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point sparring - bad sparring?


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I know that full contact is gloves pads groin gaurd in the matches but im talking about what you do in the dojo, behind closed doors, point sparring to me is bull * fighting, one hit wonders do not work even if you extend them an extra inch (please). light contact to me is points and free sparring that is done lightly. any point sparring that exist to me should be classified as light, unless you can use any array of strikes/grabs/throws etc etc, it is still points sparring that is not usefull, in terms of useful ness of timing and distance in regards to point sparring it is useful, but not in jyu kumite, real jyu kumite, not lets just hit harder but lets wack the * out of each other, like i said i dont recommed it as a daily event but something that you must atleast practice, in terms of there are no styles that teach no contact at all....well there are and ive seen them in perth, im not talking for the rest of the world. you can practice techniques on the spot a million times but until you use it and try it in a real situation there is no point. in terms of real im talking about striking techniques for one, not weapons defenceas we all know if you practice with a razor sharp knife and * up your dead or seriously injured, so we all know we cant do that in the dojo, senario scenes with arguements, drunks, drugies, etc etc also need to be practiced. look i agree that this is a never ending topic but to the drop kick who wants to meet me for a full contact fight at the airport do you do full contact? if so then why do you want to flog me? to prove that full contact is superior?then why are you challenging me if you agree and if you do point sparring well no offence you..............well i know what would happen but im here to discuss with you not challenge you, i thought this was a place for exchange of information, if my comments have offended anyone please accept my apology but i am just sharing my point of view.

If i told you i was good, you would say i am boasting. If i told you i wasnt, then you would know i was lieing...........

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HAYASHI I think people may have taken exception due to the number of times this has been discussed before.


/the search function will show a lot of topics on the subject.


I still find it funny that people completely discount anything other than full contact.

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Hayashi, I train in Point Sparring and I have done it for the last 5 years. Point Sparring only allows light contact to the head. The reason is that it has been scientifically proven that continuous knocks to the head result in serious and permanent brain damage. I can tell you that from my years at kickboxing and then point sparring, the body shots have hurt exactly the same amount. This may just be for me, but we train to go all out on the body. As for real life situations, point sparring allows you to think rationally even through an adrenaline situation. That is excellent, in my view, for real life training. The one who can remain calm in a tense situation always has the upper hand. Finally, self defence in a real situation, within the boundaries of the law, says that you should do enough to defend the attack upon your person within reason and to walk away or get away if the opportunity arises. If you wait for the guy to get back up and whack him again, its illegal.


Both styles have excellent training methods, there is a reason that both have been used for so long. I know people who have done point sparring their entire life....they've beaten a lot of kickboxers and boxers along the way. It's not the martial art, its the martial artist who matters.

"Never hit a man while he's down; kick him, its easier"

Sensei Ron Bagley (My Sensei)

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It's not the martial art, its the martial artist who matters.


Well said.


Point sparring is great for those who like it - same as full contact is great for those who like that. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same as everyone else; that's partly why there are so many styles and differences in martial art, because we're all different. If one way works for a person, then that's great. It just doesn't mean it's the 'be all and end all of sparring' or that it would be suitable for another person.

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well said i agree with both your comments.


once again i hope i did not offend any one (yes i know i did thats what i mean im sorry for doing so) ill leave it at whats been said and although this topic has been dragged up so many times as people have said.


it is true that there is different approaches on fighting systems yes, as far as im concerned though the point sparring system is designed for safety, entertainment and competition and whilst safety is of the utmost important i still feel that although point sparring has benefits that jyu kumite is really the only way to train properly. the benefits from point sparring help in some regards to fighting because a block is a block no matter who or why are trying to hit you but i think that jyu kumite incorperates all the qualities of real self defence, also i think we have all blured the line between point/non contact/semi/full there is different levels and then there are different levels of point and jyu kumite. i see jyu as the final step after semi contact free fighting after point after 3 step sparring and then after 2 step etc etc the block the punch the stance, the club, the ettiquet if you know what i mean and i see it as something that one should aspire to as there ablities improve.


Thank you for your feed bacl (arguement or not i still find it beeficial to hear all your views)


thats what a forums for, my view and your view not necessarily the same view!

If i told you i was good, you would say i am boasting. If i told you i wasnt, then you would know i was lieing...........

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People in general take exception to being told their MA sucks. Stating very bluntly to the forum that point sparring is useless is going to get a reaction just like saying style XYZ sucks.


Then there is the fact that this debate has been discussed over and over. I myself don’t mind seeing this debate reopened only if more pros and cons can be discussed.


The dojo I train at teaches both point sparring and a more aggressive system. Until you reach black belt harder hits to the head are not allowed just for safety reasons. The matches do not break if you might have scored a point but on the other hand trying to break someone’s nose, ribs, arm would be frowned upon.


I think each system of sparring has it’s pluses and minuses. Sure point sparring is not real street fighting, but I do think it helps with reflexes, countering and pointing out your weaknesses when they do “score a point”.


Just my 2 cents. :-)

43 Years old

Blue Belt (7th Kyu) Shorin-ryu

Roberts Karate

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and i think the main reason the lines between the different levels of contact on account of the fact that, i think for the most part, we generally agree that you need all levels of contact to be truly successful, because they all teach you different things.

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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