan Ja community I was one of the most senior members....in the Ko Dan Ja community, I'm just a beginner, a proverbial "baby"....but it still feels good.


All I can say is that if I can do this, anyone can. The WTSDA asked us for a quote this year for "Master's trading cards", which were used as a fundraiser for our various Scolarship funds.


I said that "Mastery comes not by being better than everyone else, but through being more persistent."


If there is one piece of advice I can give anyone working toward this goal, it is that. Be persistent. Quitting truly is the only way that you can really fail.


As I saw some of my own role models being promoted to 5th, 6th, and even 7th Dan, I was able to reflect upon how I have really only scratched the surface on how much there is to learn.


I also had an opportunity to see the World Championship through the eyes of some of my own students attending their first International event. These things can become kind of "old hat" after awhile, but between the experiences of my promotion, and that of seeing my own students perform very well, it ranks up there with the best martial arts experiences for me.


I'm a little bit wiped out today after the events and the flight back (not to mention the 'celebrating' on Saturday night....) but it is a good feeling.


I'm glad to be here and I hope that this message board continues to flourish. Overall, it seems to be one of the friendlier boards out there, and I'm happy to be a member here.


And Tom, thatnks for starting the thread...who knows? It's conceivable that you could be testing for your master's rank around the same time I'm eligible for my 5th Dan...


...but work towards that Sam Dan first....maybe I'll show up and bring a shinai along... :)

Edited by TangSooGuy
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