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how do you bring down someone bigger than yourself?

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The disadvantage of really HUGE people, is that typically...


1. they are slow movers. Use this to yoru advantage, and as I said before...MOVE!


2. They use their size to their advantage. They often will want to grab you (keep moving to avoid this) and take you to the ground where their weight can (but not always) be an advantage.


One advantage HUGE people have is that they typically can take more physical punishment that a smaller person. Larger bones, fat protection of the torso, bigger muscles, etc.


Ryan gry...how about giving us an idea of how big you are, and just how big the other guy is in comparison. How long have you been in the arts, and what art are you in?

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I'm About 5'9 and wiegh 58 kilograms. i've trained in Kickboxing ,7months, Taekido 2 years ,and have been training with the 6'foot staff for over 5 yrs.This guy is about 4 inches taller than me and i guess would wiegh in the 90's kilograms.


This guy has no training that i know off. I guess im a bit nervous because i've never been in a real fight before.Today he approched me and i guess he told a how bunch of people that he was going to 'bash me up'. Half the school crowded around us, He walked right up to me and said the usual stuff he normaly would say. At that moment i thought that i would be able to head-butt him in the nose and start to through in a few puches also directed at his nose, But before i could, the teacher broke it up.


Would of this worked do you think?

the best way to get hit is to not get hit at all

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If you don't want to fight him, then I'd recomend reporting him to a teacher or other adult. If the guy keeps on threatening you (especially outside of school) another option would be to report him to the police.


If you do get into a scrap with him (and I wouln't recommend starting a fight - that could land you in more trouble than is worth, both with school authorities and also with the police) then being quick and landing punches and ducking out of reach is a good plan. Use your training to your advantage - if he's never trained in martial arts then it's probably a good thing for you.


However, see if you can sort the situation out without having to fight him. The guy sounds like an idiot and a brainless j**k and isn't worth you getting into trouble over a fight.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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A part of me really wants to belt the living Crap out of him , I know i can beat him And i know he'll get in more trouble than i. And there is the fact that the s**t stiring wont stop ,because his friends Always egg him on And he doesn't want to dissapoint them.


Yesterday arvo One of his mates got the s**t belt out of him by one of mine.


The guy thats being trying to fight me (lets call him 'Kata') Is such a dog in a fight yesterday he walked up behind me with a rock in his hand .HE would of hit me with it if it wasn't for my mates, They yelled out to me. And when my friend was fighting one of 'Katas' Friends he would occasionaly jump in and kick or hit my friend in the back.


I want this guy on the ground with me standing over him.

the best way to get hit is to not get hit at all

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Sounds to me like you have the beginnings of a gang war.


Don't go there. This type of things only gets worse. I agree, considering the circumstances, you need to take aeflbird's advice. It won't get any better by giving someone a beatdown.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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That is a tough question for me to answer, being 38 years old. I chose martial arts for many reasons. Staying out of fights was one of them, I would advice you to do anything and everything you can think of before resulting in a fight. I would agree with White Worlock.

You must be stable and balanced in your foot work, if you have to use your martial knowledge in combat, your intent should be to win. If you do strike, you must release great power! The martial arts are easy to learn, but difficult to correct.

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Sounds sensible Enough.


But I don't Want to look like a little Wimp In front of my Friends and especialy in Not in front of 'Kata' And his mates , I don't want to boost his ego anymore bigger than it is.


Maybe this WILL end with a gang war?

the best way to get hit is to not get hit at all

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Here's a possible solution. Talk to the gym coach and/or your martial arts instructor. See if it's possible to setup a 'supervised' fight. One that is committed in the ring, or at least with gloves on.


Something i'm noticing here is that this 'kata' person isn't really willing to fight... that he's being pushed, of sorts, by his friends. This may just make him a little more amenable to the idea i noted above.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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But I don't Want to look like a little Wimp In front of my Friends and especialy in Not in front of 'Kata' And his mates , I don't want to boost his ego anymore bigger than it is.


By not fighting the guy you won't end up looking like a wimp. Just because you're choosing not to fight doesn't make you a wimp. However, it sounds like you just want to give the guy a good pasting regardless of what anyone here says, so just make sure that you win the fight if you do! If you lose then you'll certainly give the guys ego a good boost.


Warlock's idea of an orgaised bout is a good one - it would get rid of the agression on both sides and give you the chance to 'prove' yourself.


Plus, if it is organised, a teacher (gym or PE instructor would be the best choice) can step in for if things get out of hand.


Other than that, invite the guy and his mates to your MA class. If they're up for sparring then MA would suit them and probably help them to grow up a bit & realise that going around trying to bash people with rocks isn't the greatest idea in the world...

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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