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How long did it take for your black belt

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I always treasured my White belt, it represented my entry into the martial arts world, it signified that I had a lot to learn, but I was ready and open to learn everything I could. It was my first belt, and it is the one that comes to represent that first step, ranking has nothing to do with your fighting ability, to me, it represents only how far in your MA journey you have come and how far you have to go.


Okay I will get off my soap box now...

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It took me, I think, 3 years to get it. I worked hard and it all payed off. Now I am the big boss. Muhahahahahaha. :lol: Anyway I am a 4th dan now.

It is better to burn out than to fade out!

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It took me 14 years to get my black belt. because my teacher didn't belive in giving a black belt out at the age of 10 or 11. which i could understand from his point .you may be ready to test but your mind isn't was his saying.


That is a wise teacher, we do give out Peewee and Jr. Black belts but once you turn 17 you must re-test for your 1st DAN if you fail you are a 1st brown again.

"Karate is like ballet, except there is no music, no choreography and the dancers get to hit each other."

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  • 5 weeks later...

Cool. I think I will get mine (the real thing, not just probationary BB) after 6 years of training. In my dojang, you have to be red belt for a year. Prob BB for 6 months. But most get it then chill there for a year as well. I will more than likely do the same thing.

Laurie F

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hey jakmak52...cool photo page. But too many photos of you and not enough of the mrs. hee hee.. just joking! :P

when you create the world's largest trailer park, you're going to have tornadoes

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Took me just over 4 years. I may have been able to get it sooner, but I didn't take my first year of training seriously.

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.

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3.5 years is required for WTF. i personally could get it with 2 years because i basically live there. i have been doing it a year. my school is set up so you cant really move ahead fast even if you are ready.

the funny thing is that i know im wrong and i know your right, yet you keep argueing like it will change my mind. you should really know, you dont have to be right to win:)

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i all ready had my black belt in karate some when i cross over to taekwondo it olny took me about a year but that with lots of work, learning all the form and basics of the school but none the less i kick butt because i did'nt let any of the other stundent know i all ready was a black belt (3rd dregee) in karate so when it came to sparring i had some fun with them. but with in time the instructor found out and had me take priv. lession and pump up my trianing big time.

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