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Very Hard Dilemna

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I was furious at the lack of honor these guys had, i mean they had 4 people and i was 1 person adn they still pulled out a gun.

Let me make sure I follow here. Me and three of my buddies picking a guy at random and blocking him in and killing him is honorable, but using a firearm is dishonorable?

Two eyes for an eye, leaves you with one good eye.

Until the second time it happens to you.

If your incident had happened in my country, those guys and their pets would be dead right now.


And I'm guessing that, knowing that, in your country they would have shot you to prevent that reprocussion. It does not seem to me to be a better system.


Have I been there? Yes, I ran (well, drove). Of course, I run from any and every fight I can run from; and one I cannot run from (unless caught unarmed, which can happen) I would be the one with a firearm out (and emptying it into them... no point pulling it if not to shoot them).


My suggestion? Try to lead a life not run by your ego, which is all that got hurt. Count yourself lucky and wonder if next time, deescilate / flee from the get-go.

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Everything inside me is screaming to teach these guys a lesson.


Hold on to your honor and just forget about the situation. Revenge is not healthy. You got away from the situation uninjured, if you provoke it again you might not be so lucky next time I believe in Karma, those guys will get whats coming to them eventually.

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I see your point and I respect it. Self control has to be always respected and used whenever possible because it is usually better in the long run. However, when I said that "two eyes for an eye leaves you with one good one" I am demonstrating a fighting philosophy as well, that is you do more damage to your enemy, that way, you come out of it better than him, "one good eye". Obviously, if it happens again, the outcome is independent of wether you took one eye for your one eye or two eyes in your first encounter.


As far as my country goes that is the way things happen a lot of the times. Yes you do have a point that there is a possibility of them shooting you to prevent "repercussions" but it is no guarantee for them because they risk another member of your family or friends/"gang" going after them and in such cases, their death might lets say be an "unusually" painfull one. I believe that this reality makes "casual" criminals contemplate their actions more, knowing that their worst problem is not necessarily the police. This works in many cases as a better deterent than highly bureacratic law enforcement in in first world countries where criminals are better protected than the law abidding citizens for the sake of "human rights". There is relatively low street crime for a country with such a weak economy and high levels of poverty, there are other cultural reasons for this as well. Having said that, however there is a powerfull and viscious mafia in Armenia, that is just to show that no where is perfect.....lol


I think letting go of such incidents is easier when you know that the criminal element were caught and punished by the authorities. In Lucky's case this did not happen and one feels his frustration. Maybe the passing of time will bring the solutions, whatever they may be.


A point that no one has mentioned is this. Lucky did not like the fact that he had to "back down" and feels resentfull of perhaps not "doing more", eventhough he did absolutely the right thing. Those criminals may have the same sentiments about Lucky and even more so, because there were 4 of them plus a gun against one of him, minus a gun and he made them back down too. I don´t know whether where Lucky lives is a small place or wether these scumback live close to him, but I believe it could be an important argument for a "pre-emptive" strike.


LuckyBoxer. As I and others have said here, cool down and so clear your mind. Then you can work your actions. If you feel that you can let it go and that you have little or no chance of crossing paths with these loosers again, then maybe it is better not to do anything, principally becausethe law is more often than not on their side (not accidentally either, but that is another topic for another forum). Whatever decision you make I hope that you make with a clear mind.


Wing Chun Kuen Man

Real traditional martial arts training is difficult to find.....most dojos in the west are Mcdojos....some are better and some are worst....but they are what they are....do you train in one?

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you actually l got lucky...because you cant fight bullets with your fist..the smart fighter knows when to back down and walkaway..in this case you got in your car....sure there are techniques to use against gun but how much do you practice them and how confident do you feal about you using these techniques against and opponen....the thing now days people fail to realise fighting is thinking game....some with the basics in my style could beat a black with more techniques if hes smarter and in shape. a black belt doesnt realy mean any thing if you dont know how to apply it..like when i go to tournaments i see black belts fighting just like the beginners but they just hit harder.....i usually dont worry about what others do wrong but a worry about myself making sure i uphold goals and upkeep my honor.. thats it...

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whoa there- there arent any techniques against a gun unless you also have a gun, or are right in front of the guy and its not pointed at you yet. none of us are in the matrix.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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Actually, there is a good deal that can be done with / about a firearm. It may or may not work depending on more factors than are appropriate for this thread.




I guess it just shows a difference in out philosopies here. I'm not interested in doing more harm or less harm than I receive; I'm interested in being safe. For me, the successful response is the one where I am most safe, wheather that means I took more injury or not. I can't walk around with a limp and one eye and say "but the other guy's dead" and feel this was a good outcome.


I also don't subscribe to the "level of force" belief. I fight [play aside] for one reason, becuase I feel endangered; and my level of response is uniformly "what seems most effective to make me feel safe".


Would it be safe to say that your country has a good deal of ever-escilating vendetta and violence?

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my advice for you my friend would be to keep an eye out and be very vigilent, you dont want to get snuck up on.


Another thing, if one had a gun, then there is a good chance that another one did as well. Play it safe, i can understand where you are coming from with the fighting is fun, i have had my share of this., The bad thing about this type of background is that it makes me very confident, which is usually a good thing, just be careful, that is where overconfidence can make us look stupid, you may see the one and think to teach him a lesson, but does he have friends waiting around the corner watching with guns??? I understand that several guys with little training even with melee weapons is usually very fun for me, but i will be the first to say one or more people that are across the street or 20 ft away with guns is not a good thing and not fun....so my final assessment and advice is to keep a clear mind and watch your back. If you can get the police to do something that is good,...


if this is a NORMAL occurance where they keep harassing you, then have some one walk by with a camera that will usually make them leave real quick....especially if you are with several people and there is a camera, that way they can't just kill you and the camera man....and then take a picture,...psychological black mail.

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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My country does suffer from vendetta violence but far and far less than many people would imagine, mainly because people tend to think twice before they take the first step or start the ball rolling. Again, there are cultural factors involved in the point made above. Vendetta violence is more common between the mafia gangs, but that is another story.


I agree with your fighting philosophy. However, there are times that you really have to hurt the other person or he will make mince meat out of you. Obviously an extremely well trained fighter with high levels of skill will manage to control even a dangerous assailant without necessarilly hurting him badly. I personally have a long way to go to get to that level. There are other times that as I mentioned before, you have to traumatise your assailant so that he won´t come for you again and catch you by surprise. Shall we say that, my 'overekill' approach is for such situations and not for the 'common' ones.


At the end of the day these are only options and they may work for one person and not another.


Wing Chun Kuen Man

Real traditional martial arts training is difficult to find.....most dojos in the west are Mcdojos....some are better and some are worst....but they are what they are....do you train in one?

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LuckyBoxer, how old are you? The only reason I ask is because if you are still a young buck, it really doesn't matter what anyone on this board says, you're gonna do what you want to do. You sound like me ten years ago, before the wife and kid. The problem is that now you have put your thoughts and possible actions in writing. Now it's in your best intrest to let it go. I have learned the hard way that if you don't take care of the situation right then and there, you lose any legal excuse. Don't get me wrong, if guns are drawn, haul butt out of there. But it's over...suck it up and hope next time you react before the gun comes out!!!

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