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point sparring - bad sparring?


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point sparring is a great for timing and distance, thats it. full contact sparring is the only way you can seriously prepare yourself for a real situation. you condition your body for full contact, you can take a punch, you dont bounce around with one hand pulled back ready to punch, you get in there and you hit the guy as hard as you can, you block or take the punch/kick/elbow/knee/head but. not just a gyaku tsuki. i am not saying we have not trained and/or practied point sparring but only for point sparring, point sparring leaves out to many points of fighting, it has some as i mentioned before but full contact has it all including what point sparring has, so why train in something that has 20% of reality in it and train in what covers 100% of reality. this is not knocking those who do point sparring for sport side/ tournament, fitness and general training this is just to people who do no contact or do no full contact.


what do you think? (i dont want a grudge match i want a discussion)

If i told you i was good, you would say i am boasting. If i told you i wasnt, then you would know i was lieing...........

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it has some as i mentioned before but full contact has it all including what point sparring has, so why train in something that has 20% of reality in it and train in what covers 100% of reality.

So your argument is that no-contact, which no martial art system i'm aware of practices, is based on 20% reality, while full-contact, which includes rules, rounds, restrictions, padding, referees, and a nice mat to stand on, is 100% of reality?


So, it doesn't matter what system?


And... if you stand over there, i stand over here... and we practice our techniques without ever actually making any physical contact whatsoever... we're only practicing 20% of reality? Considering what i said earlier, which is that no martial art system actually practices that way, i can only assume you were referring to 'light-contact' (after all, you are using 'point sparring' as a base).


If you are referring to light contact, what is your definition of light contact? If i wrestle with you, is that light contact or full-contact? Or are you referring only to striking martial art systems? I gather such is the case, considering your arguments stem around 'point-sparring.'


But, then you say, "this is not knocking those who do point sparring for sport side/ tournament, fitness and general training this is just to people who do no contact or do no full contact." This confuses me a bit, as you seem to be arguing against point sparring, but then state you are only referring to those who do no contact, or do no full contact. So... which is it? Point sparring or no contact?


And, if you are only referring to striking martial art systems, then why would full-contact be 100% reality when all the restrictions i mentioned above are in effect?


Seriously, wouldn't 100% reality be you walking down the street, i casually come up to you as if i was just walking by, then as you pass, i slip out a knife and gut you, and take your wallet?


Or would reality be some guy who makes a derogatory comment towards you, catching you by surprise and which prompts you to toss out an insult in return? Would it be reality that suddenly this guy is in your face and demanding you apologize, not allowing you even one moment to consider whether an apology is even warranted, and providing enough flight/fight factor in you to get your adrenalin running, but not enough reason to escalate the situation further?


Or maybe reality is when you find yourself dealing with two guys wailing on a another guy. Problem is, you don't know who the villian is.


Then again, if we simplify all this supposed reality, and pose a threat right in front of you... something to hit... what would work better? Would it be the training in 'light-contact' or the training in 'full-contact' that will determine whether one person or another wins this 'supposed' reality?


Maybe... just maybe, reality isn't something you can prepare for, a confrontation is never the same, and the outcome is dependent upon the individual...


Then again, maybe i'm just hypothesizing so much that it ruins the fun of arguing such pointless debates. :roll:

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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whump, thump, pop, snap...that's the sound of beating a dead horse. Let's put this to rest please! :roll:

A Black Belt is just a white belt that don't know when to quit!

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doesn't the sound of beating a dead horse depend on the state of decomposition?


surely in some cases it's more like



post count is directly related to how much free time you have, not how intelligent you are.

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."

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I’ll be in Australia next week, I invite you to a full contact match right at the Gate 27 terminal D. 4:55 AM if you missed me then find me at Gate 15 terminal B 11:55PM After 2 days .

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this topic is getting old.... and i have only been to these boards a short time.


I tell you what, why dont you contact only people just stop beating around the bush and just say the following from now on....


IF you arent a 230 pound 6 foot + tall Man with the ability to break briocks and bend steel, and if you havent killed anyone, and if you havent had at least 500 fights, and if you dont train full contact then you might as well be playing video games.


Because regardless of what you are saying... thats all i hear from the pathetic words i see typed.


one day you will understand that



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point sparring is a great for timing and distance, thats it... but full contact has it all


Actually, point sparing sucks for distance training- what I'd call point of reference. And 'full contact' (a misnomer in a training situation) does not "have it all." Nothing will fully prepare you for reality, especially when you talk of sudden, violent assault. You only can train to better your chances in a real fight. From that perspective, point sparing is not totally worthless, but not nearly as good as contact fighting. And there are different degrees of contact. But there are no guarantees, even for the street kid with 100's of real fights under his belt. We all train for the level of preparedness that's important to us. For some, that's zero, but they enjoy the martial arts and find point sparing fun. What's the problem with that? For others, maybe every training session is an all out brawl. It's their health, they can ruin it any way they see fit. I find hard contact to be fun, in moderation- but the older I get the more I tend to 'moderate ' things.


To each his own. I see no point in disrespecting the pianist, electronics repairman, surgeon, or janitor who needs his hands in good working order to do his job, and chooses no contact sparing only. And some people just don't like contact. At my age, those people tend to have healthier joints than me, so who was right? We both were! We both did, and do, what is important to us and what we enjoy.

Freedom isn't free!

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